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通过对公司质量管理问题分析,提出了建立“综合质量系数”并纳入产量考核中,解决了生产过程产量和质量的矛盾问题,端正和处理好了质量、产量、效益的关系。通过在车间实施,取得了明显的效果。  相似文献   
陈光燕  司伟 《农村经济》2020,(3):110-117
基于2016年中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS),文章识别了家庭代际经济支持中的邻里效应,并对相关影响机制进行了检验。估计结果表明:在控制子女、父母等一系列特征变量后,社区邻里效应对家庭代际经济支持具有显著的正向影响。进一步分析表明,这种影响因家庭所在区域存在明显差异,表现为社区邻里效应对农村家庭代际经济支持的影响明显大于城镇家庭。此外,研究还发现:社区邻里效应对多子女家庭代际经济支持的影响明显大于独生子女家庭,对男孩家庭代际经济支持的作用显著大于女孩家庭和既有男孩又有女孩的家庭。最后,机制检验表明:在社区内部,子女追求社会地位,希望赢得他人尊重是社区邻里效应发挥作用的重要机制。文章从社区内部不同家庭互动角度解释家庭代际支持行为,为理解近年来我国不断增加的家庭代际经济支持现象提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   
Successfully developing new products is critical to an entrepreneurial firm’s continued success. Based on the resource management model, this study aims to answer the key research question: how entrepreneurial firms leverage network competence and technological capability to enhance their new product development (NPD) performance in a turbulent environment. Using data collected from 134 entrepreneurial firms in China, we investigate the performance effects of network competence and technological capability, and the moderating effects of technological turbulence and market turbulence. Our findings show that network competence has a positive impact on NPD performance and technological capability plays a mediating role between network competence and NPD performance. Technological turbulence enhances the performance effects of network competence and technological capability; market turbulence advances the performance effect of network competence, but fails to exert significant negative impact on that of technological capability. We discuss managerial implications of our findings and offer directions for future research.  相似文献   
张锦  司伟 《价值工程》2007,26(5):114-117
对于企业家的受托责任的履行问题,国内外学者都有过相关探讨。企业家受托责任的缺失已经给企业所有者带来巨大损失,尤其是我国国有企业,在所有者缺位的情况下,如何让企业家主动履行受托责任将有助于解决我国国有企业受托责任的问题。对此,可以通过调整利润分配来实现企业家与所有者利益的一致化,从而激励企业家主动履行受托责任。  相似文献   
阐述低碳物流发展的重要性,对低碳物流法律推进机制构建的必要性及河北当前低碳物流法律推进机制构建中存在的问题进行分析,并对构建符合河北经济发展和社会进步需要的低碳物流法律推进机制提出合理化建议。  相似文献   
Information systems are a kind of service systems and they are throughout every element of a modern industrial and business system, much like blood in our body. Types of information systems are heterogeneous because of extreme uncertainty in changes in modern industrial and business systems. To effectively manage information systems, modelling of the work domain (or domain) of information systems is necessary. In this paper, a domain modelling framework for the service system is proposed and its application to the enterprise information system is outlined. The framework is defined based on application of a general domain modelling tool called function-context-behaviour-principle-state-structure (FCBPSS). The FCBPSS is based on a set of core concepts, namely: function, context, behaviour, principle, state and structure and system decomposition. Different from many other applications of FCBPSS in systems engineering, the FCBPSS is applied to both infrastructure and substance systems, which is novel and effective to modelling of service systems including enterprise information systems. It is to be noted that domain modelling of systems (e.g. enterprise information systems) is a key to integration of heterogeneous systems and to coping with unanticipated situations facing to systems.  相似文献   
陈思 《企业技术开发》2009,28(6):111-111,115
以人为本是马克思主义社会本体论思想精髓。马克思主义哲学社会本体论因充分重视人自身的价值,重视人的现实性和社会的时代性,而具有物质本体论与实践本体论所不可比拟的优越性,它是一个真正将自然、人和社会和谐统一起来的本体论思想体系。  相似文献   
司雪侠 《价值工程》2011,30(15):191-192
法学是一门应用性很强的社会科学,然而长久以来法学教育的实践性课程却没有受到应有的重视。因此,应当大力加强实践性课程的研究,特别是构建一个科学的实践性教学体系,使其与法学理论性课程相辅相承,共同推动我国法学本科教学质量的全面提高。  相似文献   
在集群创新网络中,核心节点企业的创新能力较其他企业更强,研究核心节点企业创新能力传递对于集群升级至关重要。本文提出创新网络核心节点企业创新能力传递强度概念,并构建其概念模型。通过实证研究发现,创新网络核心节点企业创新能力传递强度对集群升级具有显著的正向影响,其中,创新能力传递速度和创新能力传递深度对集群升级促进作用显著;集群其他节点企业创新吸收能力调节了创新网络核心节点企业创新能力传递强度与集群升级的关系,并指出了研究结论的实践意义。  相似文献   
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