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L. Zhang Simon X. B. Zhao J. P. Tian 《International journal of urban and regional research》2003,27(4):912-937
This article focuses on the housing issues of rural migrants arising from urbanization, with particular reference to chengzhongcun, a topic with considerable impact on policymaking. An attempt is made to understand the underlying rationale of self‐help in housing and the important role of chengzhongcun in sheltering rural migrants in the context of China's rural‐urban dichotomy. As demonstrated in this study, chengzhongcun accommodate, with little in the way of government resources and assistance, millions of rural migrants because of their social accessibility and affordability. While not denying their social problems, we argue that chengzhongcun in fact act as an innovative and positive agent to promote urbanization in present day China by housing massive numbers of rural migrants and assimilating them into cities. Current government policies towards chengzhongcun have generated a wide range of interest conflicts and confrontations. The consequences of such conflicts show that the government policies were problematic and unworkable, as they violated basic market principles as well as citizen rights. Policy strategy towards the redevelopment of chengzhongcun must acknowledge their credibility in the Chinese road to urbanization and requires more thoughtful and prudent consideration of migrants' demands for affordable housing. 相似文献
天津纺织工业处于生存脱困向跨越式发展实施战略转移的关键时期。为实现建设天津都市纺织新格局的总体目标,要求我们尽快聚集、培养、开发、使用好各类人才,建设一支高素质的管理人才和专业人才队伍,形成天津纺织人才优势,为天津纺织发展提供有力的人才支持。一、充分认识新形势下做好人力资源开发工作的战略意义当今世界经济全球化趋势加快发展,现代科学技术突飞猛进,产业结构调整步伐加快,国际竞争日趋激烈。这种竞争,说到底是人才数量和质量的竞争,也是开发人力资源能力的竞争。我国已加入世贸组织,纺织行业将在更大范围和更深… 相似文献
这次会议讨论的是一个很重要的题目──国企转型与企业文化构建。我们现在对企业文化的认识,如果同10年前相比,可以说是跨越了一个世纪。当时感觉企业文化是个新鲜东西,并不知道它有多大用途,好像很时髦,多数人对它的认识还是狭窄的、浮面的。10年后的今天,经过理论界的探索研究,特别是经过企业界的创新实践,使得我们对企业文化的认识有了很大的发展。中外企业文化杂志社利用庆祝创刊10周年的机会,组织大家共同研讨国企转型与企业文化构建,这个题目选得非常好。当前,企业文化在中国的需求,很重要的一点就是与国企转型联系在了一起。企业文化… 相似文献
文章通过分析以美元计价的铁矿石和原油等大宗初级产品价格波动的特征和原因,研究了初级产品价格波动对中国的影响机制和渠道,同时提出了应对初级产品价格波动的对策。 相似文献
In this study, we investigate the effects of stock short-sale constraints on options trading by exploiting two US Securities and Exchange Commission rule changes under Regulation SHO: Rule 203 (locate and close-out requirements) and Rule 202T (temporary removal of short-sale price tests). We find that stock short selling activities decrease (increase) significantly after Rule 203 (Rule 202T) implementation, supporting the validity of Rule 203 (Rule 202T) as an exogenous increase (decrease) in short-sale constraints. Options volume increases significantly after Rule 203 went into effect and the result is more pronounced among firms with lower levels of institutional ownership and smaller options bid-ask spreads. Therefore, the evidence from Rule 203 suggests that investors may use options as substitutes for stock short sales when short selling is less feasible or more costly due to the locate and delivery requirements. In contrast, we find no significant change in the options trading volume of pilot stocks during the pilot program of Rule 202T. Overall, our results indicate that the impact of short-sale constraints on options trading varies with the types of constraints affected. 相似文献
Jinhua Zhao 《Frontiers of Economics in China》2014,9(1):1-5
Environmental degradation poses perhaps the greatest challenge to present day China as it continues to improve the living standard and general welfare of its citizens. According to a recent Pew Research Center survey (Pew Research Center, 2013), air pollution and water pollution are among the top five public concems in China, coming after inflation, inequality and corruption. Water pollution is also among the top five issues for which the public concern has increased the most during the past five years, coming after food safety, medicine and manufactured goods, and old age insurance. Yet, despite public concerns and increased abatement expenditures, major pollution levels have been increasing rather than decreasing. For many days during 2013, large parts of eastern China have suffered from blanketing thick smog caused by PM2.5 pollution, with airports and freeways shut down and schools closed. 相似文献
目的分析抗菌药物临床应用专项整治活动前后抗菌药物的使用情况。方法调取医院抗菌药物相关数据并对病例汇总分析、评价。结果抗菌药物年使用率下降至43.1%,抗菌药物送检率上升至59.3%。结论专项整治活动开展后,抗菌药物管理得到优化,抗菌药物使用更加规范提高了抗菌药物合理使用水平。 相似文献
本文运用古气候重建数据、中国历史上的米价、自然灾害、人口等具有一定间隔的时间序列数据,实证检验了气候变化与过去两千年间的农业经济社会不稳定之间的关系。研究发现,温度的升高(降低)倾向于减少(增加)社会不稳定程度,降雪异常对社会不稳定的作用是结构性的,且二者对社会不稳定均具有较长期的影响;尽管仍有其他因素影响农业社会的不稳定,但即便控制它们以后,仍系统地发现气候变化对农业社会不稳定的深层次影响,这证明了本文有关历史气候变化与中国农业社会不稳定关联关系的基本分析框架,对当下的气候变暖也具有重要启示意义。 相似文献
本文利用国际收支平衡表,通过对比中美两国对外金融资产与负债结构、成本收益,以及对美国债务型经济的国际循环进行分析后发现,中国虽然是全球第二大债权国,但正面临着负财富效应、货币错配、对外金融资产与负债不对称等不成熟债权国的种种困境。其反映的是在全球化和国际产业转移的大背景下,作为全球金融中心的美国与作为全球制造业中心的中国,在国际分工上的失衡以及债权国与债务国之间利益分配上的失衡。因此,如何重新审视和提升中国国际债权大国的地位,如何调整对外金融资产构成、改变中国长期以来的"双顺差"型的资本循环模式,这是"十二五"时期必须回答的战略性议题。 相似文献
赵洪军 《经济社会体制比较》2007,(5):66-69
近年来,各国证券市场规模急剧扩大,金融产品创新迅速发展,证券市场国际化进程进一步加快,在此背景下,各国的证券监管模式与体制也随之有着不同程度的演变和完善.其中,适应金融机构由分业经营向混业经营发展的一元监管模式成为国外成熟市场监管体制的发展趋势.借鉴国际经验,分析转轨时期我国国情,发现证券市场监管存在的问题并提出相应的改进措施,对于我国证券市场的健康稳定发展有着重要的意义. 相似文献