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近几年,我国独立学院发展越来越迅速。独立学院随着规模的扩大和办学理念的更新,其在财务管理的运作中暴露了诸多问题。文章从财务管理的三大方面,由外及内来探讨独立学院在财务管理上存在的问题及其成因,对症下药,以期对完善我国独立学院财务管理提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   
WilliamVickrey,哥伦比亚大学经济学荣誉教授,于1996年10月荣获诺贝尔经济学奖(与英国剑桥大学的JamesA.Mirrlees教授共获)。三天后,因心脏病逝世。由于健康问题,Vickrey夫人不能乘坐飞机,因此,我代Vickrey先生去斯德哥尔摩,接受此项殊荣。自1935年我和Vickrey教授一起在纽约哥伦比亚大学学习经济学以来,我们一直是好朋友,作为朋友和同事,我们一直有着密切往来,在他事业的巅峰,他的突然离去,不仅让他的夫人,他亲密的朋友感到难过,对广大民众来说也是不幸之事,他再也不能用他过人的才智推广和倡导他所深信的能为人类带来…  相似文献   
高校内部审计是高校治理的重要组成部分,是高校制度建设的重要内容之一。文章通过对高校内审的地位、内审人员的素质、内审工作保障、内审业务、审计结果利用情况、内审未来发展、内审服务宗旨以及政府教育管理部门对高校内审的重视度等高校内审现状的调查分析,从中窥见高校内部审计未来发展的方向。  相似文献   
During the Global Human Settlement Forum,a group of Chinese green industry enterprises were presented the award for Human Settlement of the Environment by Ambassador Anwarul K.Chowdhury,the former United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Dr.Noel J. Brown,the former Director of the United Nations Environment Program.Among the companies awarded was East Man Health Paint of Hebei's East Man Technology & Trade Co.,Ltd.,which won the Global Human Settlement Environment Green Building Materials Award.This was the first time a Chinese company has won this award. China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr.Song Lugang,Board Chairman of the company at the awards ceremony,please share in Mr.Song's story below.[第一段]  相似文献   
Organized by The Building Materials Industry Branch, CCPIT, China Stone Materials Industry Association and CIEC Exhibition Company Ltd., The 14th China( Beijing )Stonetech 2007 has gone through a history of 14 years. In 2007, the exhibition will have a new concept: "Innovation, Resource, Energy Saving, Brands".  相似文献   
When taking each step, the country had to with- stand various difficulties and risks but received re- markable improvements and progresses. State-owned commercial banks are the major part of China's banking industry.Their growth and devel- opment is in direct relation to the overall economy and financial growth in the country.After the Asian financial crisis at the end of last century,the Chinese government has taken a string of financial measures.To some extent,the financial results have been improved in state-owned  相似文献   
悍客.罗a 《中国西部》2013,(17):162-163
在北京打车绝对是划算的事,倒不是说北京的出租车有多便宜,而是因为你永远不知道你遇到的将是一个多逗的司机--或者说,你永远不知道,下一个司机是不是更逗。北京的出租车司机大都是本地人,他们继承了北京人贫嘴逗乐的优良传统,丝毫不把人生疾苦当回事,即使是过着艰苦困难的小日子,依然自得其乐乐在其中--而且,他们都有一种独乐  相似文献   
William Vickrey,Professor Emer-itus of Economics,Columbia Universi-ty,received the Nobel Prize in Eco-nomic Science (shared with Professor James A.Mirrlees of the University of Cambridge ,England) in October 1996. Three days later he died of car-diac arrest.Mrs.Vickrey′s health does not permit her to travel by air, and so I was asked to go to Stockholm to ac-cept thea ward.Professor Vickrey and I had been friends since we started graduate study of economics together at Columbia Univ…  相似文献   
"Crucial for economic growth,energy utilization has its role in all economic sectors and every aspect of people's daily life. Now we are in dire need of a new profession,namely energy manager.We not only need to have passion and responsibility,but also a scientitic approach to conserve energy and cut emissions.  相似文献   
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