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It has been widely recognized that marketing's interaction with other functional departments (e.g., R&D) has significant impact on new product success. However, little research addresses how marketing actually behaves in the process of new product development (NPD). Drawing upon marketing, product innovation, and organizational buying literatures, this study contributes to the literature by delineating the types of influence tactics adopted by marketing and investigating how the use of these tactics affects marketing's influence on NPD decisions. Data on 128 new product projects from 114 high technology firms in China were collected from R&D perspective via on‐site interviews. The findings indicate that, from the R&D's perspective, both marketing and R&D seem to have equivalent influence on new product decisions. In terms of usage frequency, the most frequently used influence tactics by marketing are persistent pressure, information exchange, and recommendation (i.e., use of rational logic). Coalition formation (e.g., seeking the support of peers) and upward appeal (i.e., seeking support from superiors) tactics are moderately used. The less frequently used tactics are legalistic plea (i.e., use of rules and regulations) and request. Regarding the effectiveness of influence tactics, the results indicate that persistent pressure, information exchange, and coalition formation lead to higher marketing influence in NPD decisions. However, the use of an upward appeal tactic leads to lower marketing influence. Recommendation, legalistic plea and request tactics are unrelated to marketing's influence. Our results also show that the efficacy of marketing's influence tactics is contingent upon the degree of functional interdependence in the NPD stages and the degree of interdepartmental conflict. Information exchange and coalition formation tactics are more effective at the initiation stage of the NPD process whereas legalistic plea and persistent pressure are more effective at the implementation stage. We further find that legalistic plea is more effective but coalition tactic is less effective when the degree of interdepartmental conflict is higher. Findings of this study provide managers responsible for ensuring market‐oriented NPD with a better understanding of how the influence of marketing in the NPD process may be enhanced. Given our focus on Chinese firms, they also suggest that managers need to be sensitive to the cultural context of marketing influence.  相似文献   
本文从多个角度探讨了美国二次量化宽松货币政策的出台背景,认为它是美国实现经济复苏的不二选择,而较低的物价水平则是该政策得以实施的重要前提。本文的研究认为,本轮量化宽松政策将使中国房地产价格、股票价格进一步上涨,中国将面临输入性通胀压力,人民币实际汇率升值压力也将会加大,中国外汇储备也将面临大幅缩水风险。最后,针对二次量化宽松的影响,本文提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
阐述了国际金融监管思路、模式和手段的变革轨迹,分析了后转轨期我国金融监管改革所面临的现实国情约束、独特的历史文化背景、新兴市场经济以及转轨经济等,并结合国际经验和我国实际情况。对我国金融监管提出了具体建议。  相似文献   
近年来,我国银行个人理财产品发展迅速,理财产品层出不穷。本文对我国商业银行个人理财产品的开发进行供给和需求分析,得出如下结论我国银行个人理财产品供求不均衡,市场需求大于供给,已开发的理财产品不能很好的满足市场需求。在此基础上,本文通过我国个人理财产品的市场存活性分析,给出了我国商业银行理财产品开发的立足点:以市场需求为导向,着眼于成本低、收益高的项目。  相似文献   
作为一种区域软实力,地方政府公信力是影响区域经济发展的一个重要因素。良好的政府公信力能够为区域经济发展营造公平的市场竞争秩序、促进区域内社会稳定发展以及塑造良好的区域形象。而目前我国一些地方政府公信力存在下降的趋势,在严重影响社会信用环境及地方投资环境的同时,也妨碍了政府与公众之间良好的互动关系的建构,增加了政府管理成本,制约着地方经济的发展。因此,有必要提高政府公信力,为区域经济发展营造一个良好的诚信环境  相似文献   
最早知道阿里山,凭的是奚秀兰的歌<阿里山的姑娘>,"高山常青,涧水常蓝,阿里山的姑娘美如水呀,阿里山的少年壮如山……"那种明朗而原始的气息令人悠然神往.  相似文献   
济南市同英国考文垂市的友好关系已有20年的历史.考文垂是一个整洁的现代化工业城市,同时拥有着辉煌灿烂的中世纪历史.它从战争的废墟中走出,展现出崭新的大都会面貌.但在它高大的写字楼之间,在现代化的道路两旁,是中世纪的房屋和教堂;在其五光十色的店埠后面,在宽阔开敞的公园附近,处处可见的是历史的遗迹.  相似文献   
"我愿意工作、生活在乳山,把我的后半生奉献给笙歌."这是来自日本的65岁老人柴田胜利先生常说的一句话.  相似文献   
李晖  陈娟 《特区经济》2004,(8):65-66
一 、绿 色贸 易 壁垒 的概 念 与成 因 绿 色 贸易 壁垒 ,简 称绿 色 壁垒 ,又称环 境壁 垒 ,是进 口国 以 保护 生 态环 境、自然 资源 和 人类 健康 为由 ,对 来自 国外 的产品 进行 限 制或 禁止 的手 段 和措 施 。 绿 色 贸 易 壁 垒 的 产 生 有 其 深 刻 的 政治 、经  相似文献   
李颖  陈宪 《特区经济》2004,(8):67-68
一、发展企业法律事务管理的依据。一个企业根据企业发展层次和利益的进行法律规范方面的相应的战略规划,其进行企业法律事务管理建设的可能性主要取决于以下3方面。  相似文献   
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