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肖乐群 《特区经济》2007,(7):122-124
市场经济的伦理缺陷:首先,表现在市场经济基本理念与传统道德价值与原则的根本冲突;其次,表现在市场经济运行过程对经济原则的片面坚持与对伦理价值的顽固排斥与否定。克服市场经济伦理缺陷的根本办法在于重新审视经济理性的合理性,检讨经济发展的终极意义,使市场经济以及经济理性回复到在伦理规则指引下为人类主体性生存服务的合理轨道上来。  相似文献   
陈昕  沈乐平 《特区经济》2007,(7):186-188
国有风险投资面对着退出渠道不畅通、平均投资收益低、管理体制僵化、增值服务能力弱、募资能力不足、政府实质性扶持政策欠缺等困境,从现阶段生存与再发展角度考虑,国有风险投资除期待中国投融资环境进一步改善外,必须面对国情主动进行体制创新与管理创新。  相似文献   
李乐 《理论观察》2007,(1):144-146
新的金融环境下,传统的监管理论遭遇挑战,其有效性受到置疑。监管有效性理论立足新问题,着重从资本监管、市场纪律和激励相容三个方面予以改进,试图提高银行监管的有效性。鉴于我国银行监管缺乏效率的现状,监管有效性理论具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
“楼宇经济”生存环境及发展的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乐基伟 《特区经济》2006,(2):102-105
“楼宇经济”当前成为经济发展的亮点,吸引着许多城市不断推出发展“楼宇经济”的规划。“楼宇经济”是经济、社会发展到一定阶段的产物,是知识与经济相结合、企业经营方式转变的结果,具有集聚性、辐射性、“体制外性”、流动性等特点。“楼宇经济”形成和发展所依靠的不仅仅是建筑,需要有一定的经济、文化沉淀的环境和金融、交通、信息、人才、社会等综合“区域生态”因素的支撑。本文以上海静安区的“楼宇”调研为主要依据,对“楼宇”及“楼宇经济”形成的条件、特点以及完善,进行粗浅的探索。  相似文献   
Using newly collected data on sexual identity from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, this study examines the relationship between sexual identity and labour market outcomes. Our findings show that gay males are: (i) less likely to be continuously employed than their heterosexual counterparts, and (ii) face an annual earnings penalty of 16–21%. There are also important differences in earnings dynamics for men who transition into (or out of) same‐sex versus opposite‐sex live‐in relationships. Individual fixed effects estimates show that opposite‐sex partnerships are associated with increased earnings for men, while same‐sex partnerships are associated with small declines in earnings that are statistically indistinguishable from zero. For women, we find evidence of an earnings premium for lesbians, driven largely by increased labour supply on the intensive margin.  相似文献   
外汇储备余额持续积累加剧了外汇储备资产潜在损失的进一步扩大。文章通过对中国外汇储备积累方式的分析,认为造成外汇储备损失的主要路径有三个:冲销债券的利息支付、国际短期资本的投机和人民币对美元汇率升值。在此基础上,文章数值模拟了不同路径下的外汇储备潜在损失,得出以下结论:一是人民币过快升值会加重我国外汇储备损失,应根据我国金融市场的发展状况,逐步改革汇率体系,令人民币更富弹性;二是改变中国外汇储备管理模式,从以往的被动型、防御型模式变成主动型、投资型模式,一方面逐步放松资本账户管制,允许个人和机构海外投资,另一方面加大中国的主权财富基金——中国投资公司的投资力度和规模,通过市场化手段获得更高收益。  相似文献   
Repeated dichotomous choice contingent valuation data are generated from responses to a succession of binary questions regarding alternative prices for an environmental good. In this paper we propose a simultaneous equation model that allows for endogeneity and error correlation across the responses at each stage of the bidding process. The model allows us to study the evolution of anchoring effects after the second dichotomous choice question. Estimation involves the Bayesian techniques of Gibbs sampling and data augmentation, and the application focuses on the preservation value of a natural area. The results for a data set involving up to four successive dichotomous choice questions show that restricted multiple-bounded models are rejected by the data with the general model. In addition, willingness to pay tends to stabilize after the second stage in the elicitation process for the general unrestricted model. When taking anchoring effects into consideration, it is revealed that individuals’ responses in the latter stages are influenced by the sequence of bid prices offered in earlier questions. Nevertheless, they do not have a significant effect on welfare estimates.   相似文献   
刘乐 《价值工程》2011,30(21):324-324
始终坚持把基层党务工作的重点,放在以科研生产为核心的职工队伍建设上。为此,党组织要管好党员,发挥党组织的先锋模范作用,要宣传好群众,发挥好职工群众的积极性,调动所有人的工作热情,围绕石油企业的生产目标展开工作。  相似文献   
This article proposes a carbon management system (CMS). The system comprises 10 essential elements from four broad perspectives: carbon governance, carbon operation, emission tracking and reporting, and engagement and disclosure. The proposed new approach focuses on cross‐functional integration, enforcement of proactive strategies and group rather than individual accountability. We then use Carbon Disclosure Project reports to examine empirically the implementation of systems by large Australian firms. Overall, we find that firms with higher quality CMS have achieved better carbon mitigation. Further, adequate assessment of carbon risk and opportunity, the presence of reduction targets, the strength of carbon programs and enhanced external disclosures appear to be the most effective elements in our sample firms. We present evidence that, by combining governance, internal process, carbon dioxide‐footprint tracking and communication activities, a CMS helps managers improve decision making. We discuss the implications of the findings for accounting practice and education.  相似文献   
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