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This paper empirically explores the relationship between firms' market behavior and their lobbying activities in a regulated market. In particular, we investigate whether the amount of contributions offered by cellular service providers to fund the campaigns of political parties affected market conduct in the early US mobile telecommunications industry. We structurally estimate market interactions while taking the potential endogeneity of lobbying decisions into account. Our results show that competition was more intense in those states where campaign contributions by the cellular industry have been higher. Furthermore, we reject the hypothesis that lobbying activities can be regarded as exogenous in the study of market conduct.  相似文献   
This paper examines the use of an advertising rhetoric technique – visual metaphor, and its persuasion effects in light of consumers’ cultural and individual dispositional characteristics when processing visually relational information. Of particular interest are the culturally driven self-views and individuals’ cognitive thinking styles. An experimental study involving visual metaphor manipulations in the context of print advertising was conducted. Results showed that, visual metaphor techniques significantly enhanced the persuasion outcomes through consumers’ evaluation of the advertising message and the brand. Both consumers’ self-construal orientation and their analytic-holistic processing style, moderate the effects of visual metaphors in print ads for low-involvement products, but not for high-involvement products. Implications for academics and practitioners, as well as future research directions suggested through the current experiment, are discussed.  相似文献   
According to the homogeneity of money holding purpose, we decompose the broad money M2 into an underlying and a non-underlying part and propose innovations in future non-underlying M2 growth as a proxy for macro liquidity. In both the cross-sectional regression tests and the GMM tests, we find that risk related to innovations in future non-underlying M2 growth is strongly significantly priced in Korea, after controlling for the well-known risk factors and other macroeconomic variables. Meanwhile, risk related to innovations in future aggregate or underlying M2 growth is insignificantly priced. These results indicate that non-underlying M2 growth more directly affects macro liquidity than does aggregate or underlying M2 growth.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the lending behavior of foreign‐owned banks during the recent global crisis. Using bank‐level panel data for 51 countries, the paper explores the role of affiliate and parent financial characteristics, host location, as well as the impact of parent geographic origin and reach on foreign banks’ credit growth. Overall, the analysis finds robust evidence that foreign banks curtailed the growth of credit relative to other banks, independent of the host region in which they operate. Banks from the United States reduced loan growth less than other parent banks. Neither the global nor regional reach of parent banks influenced the lending growth of foreign affiliates. Parent capitalization and not parent funding explained the behavior of foreign bank credit growth during the global crisis. However, funding did affect the lending behavior of domestic and foreign banks in host countries, with those relying more heavily on deposits suffering a smaller decline in bank lending. Although not the focus of the paper, we also find that government‐owned banks played a countercyclical role in all regions.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes unequal-sized share auctions with symmetric private-value buyers. The property that each buyer can win at most one unit, but variable-sized, makes share auctions situated between single-unit auctions and multiunit auctions. We calculate revenue and optimality of efficient share auctions and discuss how the optimal reserve valuation varies according to risk attitude towards share size.  相似文献   
This paper examines the roles of firm and country characteristics in determining multinationals' choice of foreign direct investment (FDI) type and location. Using Korean firm‐level data, we find that highly productive firms are more likely than their less efficient counterparts to invest in tough markets and choose a combined FDI strategy rather than a solely horizontal FDI or vertical FDI strategy across host countries. These findings, consistent with recent theories in international economics, indicate that firm and country heterogeneities play a significant role in determining the FDI strategy of a multinational enterprise.  相似文献   
According to the bivariate mixture hypothesis (BMH) as proposed by Tauchen and Pitts (1983) and Harris (1986, 1987) the daily price changes and the corresponding trading volume on speculative markets follow a joint mixture of distributions with the unobservable number of daily information events serving as the mixing variable. Using German stock market data of 15 major companies the distributional properties of the BMH is tested employing maximum-likelihood as well as generalised method of moments estimation techniques. In addition to providing a new approach for the pointwise estimation of the latent information arrival rate based on the maximum-likelihood method, we investigate the time-series properties of the BMH. the major results can be summarised as follows: (i) the distributional characteristics of the data (especially leptokurtosis and skewness in the distribution of price changes and volume respectively) cannot be explained satisfactorily by the BMH; univariate mixture models for price changes and trading volume separately reveal a possible specification error in the model; (ii) a univariate normal mixture model can account for the observed distributional characteristics of price changes; (iii) the estimated process of the latent information rate cannot fully explain the time-series characteristics of the data (especially the volatility clustering or ARCH-effects).  相似文献   
Conclusions Our empirical investigation of forward and spot rates in the European Monetary System in comparison to flexible exchange-rate regimes provides the following results. Unit root tests reveal that forward rates and spot rates are best described by random walks for all six exchange rates under consideration. This indicates that even in the EMS, exchange rates behave in an unpredictable way and exchange-rate variability is relatively high. Applying cointegration theory to the forward rate and the future spot rate, we find that these two time series are cointegrated in the EMS and in flexible exchange-rate systems. There exists a stable linear relationship between the forward rate and the future spot rate which implies that a necessary condition for forward market efficiency is fulfilled. We find the forward rate to be a poor predictor of the future exchange rate. It predicts the sign of the future exchange-rate change correctly except for the guilder, but explains only a small fraction of the change. Concerning forward market efficiency, the single hypothesis, H0: β1 = 1, for EMS and non-EMS exchange rates was found to be rather robust. The joint hypothesis for forward market efficiency, H0: α1 =0, β1 = 1, could be rejected for the EMS exchange rates but not for the flexible exchange rates. Thus, a sufficient condition for forward market efficiency is violated in the case of the EMS while it holds for the flexible exchange rates.
Zusammenfassung Terminkurse und Kassakurse im Europ?ischen W?hrungssystem. Zur Effizienz der Terminm?rkte. — Die Verfasser untersuchen für die Periode 1979–89 das Verhalten der Termin- und Kassakurse im EWS im Vergleich zum System flexibler Wechselkurse. Die „random-walk“-Hypothese für Termin- und Kassakurse kann weder für floatende noch für EWS-Wechselkurse verworfen werden. Kointegrationstests ergeben eine stabile Beziehung zwischen Termin- und Kassakursen, was eine notwendige Bedingung für die Effizienz der Terminm?rkte ist. Eine hinreichende Bedingung für effiziente Terminm?rkte, die sich aus einem von Fama vorgeschlagenen Verfahren ergibt, ist zwar für flexible Wechselkurse erfüllt, nicht aber für das EWS.

Résumé Les cours du change à terme et les cours au comptant dans le système monétaire européen (SME): L’efficience du marché à terme. — Cette étude analyse pour la période 1979—89 le comportement des cours du change à terme et des cours au comptant dans le SME en comparaison des cours du change flexibles. L’hypothèse de ?random-walk? pour les cours du change à terme et les cours au comptant ne peut pas être réjetée, ni pour les cours flottants ni pour les cours dans le SME. Les tests de cointégration rélèvent une relation stable entre les cours du change à terme et ceux au comptant ce qui est une condition nécessaire pour l’efficience du marché à terme. Une condition suffisante, donnée par une procédure proposée par Fama, est satisfaite pour les cours du change flexibles, mais pas pour le SME.

Resumen Tasas a término y spot en el sistema monetario europeo. La eficiencia del mercado a término. — En este trabajo se investiga el comportamiento de las tasas a término y spot en el sistema monetario europeo (EMS) en comparación con los regimenes de cambios flexibles de 1979 a 1989. La hipótesis del “random walk” para tasas a término y spot no puede ser rechazada, ni para tasas de cambio flexibles ni para tasas de cambio del EMS. Tests de cointegración revelan una relación estable entre las tasas a término y spot, la cual es una condición necesaria para la eficiencia del mercado a término. Una condición suficiente para la eficiencia del mercado a término, dada por el procedimiento sugerido por Fama, es satisfecha para las tasas de cambio flexibles, mas no para las del EMS.
This paper reports on an empirical investigation of the effect of product usage on consumer satisfaction in the context of consumer durables. It conceptualizes three dimensions of usage-usage frequency, usage function and usage situation-and examines the impact of these usage dimensions on satisfaction. Results of a field survey using five consumer durables suggest that the usage dimensions influence satisfaction through corresponding dimensions of usage disconfirmation, independent of the effect of performance disconfirmation on satisfaction. The specific dimensions of usage disconfirmation which influence satisfaction vary by product.  相似文献   
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