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我国政策性银行是政策性金融机构的重要组成部分。它的设立是由于我国经济体制由计划经济向市场经济转轨时,要实现政策性与商业性金融的相互分离,同时也为了满足国家经济发展战略对资金的需求的大背景下设立的。改革开放以来,我国经济发展不断提速,市场经济体制改革逐步深入,这使得我国政策性银行的一些弊端和缺陷在实践中逐渐显现。  相似文献   
2005年,齐鲁股份有限公司烯烃厂紧紧抓住新一轮石油化工的景气周期,坚持科学发展,以高度的历史责任感,强化安全管理,推进管理创新和技术攻关,弘扬以人为本的理念,凝聚优秀团队超越自我、挑战极限,在72万吨乙烯装置二期改造竣工投产后的第一年,不仅提前46天实现了装置72万吨产量达标,而且乙烯产量突破了80万吨大关,2005年全年生产乙烯82.5万吨,在全国各大百万吨级乙烯工程纷纷上马开工投产的形势下,乙烯产量夺得了全国第一名的桂冠。这是继2001年45万吨乙烯装置以55.5万吨产量位列全国榜首之后,优秀团队再次创出的新辉煌,齐鲁烯烃厂又圆了乙烯产量全国第一的梦想。  相似文献   
Though young as a nation, Pakistan is an ancient land along the Indus, where one of the earliest known civilizations flourished.  相似文献   
As one of the largest producers of bakery goods in Poland, the Mamut Bakery and Pastry Coopertaive Plants (Mamut) has been active in the Chinese market since 2005. United China Consultants Ltd.(UCC) signed a contract with Mamut in 2006 to become its marketing adviser and help introduce its products into China. 1.The Problems and Barriers Mamut Faced in 2005  相似文献   
Italy is a modern, industrialized nation which has managed to preserve its traditional culture intact. It is China's old friend, and its long-time trade partner. In 2006, the Year of Italy in China, various measures were taken to broaden the scope of China and Italy's relationship, not only in terms of economic cooperation and trade, but also concerning historical and cultural awareness. What sort of new opportunities for cooperation will we be seeing in the new year? China's Foreign Trade interviewed Antonino Laspina, Commissioner of the Italian Trade Commission's Beijing office, about this question and more.  相似文献   
In this golden autumn, thousands of visitors from home and abroad swarmed into the Capital Museum for the ongoing classical Greek art exhibition - Treasures from the Louvre: Art from Ancient Greece, a joint effort of the Capital Museum in Beijing and Musée du Louvre in Paris.  相似文献   
2020年初,突如其来的新冠疫情让银行经历了一次压力测试。一些先知先觉、数字化程度高的银行在疫情期间纷纷转战线上并取得了积极效果,但也有不少银行暴露出数字化经营能力不足的缺陷。即使没有疫情的冲击,线上化经营也是银行业的大势所趋,而此次疫情无疑加速了这一进程。银行应抓住线上化趋势,利用裂变营销、场景营销获客,通过个性化手段满足客户要求,向数字化经营全速前进。  相似文献   
崇祯十六年(1643年)十二月,山西巡抚蔡懋德撤守平阳,北上太原。蔡懋德撤离平阳后不久,李自成大军东渡黄河,攻占平阳,随后占领太原,并于次年推翻明朝。从时间关联上看,蔡懋德撤守平阳成为明王朝迅速败亡的重要诱因。有鉴于此,后世许多史家批评蔡懋德撤离平阳的行为,并把蔡懋德的撤防行为看作导致明朝灭亡的重要原因。目前对蔡懋德的研究仅见陈支平、刘婷玉的《明末蔡懋德事迹考辨——〈明史蔡懋德传〉补正》一文,该文发表于《明史研究》2010年第十一辑。作者在该文中对蔡懋德的改姓经历、性格特征和任职山西的事迹进行了考辨,对《明史》的记载进行了补证,但对蔡懋德的生年缺乏研究,对蔡懋德返斾太原的深层原因研究不够深入。因此,本文拟在现有研究的基础上,对蔡懋德在平阳驻防情况以及撤守的原因进行进一步探究,以期深化对明末山西历史的研究。  相似文献   
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