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油田化学剂是广泛应用于钻井、采油、油气集输、污水处理等油田开发生产各个环节的化工产品.因其在油田用途广泛,并且多数产品存在着原料易得,生产工艺简单等特点,一些中小化工企业纷纷上马生产油田化学品,同时由于许多产品没有国家标准或行业标准可依,生产企业只有制定自己的企业标准来保证生产。这些企业标准从格式到内容普遍存在着不规范、不完整,甚至不可操作等问题.主要表现在以下几方面.  相似文献   
天气指数保险是农业风险管理的一种新型手段,其作用已被许多国家的实践所证明.本文系统介绍了马拉维干旱指数保险的试点经验,重点分析指数保险方案设计的流程及要点.最后,文章对广西甘蔗指数保险试点可行性进行了探讨,并提出了广西甘蔗指数保险方案设计应重点关注的几个问题.  相似文献   
王伟  黄荣龙 《新金融》2001,(6):11-12
实行利率市场人旨我国金融业走向国际化的必不可少的步骤,目前我国金融体系尚不健全,金融市场发展并不完善,金融监管的效率未能充分发挥,因此,实行利率市场化只能采取渐进式的方式,需要一个慢长的创造条件的过程,在这个过程中,商业银行应积极进行自身的体制改革,强化内部管理手段,采取有效的利率风险管理策略,以避免利率波动可能给商业银行带来冲击。  相似文献   
王冬  黄旭 《新金融》2010,(2):23-28
次贷风波所引起的金融危机不但使国际银行业一度岌岌可危,而且沉重打击了世界经济。作为市场风险管理的核心,Vag模型遭到各方诟病。通过分析《高盛风险之海市蜃楼》一文,本文归纳了对Vag模型的几点认识误区,包括忽略对外部数据准确性的考核与检验,在模型应用上未能对正常市场情况与极端市场情况区别对待等。本文进而论证Vag仍是当前风险管理的首选工具,提出对收益率概率密度分布的选择将是Vag模型进一步发展的核心与关键,强调数据分析,指出量化研究应作为主观判断的前提与基础等观点。  相似文献   
对农业发展银行支持农村基础设施建设的初步构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设社会主义新农村是党中央提出的一项重要战略任务,是全党工作的重中之重。农业发展银行(简称农发行)作为国家唯一的农业政策性金融机构,支持新农村建设既是不可推卸的历史责任,也是难得的发展机遇。本文从支持农村基础设施建设的角度重点对农发行支持新农村建设的必要性、基本原则、运作模式、资金营运以及风险管理等内容进行了初步的探讨,试图为农发行支持新农村建设的实务操作提供前瞻性的设计。  相似文献   
自1981年恢复发行国债以来,我国的国债市场取得了健康快速的发展,国债的存量规模、年度新增量以及付息规模均有大幅增长。随着建设反映市场价格水平的国债收益率曲线的重要性逐渐提高,为了更好地促进金融市场深入发展、提高宏观调控效率、管理市场预期,我国需要构建一条完善的国债收益率曲线。本文首先对我国国债市场的发展现状和国债收益率曲线建设情况进行了分析,探讨了国债期货市场发挥的重要功能,为更好地发展国债期货市场和健全国债收益率曲线提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   
Poverty,population and environmental degradation in China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Rozelle S  Huang J  Zhang L 《Food Policy》1997,22(3):229-251
This article examines the relationship between poverty, population, and environmental degradation in China. Environmental conditions include water pollution, deforestation, destruction of grasslands, soil erosion, and salinization. The authors review China's success in controlling environmental degradation through leadership, environmental policies, and institutional capacity. Findings suggest that environmental progress is best achieved indirectly by poverty alleviation, market integration, and population control. Government policies were not very effective. Degradation occurs due to limited financial resources, poorly trained personnel, and political factors. Control of water pollution was instituted since the 1980s. The levels of pollutants have been reduced, but the type of pollutant determines the seriousness of impact. Water pollution is due to industrial wastes, agricultural run-off, and soil erosion. Since the 1970s, reforestation targets have not been met. Technical extension and monitoring of planting is not available in most areas, and private, profit seeking interests control acreage. Grassland destruction is due to deforestation, agricultural expansion, and overgrazing. Independent regional authorities have successfully managed pasture programs. Erosion is the most serious in Loess Plateau, the Red Soils area, the Northeast China Plain, and the Northwest Grasslands, which comprise 70% of total land area. In 1990, erosion control was practiced in 39% of eroded land area. Salinization has remained fairly constant. Environmental controls (direct regulation, planned recovery, and state-mandated technological improvements) are uneven. The main tool for environmental management is the State Environmental Protection Commission and its executive unit, SEPA. Problems stem from vague laws, lack of means of enforcement, lack of coordination of laws, and lack of standards, schedules, and other provisions in ordinances.  相似文献   
I show that historical cashflow volatility is negatively related to future returns cross-sectionally. The negative association is large; economically meaningful; long-lasting up to five years; robust to known return-informative effects of size, value, price and earnings momentums and illiquidity; and extends to both systematic and idiosyncratic cashflow volatilities. Using the standard deviations of cashflow to sales and of cashflow to book equity as proxies for cashflow volatility, the least volatile decile portfolio outperforms the most volatile decile portfolio by 13% a year relative to the Fama–French four factors. The cashflow volatility effect is closely related to the idiosyncratic return volatility effect documented in Ang et al. [Ang, A., Hodrick, R.J., Xing, Y. and Zhang, X. “The cross-section of volatility and expected returns.” Journal of Finance, 51 (2006), 259–299.]. However, in portfolios simultaneously sorted on both cashflow and return volatilities, and in cross sectional regressions of returns at the firm level, these two effects neither drive out nor dominate each other. While the pricing of idiosyncratic cashflow volatility represents an anomaly against the traditional asset pricing theories, the pricing of historical cashflow uncertainty sheds light on potential fundamental risks embodied in the Fama–French HML and SMB factors.  相似文献   
I-Hsiang Huang 《Pacific》2011,19(4):404-419
Using Taiwanese equity data, we find that value-minus-growth strategies (HML) earn significantly positive expected returns, and that the value spread in B/M is widened following a financial crisis. Value firms disinvest more than growth firms in bad times. The HML betas are higher for periods of higher expected equity premium, higher market volatility, and lower GDP growth. Furthermore, while the HML betas are negative and positive for the pre- and post-crisis sample, respectively, the value (growth) betas increase (decrease) from pre- to post-crisis period. Also, the beta-premium sensitivity is positive for HML and value stocks, and negative for growth stocks.  相似文献   
金融业竞争的日益市场化与国际化以及基于技术创新的金融业快速发展,使得我国竞争力本来就不强的银行业深受冲击。因此,我国银行业必须不断提升自主创新能力,提高市场竞争力,以便构筑起可持续发展的能力。本文试图用数据包络方法(DEA) 对我国16 家上市商业银行竞争力进行实证分析,期望能够对我国商业银行竞争力的提升有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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