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Industry leaders frequently worry that their companies will fall victim to some revolutionary business model or disruptive technology. But new research shows that it's strategically better for incumbents to counter a revolution than to ignore or fully embrace it. Successful incumbents rely on one or more of five approaches to restrain, modify, or, if necessary, neutralize a revolutionary threat. A company that perceives a revolution in its earliest stages can use containment strategies. By throwing up roadblocks--raising switching costs, perhaps, or launching discrediting PR efforts--an incumbent can often limit the degree to which customers and competitors accept a nascent insurgency. And, sometimes, revolutions die there. If not, early containment buys a company some time to shape the revolution so that it complements, rather than supersedes, the incumbent's strengths. And even if shaping efforts fail, they can give an industry leader more time to work out how to absorb the threat by bringing the new competencies or technologies inside the firm in such a way that they don't destroy its existing strengths and capabilities. When revolutions have progressed too far to slow them down, incumbents must take a more aggressive tack. Neutralizing strategies meet a revolution head-on and terminate it--by, say, temporarily giving away the benefits offered by the challenger for free. Annulment strategies allow the market leader to leapfrog over or sidestep the threat. These five strategic approaches need not be used in isolation, as a detailed case study of the way Anheuser-Busch countered the craft-beer revolution dramatically demonstrates. Sensible industry leaders do not lead revolutions; they know they may not survive the attempt. Instead, they prefer to lead counterrevolutions.  相似文献   
Urban Sprawl and Farmland Prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A theoretical model of farmland valuation is developed to explicitly account for three effects of urban sprawl: conversion of farmland to urban uses, effect on agricultural returns, and speculative effect as represented by farmland conversion risk. This model is estimated using county-level data in the continental United States. Evidence is found for all three effects of urban sprawl on farmland values. Counties more accessible to major urban centers have higher net agricultural returns. Subsidiary evidence supports that the latter effect may be attributed to survival of (or conversion to) high-valued agriculture around urban centers.  相似文献   
The paper examines the economic impact of pricing and access to public basic research‐related intellectual property (IP) in the presence of downstream interfirm spillovers using a Salop circle model of monopolistic competition. Depending on the nature and extent of spillovers and with free access to upstream basic research, firm entry can be excessive, insufficient, or socially optimal. When interfirm lump‐sum spillovers are absent or sufficiently small, competitive entry is excessive, so policies that restrict access to basic research IP can enhance social welfare. When lump‐sum research spillovers are sufficiently large, policies to induce entry and a clustering of downstream research activity can be welfare enhancing. Le présent article examine, à l’aide du modèle de Salop de concurrence monopolistique positionnant les firmes sur un cercle, l’impact économique de l’attribution d’une valeur à la propriété intellectuelle de la recherche fondamentale financée par des fonds publics et de l’accès à cette recherche lorsqu’il y a des retombées entre firmes en aval. Selon la nature et l’étendue des retombées et compte tenu de l’accès gratuit à la recherche fondamentale en amont, l’entrée de firmes peut‐être excessive, insuffisante ou optimale sur le plan social. Lorsque les débordements de la recherche vers d’autres firmes sont absents ou faibles, le niveau d’entrée de concurrence parfaite est excessif. Dans ce cas, les politiques qui restreignent l’accès à la recherche fondamentale financée par des fonds publics peuvent accroître le bien‐être social. Lorsque les débordements de la recherche sont assez importants, les politiques mises en ?uvre pour encourager l’entrée et le regroupement des activités de recherche en amont peuvent améliorer le bien‐être.  相似文献   
A notable feature of many recent trade agreements is the gradual, rather than immediate, reduction of trade barriers. In this paper we model trade liberalization as a cooperative relationship that evolves gradually in a non-cooperative environment. We show that specialization, capacity irreversibility and the development of trade-partner specific capital increase the benefit of continuing the liberalizing relationship and decrease, over time, the lowest obtainable self-enforcing tariff. By increasing the penalty of future defection, sunk costs ensure that the self-enforcing trading relationship starts slowly, but once in progress the level of cooperation continues to improve.  相似文献   

We undertook a review and classification of research on electronic commerce (e-commerce) in developing countries. We analyzed 181 articles published in a broad range of journals covering e-commerce, global information technology, and development issues. The analysis provides a roadmap that not only indicates the current state of e-commerce for development research but also identifies gaps and priorities for future research. This will be of significant value to both academics and practitioners who are working on, or plan to work on, e-commerce in developing countries.  相似文献   
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