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This study analyzes online customer reviews in order to investigate customers' preferences regarding cosmetic products. Based on the marketing firm theory, this research explores the possibility of enhancing the bilateral contingent relationships between the customer and the marketing firm within the cosmetics domain. Hence, this study applies market-search concepts by extracting customer reviews and employing text analytics to identify reinforcers and factors in cosmetic products, which customers are expecting, and their sentiments towards them. Our results suggest that some reinforcers are shared among all customers, but some vary among the different customer segments based on their age and skin tone.  相似文献   
This paper examines the validity of the strategic implications draun from the typology of generic strategies presented by Michael Porter. It is argued that the existence of technologies which simultaneously drive cost and performance make it possible to combine cost leadership and difflerentiation strategies, and yet be extremely competitive. The mobile telephone industry provides us with an illustrative empirical example. In this case, rather than a 'stuck in the middle' strategy, we found a 'luck in the middle' strategy.  相似文献   
The term socioeconomics is widely used, even though it is often connoted to quite divergent understandings about what it actually describes. It sometimes appears as an umbrella term for a range of quite successful but diverse and occasionally antagonistic approaches that cannot easily be combined. Sometimes it is applied to rather specific scientific endeavors. This paper is not conceptual, i.e., it concludes with some moderate considerations about optional ways to advance a consolidation of socioeconomics only. In first instance, it is intended to provide some orientation in the diverse field and discusses distinctions that can be made between major theoretical and methodological currents, subject areas, and understandings of the purpose of socioeconomics.  相似文献   
Entry into Swedish Retail and Wholesale Trade Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines, using a zero-inflated negative binomial regression model, what determined entry into the Swedish retail and wholesale trade markets between 1990 and 1996. According to the results, high returns on equity and low sunk costs seemed to attract more entry into retail trade industries, while recent entry and higher total industry sales were associated with more entry into both retail and wholesale trade local markets.  相似文献   
International Journal of Technology and Design Education - In secondary technology education, models of artifacts, systems and processes, visualized and simulated through digital tools (digital...  相似文献   
The measure Net Value Created (NVC) captures periodic deviations of planned for and realized net present values at a specific reporting date. Therefore, NVC provides control-related signals about the company’s performance additional to economic value added/residual income measures. In this paper we adopt the NVC to the Flow to Equity approach, commonly used in non-life insurance company valuation. In a multi-period context the NVC allows for an update of information over time regarding planned for and realized values and, it further allows for a separation of value contributions of the main insurer’s business units and value contributions due to a change in cost of capital. Thus, NVC is useful for value-based performance measurement in the retrospect and for strategic (investment-) decision support in the prospect for non-life insurance companies.  相似文献   
Knowledge sharing is an employee behavior, critical to organizational success in knowledge‐intensive work environments. This study set out to empirically test the model of knowledge‐sharing motivation designed and presented in this journal by Gagné (2009). The model combines two established behavioral theories, the theory of planned behavior and self‐determination theory, and connects various human resource practices to it. This prospective survey study ( n = 200) in a large expert organization employed structural equation modeling. The results mainly supported the proposed model, with attitudes, autonomous motivation, and sharing norms predicting knowledge‐sharing intentions ( R2 = .69), which predicted knowledge‐sharing behavior ( R2 = .42). We also identified potential ways to modify the model to better suit typical knowledge‐sharing contexts. Implications for practice, with the emphasis on how our findings can benefit and be used by human resource management, are discussed. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Schweizer Konsumenten setzen sich sehr kritisch mit Lebensmitteln auseinander und sch?tzen Produkte, die über einen erkennbaren und relevanten Mehrwert verfügen. Mit einer innovativen Produktpalette an hochwertigen Frischeprodukten ist es Emmi gelungen, im In- und Ausland zu einem führenden Anbieter von Mehrwertprodukten aufzusteigen. Urs Riedener erkl?rt diesen Mehrwert und wieso Authentizit?t eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung für Glaubwürdigkeit ist.  相似文献   
Recent studies have pointed out that monetary shocks in sticky price models cannot generate real exchange rates that exhibit delayed overshooting and are highly persistent. This paper demonstrates that such exchange rate dynamics can be generated by incorporating incomplete information about the true nature of the monetary shock into a standard New Keynesian model of a small open economy.  相似文献   
In the current era, governments are playing smaller roles in regulating workers’ rights internationally, and transnational corporations (TNCs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved in the struggle for workers’ rights, and labour/trade unions have started to fill this governance gap. This paper focuses on the least researched of the relationships among these three actors, the union–NGO relationship, by analysing the ways in which it affects definitions of TNC responsibility for workers’ rights at their suppliers’ factories. Based on a qualitative study of the union–NGO relationship in the Swedish garment industry between 1996 and 2005, we propose that there are six main configurations of union–NGO relationships. By linking these configurations to their effects on TNC responsibility, we propose that co-ordination relationships between unions and NGOs, particularly high-commitment co-ordination relationships, are likely to result in a broadening of the definition of TNC responsibility, while conflictual relationships, both high and low commitment, result in a narrowing of the definition of TNC responsibility. The study indicates that co-operation is generally more beneficial for both unions and NGOs than is any form of conflictual relationship, in terms of broadening the definition of TNC responsibility.  相似文献   
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