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建筑市场信息不对称及治理对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于不对称信息理论,建立了委托代理关系下的建筑业信息模型,并具体分析了建筑业目前由于信息不对称造成的各种问题,最后对相关问题提出了几点治理对策和建议。  相似文献   
王晓英 《价值工程》2011,30(24):83-83
随着社会日新月异的发展变化,室内装饰越来越受到人们的重视,文章通过对新型装饰材料特点的分析,浅谈新型装饰材料在室内装饰中的应用。  相似文献   
S. Wang 《Metrika》1991,38(1):259-267
Summary Using Silverman and Young’s (1987) idea of rescaling a rescaled smoothed empirical distribution function is defined and investigated when the smoothing parameter depends on the data. The rescaled smoothed estimator is shown to be often better than the commonly used ordinary smoothed estimator.  相似文献   
In the stochastic frontier literature, it is a widely held view that allocative inefficiency can be lumped together with technical inefficiency in the estimation of cost frontiers. Therefore, a one-sided error term in the cost function is believed to capture the cost of overall (technical plus allocative) inefficiency. In this paper we challenge that view through a detailed Monte Carlo investigation. The results show that failure to include the cost of allocative inefficiency explicitly in the cost function biases the estimates of: (i) the cost function parameters, (ii) returns to scale, (iii) input price elasticities, and (iv) cost-inefficiency.  相似文献   
水利工程定额中人工预算单价的缺陷及改进措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着大量农民工参与水利工程项目建设,作为工程修筑的主要力量,其人工预算单价是否合理直接影响到工程造价编制的有效性和合理性。目前,常用的由相应的行政部门组织编写和颁发的单价法,在工程建安造价预测时,没有将农民工的人工费单独列为一项,从而造成现行定额在人工预算单价的组成、计算等方面存在与实际不相符的现象,造成人工预算单价与实际市场劳务单价不匹配等问题。认真分析现行人工预算单价存在的不足,并结合农民工人工费计算建议探讨,提出相应的人工预算单价弥合差异的建议措施。  相似文献   
本文基于先进装备制造业上市公司2006~2015年的数据,使用DEA-Malmquist方法计算了我国先进装备制造业的全要素生产率,结果表明,考察期内我国先进装备制造业的全要素生产率在震荡中有所提升,东部地区先进装备制造业的全要素生产率提升幅度大于西部。以此为基础,基于产业组织的角度分析了先进装备制造业全要素生产率的影响因素,研究发现,人力资本水平、R&D经费投入、宏观经济形势、社会固定资产投资情况、对外贸易依存度以及科技劳动力对全要素生产率产生正向显著影响。最后针对本文结论提出相关建议。  相似文献   
王文清 《价值工程》2008,27(1):110-111
建设工程投标活动中,最重要的一个环节就是填写工程量清单中的价格。工程量清单报价部分占投标文件评审分值中的一半以上,最多的占到70%,因此投标报价的好坏,将直接影响项目投标的成败。从《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》实施以来,依据以往参与工程量清单招标投标报价的经历,提出了一些对工程量清单报价方面的应对措施。  相似文献   

This study examines moderators of the relationship between cultural distance and the two critical indicators of expatriate failure – maladjustment and premature return rates. Results based on a sample of 126 Taiwanese multinational corporations indicate that expatriate selection and performance management practices moderate the cultural distance–expatriate maladjustment relationship, and expatriate performance management practices moderate the cultural distance–premature return relationship. Additionally, these relationships were stronger when the use of practices was low. We discuss theoretical and practical implications, and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   
对于空调系统节能技术的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王文琪 《价值工程》2011,30(35):91-92
随着国民经济的发展,民用、公用及商用建筑中空调的普及,带来了一个严重的能量消耗问题。本文从围护结构、空调的冷热源、空调机组及末端设备、空调水系统及空调新能源几个方面提出了一些节能措施和方法。  相似文献   
We consider a model that provides flexible parameterizations of the exogenous influences on inefficiency. In particular, we demonstrate the model's unique property of accommodating non-monotonic efficiency effect. With this non-monotonicity, production efficiency no longer increases or decreases monotonically with the exogenous influence; instead, the relationship can shifts within the sample. Our empirical example shows that variables can indeed have non-monotonic effects on efficiency. Furthermore, ignoring non-monotonicity is shown to yield an inferior estimation of the model, which sometimes results in opposite predictions concerning the data.  相似文献   
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