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The author from Heng Seng Economic Monthly holds that, while Hong Kong's role as an entrepot for handling trade in physical goods will diminish over time, it will continue to excel as an important hub for managing invisible offshore trade and trading of capital and financial market instruments.  相似文献   
Magnificent history In China, the private banking sector is relatively new, even though it has a 100-year history in the U.S. and Europe.After originating in Geneva, Switzerland, private banks have undergone legendary growth.  相似文献   
The aim of this activity is to exhibit the brand of new modern styees,coeorfue ethnic reeigion and cueture,buautifue naturae scene and to introduce the overaee deveeopment,stabieity and harmony in Xinjiang through the photographers of Chinese and overseas photographers'pictures of Xinjiang in Spring, Summet, Autumn and Winter with the main contents of sociae eife,foekeore custom, naturae scenes and the photographers" visuae angee.  相似文献   
Czech Republic, an European Union (EU) member in the Eastern Europe, has very well developed agriculture and relevant industries and technologies. In May, A Czech trade delegation headed by Peter Gandalovic, Mi lister of Agriculture of Czech Republic visited China, were warmly received by the Chinese government. Following, they went to Shanghai for SAIL China 2007, an international food and drinks exhibition. During the visit, China's Foreign Trade had an exclusive interview with the Minister, which follows below, on the topics of promoting the agricultural cooperation and bilateral trade relations between ina and Czech.  相似文献   
China, a Top Priority Market for Portugal I would start by saying that the political relations between our two countries are very friendly and robust.Premier Wen Jiaobao visited Portugal in December 2005, and we have established a Global Strategic Partnership between China and Portugal. So we believe that the contact between the leaders of both sides in December last year has boosted decisively our relations in general and our trade relations in particular.  相似文献   
Legendary Beginnings The birth of Touchroad Group can be traced back to May 17, 2000 when Mr, He Liehui, the founder of Touchroad, boarded on a flight towards Ghana, with small amount money of US$700 and his big dream of establishing a global company.[第一段]  相似文献   
Wen someone says,"Diamonds are a girl's best friend",then do you know where most of the diamonds come from?Yes,it is South Africa!This lucky nation boasts the richest precious mineral deposits in the world,such as gold,platinum and diamonds.This amazing country's GDP is top ranked in  相似文献   
台商投资大陆在当地形成的产业网络是其能够蓬勃发展的重要支撑。台湾制鞋业在广东东莞产业网络的形成,既与其以中小企业为主有关,也与台湾地区政府的政策引导、商誉和信用以及人际关系有关;产业网络的形成有利于台商降低交易成本、分散经营风险、提高生产技术,并保持企业间稳定的关系,保证货源的充足和供货的及时,有利于营运效率和竞争优势的提升。东莞制鞋业由于有着完善的产业网络而仍将保持较强的竞争力,但也应在区域转移的同时积极转向高端发展;中西部地区应以“全产业链”模式吸引台商投资,注重感情招商,实现产业转移从“外生性嵌入型”向“内生性根植型”的模式转变。  相似文献   
利用对新疆农户的微观调研数据,基于双变量Probit模型分析农户资金供求的影响因素,估计新疆农村金融抑制程度,采用平均处理效应下的Match模型估计农村金融抑制的福利损失程度,研究表明:新疆农村金融抑制程度为67.82%,农村金融抑制对全部样本农户和遭受农村金融抑制的样本农户的消费支出、纯收入和经营纯收入均有负向影响,且全部样本农户的福利损失与遭受农村金融抑制农户的福利损失没有明显差异;上年生产性固定资产、上年金融资产余额、重大活动支出、是否处于高经济水平村庄等因素对农户资金需求有显著的正向影响,户主受教育水平、户主有无技能、是否有干部成员、获赠所得、是否处于资金丰裕村庄、非正规途径贷款、是否处于高经济水平村庄等因素对农户资金供给有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   
WilliamVickrey,哥伦比亚大学经济学荣誉教授,于1996年10月荣获诺贝尔经济学奖(与英国剑桥大学的JamesA.Mirrlees教授共获)。三天后,因心脏病逝世。由于健康问题,Vickrey夫人不能乘坐飞机,因此,我代Vickrey先生去斯德哥尔摩,接受此项殊荣。自1935年我和Vickrey教授一起在纽约哥伦比亚大学学习经济学以来,我们一直是好朋友,作为朋友和同事,我们一直有着密切往来,在他事业的巅峰,他的突然离去,不仅让他的夫人,他亲密的朋友感到难过,对广大民众来说也是不幸之事,他再也不能用他过人的才智推广和倡导他所深信的能为人类带来…  相似文献   
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