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We investigate the impact that the sovereign ceiling policy has on financial stability. In the event of a sovereign rating downgrade, we find that the rating agencies' sovereign ceiling policy leads to a disproportionate downgrade of the most creditworthy financial institutions in the economy and results in increased systemic risk. This asymmetric variation in bank ratings also impairs equity growth that further exacerbates bank insolvency. Our results are robust to several matching techniques, such as propensity score matching and entropy balancing, falsification tests, subsample analyses, alternative empirical proxies and model specifications.  相似文献   
Drawing on the attraction–selection–attrition (ASA) framework, this paper examines a mechanism, namely person–organization (P–O) fit, through which high-performance HR practices (HPHRPs) affect two negative employee outcomes: work-related stress and quit intentions. Using a sample of Egyptian public health sector workers, a mediation model is tested empirically using structural equation modelling. The study results show that HPHRPs positively affected P–O fit, which in turn had significant negative associations with work stress and quit intentions. P–O fit also explained a high proportion of mediation in the relationship between HPHRP and both outcomes.  相似文献   
This article looks at the relative impact of context on the role of senior managers. It compares HR directors of domestic enterprises (DEs) with those of multinational enterprises (MNEs), within an emerging market setting, based on a survey of HR directors in Brunei. We found that, with the exception of some aspects of selection and recruitment, HR directors of MNEs accorded a higher priority to strategic tasks but were more reluctant to delegate. This study confirms the importance of MNEs in pioneering more modern and integrated approaches to people management but also demonstrates the limitations to the extent where they might act as evangelists of new practices that are adopted by their local peers. In contrast, local firms were more likely to concentrate their attention on administrative, rather than strategic, issues. We draw out the implications of our findings for theory and practice.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to propose a theoretical model to examine consumer word-of-mouth (WOM) behavioural intention in Malaysian education services. The results from a survey of 247 respondents indicate that servicescape, service recovery, service quality and satisfaction significantly affect consumers’ intention to engage in WOM behaviour. The results support majority of the hypothesized relationships, suggesting that servicescape and service recovery function as antecedents, directly affecting consumer perceptions of education service quality. The analytical results also demonstrate that perceived service quality positively affects satisfaction, which subsequently induces consumers’ behavioural intentions. Consistent with previous empirical studies, our findings suggest that satisfaction is a super-ordinate construct with a positive relation to behavioural intention, and significantly mediates the effect of service quality on the intention to engage in WOM behaviour. The insignificant direct effect from service quality to WOM further suggests the role of satisfaction as a complete mediator in the university education service setting. Implications for future research are discussed and limitations noted.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the expanding financial turmoil that has been triggered by the Asian crisis. It examines the factors behind the crisis, its impact on African countries and the main lessons and policy implications for African countries. The onset of the Asian crisis seems to have taken everybody by surprise because the Asian countries that were hit by the crisis had been among the most successful in sustaining high rates of economic growth, keeping high saving and investment rates and improving the quality of life of their citizens. However, the emerging consensus is that the Asian crisis is a hybrid of structural and policy distortions (macro- and micro-economic) in the affected economies. The impact of the crisis on African countries was mainly transmitted through declines in export prices and volumes. The low demand for primary commodities induced by the crisis and the large depreciation of Asian currencies appear to have played major roles in depressing commodity prices. With only a few exceptions, the commodities that suffered large price declines are those for which Asia constitutes an important market (e.g. oil) and/or those mostly supplied by Asian countries (e.g. copper, timber and rubber). Africa’s oil-exporting countries, which experienced large deterioration in their terms of trade, were the most affected. For the continent as a whole, export proceeds declined by 9.5 per cent between 1997 and 1998. This was the product of a 7 per cent decline in export prices and a 2.5 per cent decline in the volume of exports. The paper estimates that the crisis has caused the growth rate in the region to slide down by 1.2 percentage points, which indicates a loss of US $6.2 billion using aggregate GDP for 1997 as the base. To put this in an order of magnitude, it is about US $2 billion higher than the annual average flow of FDI to the continent in recent years. For the majority of African countries where the inflow of private capital is small and where public debt is dominant, the traditional risk management policies, such as adopting realistic exchange rates and reducing government deficits and inflation rates, should continue to be major policy tools to prevent financial crisis. However, as the role of private capital increases the design of macroeconomic policies would need to heed the lessons emerging from Asia. One basic lesson is that careful sequencing of domestic and external liberalization is needed. In that, restrictions on the capital account, especially on the more volatile capital flows should be lifted only after the domestic financial sector has been strengthened with adequate regulatory and supervisory institutions. This is particularly true because the Asian crisis has shown that reserves, even at very high levels, can be quickly depleted given the scale and volatility of short-term capital flows. Le présent document analyse le développement de la tourmente financière déclenchée par la crise asiatique. Il examine les causes de cette crise, son impact sur les pays africains, les principaux enseignements à en tirer et ses incidences politiques pour l’Afrique. Le déclenchement de la crise asiatique semble avoir pris tout le monde de court. Les pays asiatiques touchés sont parmi ceux qui avaient enregistré des taux de croissance économique des plus élevés, maintenu des taux d’épargne et d’investissement des plus soutenus, et amélioré le plus la qualité de vie de leurs citoyens. Cependant, de l’avis général, la crise asiatique résulte de la conjonction de distorsions d’ordre structurels et politiques (macro et micro économiques) dans les pays touchés. Son impact sur les pays africains a été principalement ressenti é; travers la baisse des prix et du volume des exportations. Le fléchissement de la demande des produits de base et la forte dépréciation des monnaies asiatiques provoqués par la crise ont manifestement joué un rôle déterminant dans la chute des cours des produits de base. A quelques exceptions près, les produits dont les prix ont sensiblement baissé sont ceux pour lesquels l’Asie constitue un important marché (par exemple le pétrole) et/ ou ceux qui sont essentiellement fournis par les pays asiatiques (cuivre, bois, caoutchouc). Les pays africains exportateurs de pétrole, qui ont subi une détérioration marquée de leurs termes de l’échange, ont été les plus touchés. Pour l’ensemble du continent, les recettes d’exportation ont baissé de 9,5 pour cent entre 1997 et 1998. Cette situation résulte de la baisse de 7 pour cent des prix et de la contraction de 2,5 pour cent du volume des exportations. Ce document estime que la crise a entraîné un ralentissement de croissance de 1,2 point de pourcentage, soit une perte de 6,2 milliards de dollars EU, si l’on utilise comme base le PIB global de 1997. Traduit en ordre de grandeur, ce chiffre est d’environ 2 milliards de dollars supérieur au montant des flux moyens annuels d’IDE obtenus par le continent au cours de ces dernières années. Pour la majorité des Etats africains oú l’apport de capitaux privés est faible, et la dette publique écrasante, les politiques traditionnelles de gestion de risque, comme l’adoption de taux de change réalistes et la réduction des déficits publics et du taux d’inflation, doivent demeurer les principaux moyens d’action pour prévenir les crises financières. Cependant, à mesure qu’augmente le rôle des capitaux privés, la conception des politiques macroéconomiques devrait tenir compte des leçons qui se dégagent de l’expérience asiatique. La principale leçon est qu’il faut faire preuve de prudence dans la programmation de la libéralisation interne et externe. Dans cet esprit, la restriction des mouvements des capitaux, notamment ceux de capitaux les plus volatiles, ne doit être levée qu’après la consolidation du secteur financier au niveau interne avec le concours d’institutions compétentes de réglementation et de contrôle. Cette précaution est d’autant plus nécessaire que la crise asiatique a démontré que les réserves, même à des niveaux très élevés, peuvent s’épuiser rapidement du fait de l’ampleur et de la volatilité des flux des capitaux à court terme.  相似文献   
This paper examines liquidity creation behaviour in the property‐liability insurance market in South Africa. Using annual data on 76 insurers from 2007 to 2014, the paper employs the three‐stage approach to estimate liquidity creation. The results suggest that property‐liability insurers are characterised by liquidity destruction by transforming liquid assets in cash and investable securities into illiquid reserves liabilities. The findings also indicate that the R1.32 billion in liquid assets were transformed into illiquid reserves liabilities in 2014, an increase from the R700 million liquidity de‐created in 2007. The increases were mainly driven by large insurers which accounted for about 70% liquidity de‐created. The results of panel regression analysis provide evidence in support of the “risk‐absorption” hypothesis which argues that high levels of capital increases liquidity creation. In addition, size, leverage and reinsurance were also identified as the firm‐level factors that explain liquidity creation. The policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
This article explores the important role of Industrial Development Banks in promoting the quality of technological development. It is argued that the historical experiences of the developed economies and several developing economies during recent times support the need and potentials of a more pro-active role by Industrial Development Banks. Against this background, the specific experiences of Industrial Development Banks in the Gulf Co-operation Council Countries are examined and the results of a select field survey are reported. This exploratory study suggests that some fundamental steps are needed in order to develop Industrial Development Banks from being comparatively passive conduits of technological aid to more active promoters of technological development.  相似文献   
We specify a vector autoregression (VAR) model for the U.S. for 1980–2008 to investigate the statistical causal relationships between private non-residential fixed investment, the effective Federal funds rate, personal consumption expenditures, nonfinancial corporate profits, and the nonfinancial corporate credit market debt to test the validity of macroeconomic relationships in a macro model. The VAR utilizes the Toda-Yamamote procedure to test for Granger causality. Our preliminary results show that the transmission mechanism does not work as expected; we find that fixed investment depends on the level of demand in the economy and profits but not on the interest rate. This casts doubt on the usual assumptions about how the monetary transmission mechanism is expected to work. The second part of the paper investigates the effects of the change in the monetary regime towards low and stable interest rates, a policy pursued by the U.S. Fed since the beginning of the 1990s. We find that the new monetary policy regime has the following effects: (1) our VAR model does not support the hypothesis that low interest rates lead to higher fixed nonresidential investment; (2) low interest rates led to a search for higher yields through increasing risk, and (3) they led to an increase in the demand for securitized assets, especially mortgage-backed securities, which eventually resulted in a housing bubble. The overall results therefore raise doubts about the effectiveness of low interest rates as a policy regime designed as a component of a counter-cyclical policy.  相似文献   
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