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The article compares the incidence of public healthcare across11 Asian countries and provinces, testing the dominance of healthcareconcentration curves against an equal distribution and Lorenzcurves and across countries. The analysis reveals that the distributionof public healthcare is prorich in most developing countries.That distribution is avoidable, but a propoor incidence is easierto realize at higher national incomes. The experiences of Malaysia,Sri Lanka, and Thailand suggest that increasing the incidenceof propoor healthcare requires limiting the use of user fees,or protecting the poor effectively from them, and building awide network of health facilities. Economic growth may not onlyrelax the government budget constraint on propoor policies butalso increase propoor incidence indirectly by raising richerindividuals' demand for private sector alternatives.  相似文献   
The cointegration technique is used to examine the long‐run and short‐run relationships between the real Malaysian trade balance with the real exchange rate, domestic and world incomes. The results suggest that a real ringgit exchange rate depreciation improves the trade balance in the long run. World and domestic incomes are also found to be important determinants of trade balance. The significance of world income on trade balance indicates that Malaysia is prone to external shocks. An error‐correction model is then estimated to study the short‐run dynamics of the effects of exchange rate. The impulse response analysis shows that the effect of exchange rate on the trade balance lasts for about three years. A devaluation of ringgit will initially improve the trade balance, albeit small, after which the trade balance starts to deteriorate, and then improves again suggesting that there exists a delayed J‐curve.  相似文献   
Competitive business strategies are often formulated with little regard given to the articulation format. This paper examines the strategy formulation process from a systems perspective and argues that articulation of a competitive strategy, such that sustained competitive advantage is created, requires consistency along the entire business chain. Internal consistency within the business chain is built through inter‐linkages. The inter‐linkages are made through four inter‐connective elements: human resources, technological resources, information resources and financial resources. It is argued in this paper that the human factor is of major importance since it integrates the other inter‐connective elements and therefore represents a key factor in the process of articulation and implementation. In view of the critical role of the human element in articulation of business strategy for competitive advantage, the paper develops a human‐factor related contingency framework. The developed contingency framework examines Porter's (1980, 1985) generic strategies with respect to congruent requisites necessary for building competitive advantage.  相似文献   
This paper examines the maturation process of firms that enter an industry by constructing new plant and investigates the extent to which improvements in the performance of any entry cohort are the result of a selection process that culls out the most inefficient entrants or of a learning process that allows survivors to improve their performance relative to incumbent firms. Both selection and evolutionary learning are found to affect post-entry performance, but selection per se is a more important contributor to the overall growth of a cohort.  相似文献   
We examine the determinants of foreign investors' participation in the privatization process of developing countries. First, we estimate the probability that foreign investors target privatized firms in a given country. We show that a favorable legal environment where investor protection is higher enhances foreign investors' participation. Foreigners also prefer large, strategic firms from high‐growth economies and socially stable countries with low political risk. Second, we restrict our analysis to privatized firms that foreign investors actually choose and show that the stakes foreigners hold are larger if the firms are privatized by private sales as opposed to public offerings.  相似文献   
In January 1995, the Kobe earthquake devastated a major part of Kobe's distribution infrastructure. Apart from the expected complaints about lost sales, wholesalers reported some surprising comments after the reopening. Wholesalers stressed the advantages of newly designed distribution channels, especially the opportunity to end longstanding business relationships known as keiretsu. This study is concerned with the recent development of vertical collaboration in the Japanese distribution channel. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the supplier's service to wholesaler, the supplier's offerings to the wholesaler, and buyer's service to the wholesaler did contribute to the enhancement of the performance of the wholesaler. The three factors explained 16% of the wholesaler's performance. The regression analysis also showed that the wholesaler's intra-logistics activities contributed to the improvement of the performance of the wholesaler and explained 5% of its performance.  相似文献   
This study explores the ethical ideol-ogies and ethical beliefs of African American consumers using the Forsyth ethical position questionnaire (EPQ) and the Muncy-Vitell consumer ethics questionnaire (MVQ). The two dimensions of the EPQ (i.e., idealism and relativism) were the independent constructs and the four dimensions of the MVQ (i.e., illegal, active, passive and no harm) were the dependent variables. In addition, this paper explores the consumer ethics of African Americans across four demographic factors (i.e., age, education, gender, and marital status). A sample of 315 African American consumers was used to explore these relationships. Results confirmed that consumers who score high on the idealism scale are more likely to reject questionable consumer activities, but there was no relationship between relativism and consumers' rejection of questionable activities. Older, more educated and married consumers rejected questionable activities more than younger, less educated and single consumers. Gender did not have any significant relationship to consumers' ethical orientation.  相似文献   
This paper aims to build a structured literature review of the field of market orientation and its impact on tourism small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) performance in developing countries. This literature review will present a comprehensive survey of market orientation (MO) published articles to facilitate good understanding of MO. It serves as an archive and aims to help the scholars and practitioners to explore, analyse, and develop a clear understanding about the different research points and methodologies implemented in previous studies related to MO and its impact on tourism SMEs’ performance. The paper systematically reviews and categorizes the published literature implementing a three-stage methodology, and thereafter analyzes and reviews this literature methodologically. The review covered many areas and identified some factors that drive/hinder market-oriented activities within tourism SMEs. Furthermore, suggestions have been made to understand more thoroughly how market orientation influences tourism SMEs performance in developing economies. A research gap in the area of market orientation and tourism SMEs performance in developing countries was identified. The study provides great benefits for owner-managers, government policy makers, scholars, and educators by clarifying the concept of market orientation and its relationship with performance in the context of tourism SMEs.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the expanding financial turmoil that has been triggered by the Asian crisis. It examines the factors behind the crisis, its impact on African countries and the main lessons and policy implications for African countries. The onset of the Asian crisis seems to have taken everybody by surprise because the Asian countries that were hit by the crisis had been among the most successful in sustaining high rates of economic growth, keeping high saving and investment rates and improving the quality of life of their citizens. However, the emerging consensus is that the Asian crisis is a hybrid of structural and policy distortions (macro- and micro-economic) in the affected economies. The impact of the crisis on African countries was mainly transmitted through declines in export prices and volumes. The low demand for primary commodities induced by the crisis and the large depreciation of Asian currencies appear to have played major roles in depressing commodity prices. With only a few exceptions, the commodities that suffered large price declines are those for which Asia constitutes an important market (e.g. oil) and/or those mostly supplied by Asian countries (e.g. copper, timber and rubber). Africa’s oil-exporting countries, which experienced large deterioration in their terms of trade, were the most affected. For the continent as a whole, export proceeds declined by 9.5 per cent between 1997 and 1998. This was the product of a 7 per cent decline in export prices and a 2.5 per cent decline in the volume of exports. The paper estimates that the crisis has caused the growth rate in the region to slide down by 1.2 percentage points, which indicates a loss of US $6.2 billion using aggregate GDP for 1997 as the base. To put this in an order of magnitude, it is about US $2 billion higher than the annual average flow of FDI to the continent in recent years. For the majority of African countries where the inflow of private capital is small and where public debt is dominant, the traditional risk management policies, such as adopting realistic exchange rates and reducing government deficits and inflation rates, should continue to be major policy tools to prevent financial crisis. However, as the role of private capital increases the design of macroeconomic policies would need to heed the lessons emerging from Asia. One basic lesson is that careful sequencing of domestic and external liberalization is needed. In that, restrictions on the capital account, especially on the more volatile capital flows should be lifted only after the domestic financial sector has been strengthened with adequate regulatory and supervisory institutions. This is particularly true because the Asian crisis has shown that reserves, even at very high levels, can be quickly depleted given the scale and volatility of short-term capital flows. Le présent document analyse le développement de la tourmente financière déclenchée par la crise asiatique. Il examine les causes de cette crise, son impact sur les pays africains, les principaux enseignements à en tirer et ses incidences politiques pour l’Afrique. Le déclenchement de la crise asiatique semble avoir pris tout le monde de court. Les pays asiatiques touchés sont parmi ceux qui avaient enregistré des taux de croissance économique des plus élevés, maintenu des taux d’épargne et d’investissement des plus soutenus, et amélioré le plus la qualité de vie de leurs citoyens. Cependant, de l’avis général, la crise asiatique résulte de la conjonction de distorsions d’ordre structurels et politiques (macro et micro économiques) dans les pays touchés. Son impact sur les pays africains a été principalement ressenti é; travers la baisse des prix et du volume des exportations. Le fléchissement de la demande des produits de base et la forte dépréciation des monnaies asiatiques provoqués par la crise ont manifestement joué un rôle déterminant dans la chute des cours des produits de base. A quelques exceptions près, les produits dont les prix ont sensiblement baissé sont ceux pour lesquels l’Asie constitue un important marché (par exemple le pétrole) et/ ou ceux qui sont essentiellement fournis par les pays asiatiques (cuivre, bois, caoutchouc). Les pays africains exportateurs de pétrole, qui ont subi une détérioration marquée de leurs termes de l’échange, ont été les plus touchés. Pour l’ensemble du continent, les recettes d’exportation ont baissé de 9,5 pour cent entre 1997 et 1998. Cette situation résulte de la baisse de 7 pour cent des prix et de la contraction de 2,5 pour cent du volume des exportations. Ce document estime que la crise a entraîné un ralentissement de croissance de 1,2 point de pourcentage, soit une perte de 6,2 milliards de dollars EU, si l’on utilise comme base le PIB global de 1997. Traduit en ordre de grandeur, ce chiffre est d’environ 2 milliards de dollars supérieur au montant des flux moyens annuels d’IDE obtenus par le continent au cours de ces dernières années. Pour la majorité des Etats africains oú l’apport de capitaux privés est faible, et la dette publique écrasante, les politiques traditionnelles de gestion de risque, comme l’adoption de taux de change réalistes et la réduction des déficits publics et du taux d’inflation, doivent demeurer les principaux moyens d’action pour prévenir les crises financières. Cependant, à mesure qu’augmente le rôle des capitaux privés, la conception des politiques macroéconomiques devrait tenir compte des leçons qui se dégagent de l’expérience asiatique. La principale leçon est qu’il faut faire preuve de prudence dans la programmation de la libéralisation interne et externe. Dans cet esprit, la restriction des mouvements des capitaux, notamment ceux de capitaux les plus volatiles, ne doit être levée qu’après la consolidation du secteur financier au niveau interne avec le concours d’institutions compétentes de réglementation et de contrôle. Cette précaution est d’autant plus nécessaire que la crise asiatique a démontré que les réserves, même à des niveaux très élevés, peuvent s’épuiser rapidement du fait de l’ampleur et de la volatilité des flux des capitaux à court terme.  相似文献   
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