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Urbanization is now a dominant demographic phenomenon in low- and middle-income countries. By the year 2000, half of the world's population will live in urban areas; of this half, two thirds will be in developing countries, predominantly in Asia. Whether there will be a corresponding shift of poverty from rural to urban areas is the central question of this analysis. Evidence from cross-sectional, time-series, and case data indicates that the percent of poverty in urban areas is dependent on income levels, income growth, and income distribution. The evidence also indicates that the number of poor in rural areas will exceed those in urban areas well into the 21st century. These poverty and urbanization trends are significant politically, and important also with respect to food policy and required investments in agriculture.  相似文献   
A bstract . Estimates of net inflationary effects in the United States from 1971 to 1975 are attempted by income level. The central concept is inflation strain , or the difference between the percentage change in prices and incomes as a percentage of change in incomes. Trends in prices are derived from United States Bureau of Labor Statistics data on lower and higher family budgets , admittedly subject to significant error, but the best we have. Equivalent income trends are estimated from data reported in the P-60 series of the United States Bureau of the Census. Two findings are indicated. The first is that both higher and lower budget families experienced inflation strain, although the strain, of course, was substantially greater for lower budget families. The second finding is that the primary source of strain for the lower budget families was food , whereas the primary source of strain for the higher budget family was taxes , both income and Social Security taxes. The richer are getting poorer more slowly than the poor. Limitations of the techniques and data are analyzed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Struktur nicht-tarif?rer Handelshemmnisse auf den Zutritt zum Weltmarkt. — Die Diskussionen über internationale Schutzzoll- und Handelspolitik nach der Kennedy-Runde besch?ftigen sich zunehmend mit der Bedeutung der Au\enhandelsverzerrungen, die nicht durch Z?lle verursacht werden. Der vorliegende Aufsatz versucht zwei grundlegende Fragen über die Anwendung nicht-tarif?rer Hemmnisse auf den Au\enhandel mit Fertig- und Halbfertigfabrikaten zu beantworten: I. Bis zu welchem Grad gibt es ?hnlichkeiten oder Un?hnlichlichkeiten in der Struktur oder dem Schema der nicht-tarif?ren Verzerrungen des Au\enhandels in den entwickelten Marktwirtschaften ? 2. Scheinen tarif?re und nichttarif?re Handelshemmnisse sich gegenseitig innerhalb nationaler protektionistischer Systeme zu erg?nzen oder zu ersetzen ? Obwohl die Ergebnisse ihrer Natur nach vorl?ufig sind, f?hren sie doch zu wichtigen Schlu\folgerungen in bezug auf die künftige Gestaltung der internationalen Handelspolitik.
Résumé La structure des obstacles non-tarifaires à l’accès au marché international. — La discussion de la politique internationale protectionniste et commerciale d’après-Kennedy-Round tourne toujours d’avantage autour du r?le que jouent les distorsions du commerce qui ne proviennent pas des tarifs de douane. Cet article cherche à répondre à deux questions fondamentales qui concernent l’application d’obstacles non-tarifaires au commerce des produits finis et mi-finis: I. Jusqu’à quel point y a-t-il similitude ou dissimilitude dans la structure ou le schéma des distorsions non-tarifaires dans les différents pays à économie libre et développée ? 2. Para?t-il que, dans les systèmes nationaux protectionnistes, les obstacles tarifaires et non-tarifaires se suppléent, ou bien qu’ils se substituent les uns aux autres ? Quoique les résultats soient nécessairement préliminaires, ils permettent quand même quelques conclusions importantes en ce qui concerne le développement futur de la politique commerciale internationale.

Resumen La estructura de barreras no arancelarias sobre el acceso al mercado mundial. — Las discusiones sobre la política comercial internacional se centra, desde la Ronda Kennedy, de forma creciente en la importancia de distorsiones en el comercio exterior, que no se deben a tarifas aduaneras. El presente artículo trata de contestar dos preguntas fundamentales relacionadas con la aplicación de medidas no arancelarias en el comercio exterior con productos semielaborados y acabados: I - a ? Hasta qué punto existen parecidos o diferencias en la estructura o elesquema de distorsiones en el comercio exterior de economias de mercado desarrolladas, producidos por barreras no arancelarias ? 2 - a ? Se complementan los obstáculos arancelarios y no arancelarios dentro de los sistemas nacionales de protección, o son los unos substituto de los otros ? A pesar de que los resultados de este estudio son provisionales, permiten importantes conclusiones acerca de la estructuración futura de la política comercial internacional.

Riassunto La struttura di impedimenti commerciali non tariffari sull’accesso al mercato mondiale. — Le discussioni sulla politica protezionistica e commerciale dopo il ?Kennedy-Runde? si occupano in misura crescente del significato delle deformazioni del commercio estero che non sono causate da dazi. Il presente articolo cerca di dare una risposta a due questioni fondamentali sull’applicazione di impedimenti non tariffari sul commercio estero con prodotti finiti o semilavorati: 1. Fino a che grado ci sono somiglianze o dissomiglianze nella struttura o nello schema delle deformazioni non tariffarie del commercio ? 2. Impedimenti commerciali tariffari e non tariffari sembrano completarsi o sostituirsi reciprocamente all’interno di sistemi nazionali protezionistici? Sebbene i risultati della loro natura siano ancora prowisori, essi conducono, però, a importanti conclusioni in rapporto alla futura conformazione della politica commerciale internazionale.
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