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In this study, we develop a theoretical model of monetary intelligence (MI), explore the extent to which individuals’ meaning of money is related to the pursuit of materialistic purposes, and test our model using the whole sample and across college major and gender. We select the 15-item love of money (LOM) construct—Factors Good, Evil (Affective), Budget (Behavioral), Achievement, and Power (Cognitive)—from the Money Ethic Scale and Factors Success and Centrality and two indicators—from the Materialism Scale. Based on our data collected from 330 university students in Czech Republic, we provide the following findings. First, our formative models are superior to our reflective models. Second, for the reflective model, money represents Power, Good, Achievement, and not Evil, in the context of materialism. Our formative model suggests that those who pursuit materialism cherish Achievement (vanity) but Budget their money poorly. Third, multi-group analyses illustrate that humanities students (62.4 % female) consider money as Evil and Budget their money poorly, while those in natural sciences (37.6 % female) do not. Further, men are obsessed with Achievement, whereas women do not Budget their money properly, suggesting reflective temptation for males and impulsive temptation for females. Our novel discoveries shed new lights on the relationships between LOM and materialism and offer practical implications to the field of consumer behavior and business ethics.  相似文献   
Wang  Ying  Xiao  Shufeng  Ren  Run 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,176(1):175-193
Journal of Business Ethics - In this study, we draw on moral cleansing theory to investigate the consequence of unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) from the perspective of the actors....  相似文献   
The over‐saturated dietary supplement (DS) market in developed countries such as the US spurs the need for foreign market expansion, and the Chinese market provides a great potential for the foreign soy‐based DS industry. This study examined Chinese consumers' intention to use imported (US‐made US‐brand) soy‐based DS based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Two alternative models were also examined in which Chinese dietary culture variables, including soyfoods favourability and dining‐out sociability, as well as their interactions with attitudes, were integrated into the TPB model. A cross‐sectional, self‐administered survey was conducted with a sample of 215 subjects (137 females; 78 males) in Shanghai, China. The TPB variables attitude, subjective norm, perceived behaviour control and behavioural intention, as well as the Chinese dietary culture variables: soyfoods favourability and dine‐out sociability were measured. Multiple linear regressions were used to analyze the three models. The statistical results indicated that all three models were statistically significant to predict intention (Model 1: R2 = 0.473, P < 0.001; Model 2: R2 = 0.505, P < 0.001; Model 3: R2 = 0.525, P < 0.001). The results also showed that attitude, perceived behavioural control, and dine‐out sociability were significant (positive) determinants of intention. Soyfoods favourability acted a significant (negative) moderator of the relationship between attitude and intention. Subjective norm had no significant impact on intention. In conclusion, the TPB model was useful to predict Chinese consumers' intention to use imported soy‐based DS, but not all the TPB components weighed significantly in exploring DS consumption in China. The selected Chinese dietary culture variables were much more important predictors than subjective norm. This study makes a significant contribution in the application of the TPB model and in market strategy development for imported dietary supplements in China.  相似文献   
建筑工程技术管理是建筑单位全面核算的关键性工作,在建筑工程施工过程中,实行科学有效的技术管理,是施工单位和设计部门的迫切要求,也是达到了建设的设计指标来满足建设工程单位的需要.本文以建筑工程技术管理中存在的问题进行一一地解析,并到解决问题的对策.  相似文献   
任重 《开放导报》2008,(6):30-34
改革开放以来我国的收入差距持续扩大,收入分配问题吸引了众多学者的关注,也引发了诸多争论。本文回顾了在收入分配制度研究、“倒U”理论、收入差距测度、城乡差距和地区差距研究等几个方面产生的理论争论,并做出了简单评述。  相似文献   
走进沂源,良好的生态环境给人们留下了深刻的印记:远处的峰峦叠障、水光山色,近处的葱笼树木、清澈得发亮的叶子,全都迷漫在青翠之中,野兔不时从车前跳过闪进路边的树丛里。  相似文献   
周仁准 《特区经济》2008,235(8):25-27
社会公正是我国社会发展现今面临的一个现实重大课题。建立一个公平与正义的社会制度更是中国人民与中国共产党人的一直努力追求的目标。一个和谐的社会应是一个社会各阶级、阶层、集团间利益分配均衡并充满生机与活力的社会。因此,只有探讨并最终解决社会的公平与正义,才能最终构建和谐的社会。本文试图通过对公正内涵、产生社会公正问题的原因进行分析,进而探寻实现社会公正的现实路径。  相似文献   
社会治理创新:对行业治理的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周仁准 《特区经济》2008,(11):287-289
经济社会转轨呼唤社会治理创新,实行行业治理将是我国经济社会发展的必然选择,也是实现我国国民经济高效运行和资源有效配置的必然选择。实行行业治理必须加强对行业和行业协会的调查研究与理论探讨,必须准确厘清并把握其基本内涵,在结合我国现实国情的基础上,从行业协会建设、政府职能转变、法制化建设以及行业治理的运行机制的创建等方面,努力探讨和构建符合我国国情的行业治理结构。  相似文献   
王波  章仁俊 《特区经济》2008,(9):155-156
20世纪80年代以来,利益相关者理论在旅游领域的研究取得了飞速的发展。但在利益相关者的行为对旅游地发展的影响研究等方面系统的阐述不多。本文从利益相关者行为对旅游地发展的经济效应、社会效应、环境效应、客源市场效应等方面进行了探讨,以期为我国旅游地的可持续发展提供有益建议。  相似文献   
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