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会计电算化的实用,给会计人员参与决策提供了广阔的天地.会计电算化能使广大会计人中从繁重的手工操作、日常事务性工作中解脱出来.但随着计算机在会计信息处理中的广泛运用,如何防范会计电算化舞弊成了企业普遍关心的问题.  相似文献   
野外岩层的产状,可以由罗盘测出,但野外限于各种条件,也只可以测出大致产状,甚至,同一地点的岩层,就可以看出由于形变而产状不同,或岩层面凸凹不平,很难测出岩层的真实产状.但现在测量手段的发展,使得岩层的产状,可以从宏观上测量、计算,结果更接近于实际产状的平均值,更真实地反映了岩层的空间赋存状态.  相似文献   
An overall adjustment of global industries is going on and the global resource allocation layout is changing.Developed countries attempt to maintain the existing resource allocation layout while emerging countries such as China and India are getting involved in global resource allocation and are playing an increasingly active role.The reporter from China's Foreign Trade magazine had an interview with relevant offcials,experts and professionals in mining investment on such issues as the current characteristics of international mining market,the situation of international mining market in the year 2012 and the foreign investment direction of Chinese mining,and analyzed the above issues.  相似文献   
本文分析区域制度下,担保国对于其所承保的在"区域"内的活动所应履行的义务,承担的责任.从而对担保国在"区域"开发中的角色有一个更好的了解.  相似文献   
Sex-role stereotypes exist as a primary source of gender inequality in employment. This issue becomes even more salient in the social context of China, where the traditional view of female inferiority persists and the legal system provides inadequate protection of equal employment rights. Reporting a content analysis of Chinese recruitment advertisements, this article concludes that gender discrimination is practiced by Chinese employers in recruiting for white-collar positions. It also finds that female applicants are more likely to encounter other forms of discrimination such as age and physical appearance requirements as well.  相似文献   
As the relative effectiveness of physical resources decreases toward parity with rivals due to their fungibility, the firm's marketplace position, established by managers with a particular set of inter-culturally attuned set of personal values, may be the key antecedent in creating competitive strength in the firm. The research question addressed is how creative are culturally diverse managers; are managers from certain countries more creative than adaptive?We tested hypotheses in a cross-cultural setting based on the survey responses of 1365 managers operating in eight countries located in four culturally diverse regions of the world.Our study shows that managers are both creative and adaptive but the mixture of creative and adaptive behaviour varies depending on region and country and even within countries. Furthermore, the results confirm that creativity among managers in some countries is similar but large differences also exist between countries.  相似文献   
成都现金物流服务中心战略选址探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱南  王龙 《物流技术》2009,28(7):127-129
以成都市为案例,应用供应链管理的知识与笔者的前期工作,对在一个地区设置现金物沭服务中心与对该中心进行战略选址的问题进行了探析.  相似文献   
<正>前不久,听到这样一则故事,大意是:有一位猎人去狩猎,发现了一只兔子。他举枪击中了兔子的一条腿,然后命令猎狗去追赶。过了一会儿,猎狗气喘吁吁地空口而归,说道:"我尽力了,但没追上。"兔子逃回了窝,向同伴们讲述了刚才惊险的一幕,说:"我是拼命跑回来的,要不就没命了"。  相似文献   
China's ratio of research and development (R&D) spending to its gross domestic product (GDP) more than doubled from 0.6 per cent in 1996 to 1.4 per cent in 2005. This study documents the pattern of science and technology (S & T) take-off, characterized by an abrupt increase in the R&D to GDP ratio. This abrupt increase, observed in many of the now Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, typically drives R&D intensity from below 1 per cent to the range of 2–3 per cent. The question addressed in this work is whether China has begun a similar S & T take-off. The study reviews several conditions identified in the endogenous growth literature that drives R&D intensification and notes their emergence in China during the past decade. It also speculates why China's R&D intensification appears to be starting at such a low level of income per capita.  相似文献   
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