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会员卡源于西方会员制,在高档场所实行,体现身份和地位。根据不同标准,中国会员卡有准入式与非准入式、预付式与非预付式之分类。会员卡与信用卡、公交IC卡不能等同。准入式与预付式会员卡法律关系是继续性合同。准入式下的持卡人既是会员也是成员,其身份具有双重性;而非预付式会员卡法律关系构成两个相互关联且具有一定独立性的联立合同。  相似文献   
建设生态文明的实践与探索——林业生态建设30年回眸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放30年来,林业生态建设以生态文明为目标,坚持走建设生态、改善生态之路,在生态文明建设上进行了不懈的探索和实践,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。三北防护林建设工程为生态文明建设首开先河;开展全民义务植树运动谱写了生态文明建设新篇章;造林灭荒行动掀起生态文明建设新高潮;六大林业重点工程成为新世纪生态文明建设新壮举。中国可持续发展林业战略研究为生态文明建设提供了新理论,其核心是生态建设、生态安全、生态文明。发展现代林业掀起生态文明建设新高潮,推进生态文明建设走上新的里程。  相似文献   
张运来  王储 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):25-35
我国的旅游业上市公司普遍存在进入房地产业、高新技术产业等行业的多元化经营现象。国内外学者对多元化经营与公司风险之间的关系展开了一系列的研究,但是没有得出一致的结论。截至目前,对旅游类企业多元化经营能否降低公司风险的研究仍较为欠缺。因此,文章以2004—2012年国内23家A股旅游业上市公司1的184个截面数据为样本,利用多元回归分析法检验了旅游业上市公司多元化经营对其公司风险的影响。旅游行业自身的行业特征及其多元化特点使得针对旅游业上市公司多元化经营行为的分行业研究产生了与以往整体层面的研究截然不同的结论:旅游业上市公司多元化经营能够降低公司的财务风险,但无法降低公司的经营风险。进一步对多元化类型进行区分后发现:旅游业上市公司相关多元化水平的提升可以显著地降低公司的财务风险,但无法显著地降低公司的经营风险;而非相关多元化水平的提升无法显著地降低公司的财务风险与经营风险。基于上述研究成果,文章从促进融资体系多元化、完善主业发挥自身优势、谨慎选择多元化行业3个角度对旅游业上市公司的多元化发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
中国农村通信消费现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用较为翔实的通信普及率、通信消费支出等相关数据,分析了近年来中国农村通信发展和农村通信消费等环节存在的亟待解决的矛盾和问题。分析表明,当前中国农村通信发展和农村通信消费仍比较薄弱,值得各级政府和通信运营企业充分关注。采取切实可行的对策措施,加快农村通信发展,提升农村通信消费水平,对于解决好“三农”问题,统筹城乡发展,建立和谐的信息社会,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
高校人力资本的价值计量和收益分配的实证分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从人力资本价值计量和收益分配的角度出发,就如何调动高校教师的积极性,在对GC大学人力资本管理实例分析的基础上,设计了一套高校人力资本计量与激励模型,以充分调动高校教师的积极性,将会对高校人力资本的管理和提高办学效率具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
Many studies have found strong and positive relationship between per capita income and health care expenditure. These studies usually adopt the assumptions that (1) the relationships among the variables are constant; and/or (2) the supply-side market for health care could be treated by using standard demand functions models. To take into account of the supply side of health care, we use the demand and supply approach with the cointegration model to re-examine this issue. By using Taiwan health care expenditure data, our results show that the real income elasticity is smaller than unity and the health care expenditures are primarily for ‘curing’ rather than ‘caring’.  相似文献   
This paper examines travelers’ preference for airline livery design, which is an important component of sensory experience for tourists. Based on surveys of both U.S. and South Korean respondents, this study finds that airline livery preference depends on travel purpose (i.e. business vs. vacation). Designs preferred by the two travel segments differ in terms of color tone, hue, line, and shape. Business traveler-preferred designs signal punctual, efficient, classy, and safe service; while vacation traveler-preferred designs elicit feelings of fun, friendly, and exotic service. It is also shown that travelers prefer airline livery that is congruent with their situational self-image, depending on the travel occasion at hand. In fact, self-image congruency of design is approximately half of the variance in airline livery preference. Finally, results show that self-image congruency also increases perceived service quality.  相似文献   
A growing body of literature has confirmed the deleterious effects of emotional labor on service employees. The study adds to it by investigating two hypothesized antecedents to emotional labor; affectivity and empathy which is conceptualized as a two-dimensional construct composed of emotional contagion and empathic concern. It also examines the impact of emotional labor on job satisfaction and exhaustion. The results confirmed a two-dimensional structure of emotional labor, emotive dissonance, and emotive effort. Hospitality employees with higher positive affect tend to experience less emotive dissonance while individuals with higher negative affect exert more effort to enact emotional labor. A positive relationship was found between emotional contagion and emotive dissonance, and emotive effort and job satisfaction. The results also suggested a negative relationship between emotive effort and emotional exhaustion. An unexpected negative relationship was found between emotional dissonance and emotional exhaustion. Managerial implications discuss training and acting techniques to more effectively manage employee emotional labor.  相似文献   
本文以美国跨国公司为例,对跨国公司制造业海外R&D投资国别选择的影响因子进行了实证研究。结果表明,从世界范围看,跨国公司在东道国的FDI和东道国市场规模是影响跨国公司R&D投资的主要因子;仅就发展中国家而言,东道国市场规模并不影响跨国公司R&D投资;跨国公司的产业类别不同,其R&D投资国别选择的影响因子亦有差异。  相似文献   
上海燃料油期货上市三周年回顾与我国石油期货市场展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2004年8月25日上市至2007年8月1日,上海期货交易所燃料油期货合约累计成交已达6.3亿吨,总成交金额为1.9万亿元.上海燃料油期货价格与新加坡燃料油现货价格、美国WTI原油期货价格的走势保持了较强的相关性,但并不完全跟踪国际市场,而是表现出一定的独立性,更多地反映了中国市场的供需关系,与黄埔燃料油现货价格保持了更强的相关性.上海燃料油期货市场经济功能逐步发挥:形成了反映中国市场的燃料油价格,形成了市场普遍认可的燃料油的"中国标准",推动石油仓储设施建设,提供套期保值规避价格风险的平台,规模化培养石油金融专业人才.在总结燃料油期货成功经验的基础上,上海期货交易所正在研究推出原油、成品油等石油期货品种,已经完成了原油、成品油期货市场运作模式、交易标的选择、合约设计、交易规则等主要的前期工作.  相似文献   
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