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分析了计算教育的现状,给出了计算哲学的概念,提出了计算哲学的基本框架,探讨了构建计算哲学的客观依据和现实意义。  相似文献   
随着计算机技术在图书馆的应用以及光盘检索技术、网络通信技术的日臻成熟,图书馆的构成要素、馆藏内容、工作方式、服务手段等都发生了重大变革。作为图书馆信息服务的重要内容之一。并具体担负着发挥图书馆情报职能和教育职能的参考咨询工作更是发生了质的变化,传统参考咨询工作正朝着网络的、虚拟的(在线的)参考咨询方向发展。本文拟就网络信息参考咨询的概念、特点、内容与形式以及参考馆员的素质以及发展趋势等方面进行初略探讨。  相似文献   
当前高校大学生考试作弊原因浅析及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校学生考试作弊现象时有发生。其原因包括自我要求降低,教考制度、学生管理等方面存在问题。要改善这种现状,必须促使学生端正学习态度,通过教育改革提高学生学习热情,加强校风校纪建设,完善考试制度,最终杜绝高校学生考试作弊现象。  相似文献   
股票期权会计核算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了我国目前所采用的三种股票期权会计核算方法的具体内容及各自的优缺点,并根据我国企业的实际情况,提出尽快地建立股票期权的会计准则,推出股票新酬公允价值核算法。  相似文献   
This article summarizes a new 1996-97 report from the World Resources Institute, the UN Environmental Program, the UN Development Program, and the World Bank, which describes a future with increased levels of urbanization that were reshaping the physical and social environment. Urbanization increased economic growth and environmental degradation. By the year 2000, 50% of the world population will live in urban areas. Cities are the center of economic activity. Consumption is the highest in cities. Cities produce the most pollution and waste. Three issues are particularly crucial to survival: the water supply, sanitation, and water resource management. Neglect of these and other environmental issues is likely to have important consequences in both developing and developed countries. The greatest growth in urban areas is occurring in developing countries. Cities in developing countries have huge populations living in poverty. The poor in either rural or urban areas are confronted with lack of access to clean water, to sanitation, and to housing. There is overcrowding and exposure to industrial wastes and air pollution. There is a need for policy reform, stronger institutions, and enlightened political leadership. Cities need to improve their environment and to strengthen local government and implement poverty reduction programs. Reform of urban policies must be accompanied by effective urban governance. Community-based approaches are essential. Broad-based support is needed for changes in strategies and practices and for attainment of a more sustainable environment.  相似文献   
China' s foreign-oriented oil taxation system has, from the beginning, been based upon the positive experiences of other oil-producing countries and has incorporated common international practices. The system has been perfected over decades. It of fers more incentives than other oil-producing countries in the following four aspects: (1) Income tax has a "wide tax base and low tax rate"; (2) VAT levies a low tax rate on ma-  相似文献   
商业银行创值活动是在一定的社会经济环境中进行的,创值活动效率的高低,创值能力的强弱受到诸多因素的影响,既有宏观因素,也有微观因素;既有物质因素,也有人为因素;既有经济因素,也有自然因素.多种因素综合作用,构成商业银行创值活动的主要内容.  相似文献   
目前,对于应收款的评估主要分为三种情况处理:第一种是有充分理由确信全部能收回的,按清查核实后的账面值确定评估值。第二种情况是对于符合有关规定应核销或者有确凿证据表明无法收回的,可评估为零。对于哪些应作为应核销或者有确凿证据表明无法收回的款项,各评估机构的标准可能不尽相同。在操作中可以借鉴财政部颁布的《企业会计制度》中的有关原则来处理。应核销的款项相当于应确认为坏账的款项,包括:债务人死亡,以其遗产清偿后仍然无法收回;债务人破产,以其破产财产清偿后仍然无法收回;债务人较长时期未履行其偿债义务,并有…  相似文献   
英国和德国的会计师行业考察报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行业管理现状英国是注册会计师职业的发源地,经过一百多年的发展,已经形成了一套较为完善的行业管理体制(参见图1、图2)。概括起来有以下几个方面的内容:1.法律规范方面。1845年,英国修改《公司法》时明确规定了“公司的账目应当由会计师审计”。这是世界上第一次以法律的形式确立的会计师审计制度。1991年10月1日起,英国又在修订后的《公司法》中明确规定,实行审计资格注册制度,即特许会计师只有取得审计资格后,才能从事审计业务,同时,会计师事务所要承办审计业务,也必须取得审计资格。从而以立法的形式规范了会计师的执业条件…  相似文献   
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