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本文介绍的是小信号微波反馈放大器的分析与综合。放大器是采用通常的增益级的框图,并取并联反馈。文中提供全部网络元件值的估算和预测闭环宽频带增益、带宽和双端口的匹配值。简述匹配值与增益用图解法的权衡。最后描述了综合方法并举例说明设计实例。  相似文献   
The gasoline crises of the 1970s demonstrated the need for including gasoline prices and gasoline shortages in models explaining retail sales. In this article, a model is constructed that incorporates the aforementioned variables, other variables, and a lagged sales figure as independent variable. The results indicate a high degree of explanatory power in predicting retail sales for a specialty store chain with a preponderance of their stores in large regional malls that sell a product which lends itself to unplanned purchase behaviour.  相似文献   
Distributor firms have found long-term contracting an effective means of gaining competitive advantage. To realize these benefits, the alliance should involve trusting others. However, contracts can also be one-sided rather than reciprocal, favouring the larger business partner. Should trust develop naturally where there are formal contracts defining the terms of the relationship? And what inducements should a supplier take to gain retailers' trust? The trade-off is further complicated when the retailers operate in a small market with few suppliers and high barriers to entry. This study focuses on these questions. We use original field data from Finnish food retailers who have signed a written agreement with their focal wholesaler. We find that maintaining autonomy increases trust in the relationship. We also find that regular communication in the dyad and balance between perceived rewards and contributions are associated with higher levels of trust. In turn, intrachannel competition strongly reduces retailers' trust in the dyad.  相似文献   
<正> 随着改革开放的扩大和深入,我国以吸收利用外资为重点的三资企业发展迅速。到1992年一季度,共批准外商投资企业32000多家,吸收外资230亿美元,年递增率达30%以上。1992年,全国合资企业出口创汇可望达到100亿美元。三资企业不仅发展速度比较快,而且走势也在发生新的变化。总结分析外商投资走势,引导三资企业向高新层次递进,对于加大我国开放力度,促进外向型经济的良性发展,是十分必要的。  相似文献   
In order to assess the impact of patent infringement on the growth of a new product, a model is developed through the intervention model development processes of Box-Jenkins and Box-Tiao. Physical interpretations of model parameters and determination of associated damages suggest that the model can provide a sound basis for analyzing patent infringement disputes.  相似文献   
We examine how the development of three types of career capital (knowing how, knowing whom, and knowing why) during an international assignment affects the perceived marketability of organizational expatriates. Using the perceived marketability perspective and long‐term follow‐up data, we show that knowing how is seen as the most transferable type of career capital, while the development of other aspects of career capital has little impact on perceived marketability. We also show that career capital development is more recognized in the external market than by current employers. Our findings expand our understanding of long‐term career marketability among people who have completed international assignments. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
针对中国研究文献中认为中国具有某种本体或历史基体的惯常假设,同时包括中文和英文文献,但尤其重视日本文献,作者对中国历史基体的论述进行了分析,并将沟口雄三具体提出的中国历史基体的主张作为反省的对象,旨在分析他提出历史基体论的动机,即要摆脱因为日本自身历史脉络对日本学者认识中国所造成的限制。作者以韩国学者研究朝贡关系为案例,对历史基体论这一学术议题提出了质疑,并佐以越南的两位中国学专家的观点进行了比较,认为对基体论进行检视有助于中国研究取得知识启示。  相似文献   
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