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采用预应力锚索加固支护深部高应力影响变形巷道与螺纹钢等强锚杆支护体系相比较,两帮位移速度和顶底板移近速度均明显降低,顶板离层量远小于离层临界值,说明巷道围岩已基本趋于稳定,支护方式完全可行,经济效益十分明显。 相似文献
本文论述了职业教育的根本性是能力教育,其核心是强调学生综合素质和能力的提高,提出要转变教育观念,掌握职业教育理论、提高教师岗位能力、完善教学设施、强化教学管理是能力教育的根本所在。 相似文献
利用几何画板软件先绘制出约束条件的图象,再把图象上的动点代入二元函数,观测函数性态,寻求极值。 相似文献
本文从企业文化的视角,论析电力企业文化和现代高等职业教育的融合,探讨将企业文化融入高等职业教育的主要经验。 相似文献
Jieming Zhu 《International journal of urban and regional research》2004,28(2):424-447
Rules and order in urban construction, and thus the relationship between the market and the state, are a fundamental issue for urban development. In China, a transition economy, marketization has been actively promoted under the economic reforms to replace central‐planning and has contributed significantly to the subsequent dynamic urban growth. However, the role of the state in defining an institutional framework for the market is lagging behind. Fiscal deficiency in conjunction with a pro‐growth position undermines the capacity of the local developmental state to exercise effective developmental controls. Without effective state enforcement of rules, market order does not emerge when uncertainty pervades the marketplace. The phenomenon of urban villages and the case of Luohu's redevelopment clearly show that the absence of the state both in constructing the market and as a third‐party gives rise to the logic of the commons or quasi‐commons in the land development market. Inferior and suboptimal developments ensue. En construction urbaine, les règles et la discipline, donc le rapport entre marché et État, constituent un aspect fondamental de l'aménagement des villes. Dans l'économie de transition chinoise, la commercialisation – activement stimulée par des réformes économiques visant à remplacer la planification centrale – a énormément contribuéà la dynamique de la croissance urbaine. Toutefois, le rôle de l'État dans la définition du cadre institutionnel du marché ne suit pas le rythme. Carences fiscales associées à une position favorable à la croissance empêchent l'État local moteur de développement de contrôler efficacement la croissance. Sans une application étatique effective des règles, il ne naït pas de discipline de marché, l'incertitude régnant. Le phénomène des villages urbains et le cas du réaménagement de Luohu montrent clairement que l'absence de l'État, tant dans l'élaboration du marché qu'en tant que tiers, introduit la logique des terrains communaux ou quasi‐communaux sur le marché de l'aménagement foncier. Il en résulte des équipements de second ordre, inférieurs à la qualité optimale. 相似文献
文章通过对比《汽车加速行驶车外噪声限值及测量方法》(以下简称标准)的新旧标准,讨论新旧标准的不同对微型客车外噪声的影响,探讨在微型客车的前期设计阶段确定测试档位的理论方法,使工程师在设计前期就可以对整车的噪声水平进行预估,从而降低后期改进成本。 相似文献
税收直接导致纳税人财产的减少,纳税人竭力通过税务筹划、避税和逃税,少缴纳或不缴纳税款,但是避税和逃税严重损害了国家的税收权益,造成了纳税人之间的不公平,因而国家致力于反避税。英美国家的反避税体系存在着对税收立法进行扩充解释的风险,给纳税人带来了诸多的不确定性因素。公平合理的反避税体系,应当在反制滥用性税收安排的同时,保护税务筹划的核心地带;应当确立疑则利于纳税人原则;应当使用排除法来划定滥用性税收安排与税务筹划之间的分界线;应当确立咨询专家组,以便纳税人和税务机关调整对滥用性税收安排与税务筹划之间分界线的理解。 相似文献
Qinghua Zhu Joseph Sarkis Kee-hung Lai 《Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management》2013,19(2):106-117
Green supply chain management (GSCM) has been a developing topic for at least a couple of decades. Over this time, significant complexities have been observed in its management. Helping to simplify and understand these complexities is necessary from both a practical and research perspective. Given this situation and to further enhance understanding of the topic and even supply chain management in general, this paper develops and empirically tests a theoretical model on the different types of institutional pressures motivating manufacturing enterprises to pursue green supply chain management (GSCM) practices and commensurate performance outcomes. Using a sample of 396 Chinese manufacturers, path analysis is used to evaluate the many structural links. The statistic results show that institutional pressures have driven the manufacturer adoption of internal GSCM practices which in turn relate to their external GSCM practices adoption. The statistic results also suggest that GSCM practices do not directly affect economic performance, but can improve it indirectly. This research contributes to the literature on institutional theory in corporate environmental practices. The research findings provide useful insights for managers seeking to adopt GSCM practices. The results also provide policy insights for professional organizations, regulators, and legislators to further promote GSCM. 相似文献
Ying Zhu 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(7):1261-1276
Vietnam has experienced substantial economic growth since the mid-1980s when economic reform (doi moi) started. However, the Asian crisis had some negative impacts on the Vietnamese economy. Both the external environment and internal competition added more pressure on companies to speed up organizational reform. Transforming the old personnel management into new flexible human resource management system is one of the central reform agendas among companies in order to survive the market competition. This research analyses the nature of the changes in the area of human resource management under the influence of market-oriented reform that puts emphases on flexibility and competitiveness in the new millennium. 相似文献