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In a multi-source study, we examine how frequent change interacts with ethical leadership to reduce turnover intentions. We argue that ethical leaders enhance employees’ state self-esteem, which explains the moderating effect of ethical leadership. Results from 124 employee-coworker-supervisor triads revealed that ethical leadership moderated the relationship between frequent change and turnover intention such that the relationship was positive only when ethical leadership was low. The moderating relationship could be shown to be mediated by employees’ state self-esteem.  相似文献   
Semicommercial farms that produce multiple crops make up a largepart of the agricultural sector in developing economies. Thesefarms or agricultural households combine two fundamental unitsof microeconomic analysis: the household and the firm. Traditionaleconomic theory has dealt with these units separately. But indeveloping economies in which peasant farms dominate, theirinterdependence is of crucial importance. Researchers at theFood Research Institute, Stanford University, and at the WorldBank have developed models of agricultural households that combineproducer and consumer behavior in a theoretically consistentfashion. Recent empirical applications of these models haveextended them and expanded the range of policy issues whichcan be investigated using this general framework. This article reports the results of empirical applications ofthis model in India, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea,Malaysia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, and Thailand.It provides a comparative analysis of the policy implicationsof the approach for such matters as the welfare of farm households,the size of marketed surplus, the demand for nonagriculturalgoods and services, and for hired labor, and the availabilityof budget revenues and foreign exchange.  相似文献   
In India, as a result of the enactment and implementation of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 there has been an increased amount of self-regulation by the public as well as by the private corporate sector. The mounting pressure by consumer organisations and the growing number of cases filed by consumers before the three-tier quasi-judicial Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies established under the 1986 Act have propelled the corporate sector in India to become more socially accountable then ever before. Though it may be too early to comment on the success or failure of this Act, it has nevertheless initiated a process of change at least in the behaviour of the urban business community and has coerced it to regulate itself.The paper purports to highlight and evaluate the present state of business self-regulation in India. The author has critically examined the Codes of Ethics recently announced by some sections of the business community in India. He has also endeavoured to cite a few recent cases argued before the Consumer Forums, more particularly by the consumers' associations, where instead of resorting to protracted legal battles, industry has reconciled itself to consumers' demands. Thus the central theme of the paper is to show how the 1986 Act has propelled the corporate sector to resort to self-regulation and to critically examine this new development. The author concludingly argues that in order to achieve the much-cherished goal of social change in India, much still remains to be accomplished and that there is a need for a co-ordinated approach to solve the problem of consumer protection as law alone may not be effective.
Zusammenfassung Anbieter-Selbstregulierung und Verbraucherschutz in Indien: Eine Kritik. In Indien hat es als Folge der Einführung des Verbraucherschutzgesetzes 1986 ein starkes Anwachsen der Selbstregulierung gegeben, und zwar sowohl bei den öffentlichen Anbietern wie auch bei den privaten Anbietern. Es gab einen wachsenden Druck auf die anbietende Wirtschaft durch die Verbraucherorganisationen und durch die Tatsache, da\ die Konsumenten eine wachsende Zahl von Verfahren bei den dreistufigen quasigerichtlichen Verbraucherschiedsstellen eröffnet haben, die aufgrund des Gesetzes von 1986 eingerichtet worden sind. Jedenfalls hat dieser Druck ein deutliches Anwachsen der sozialen Verantwortlichkeit bei der indischen Wirtschaft bewirkt. Obwohl ein abschlie\endes Urteil über den Erfolg oder Mi\erfolg dieses Gesetzes noch nicht möglich ist, lä\t sich aber jetzt schon feststellen, da\ es einen Wandel zumindest im Verhalten der städtischen Anbieter bewirkt hat und zu mehr Selbstegulierung geführt hat.Der Autor setzt sich kritisch mit den ethischen Verhaltensrichtlinien auseinander, die einzelne Branchen angekündight haben. Er führt au\erdem einige neuere Fälle an, die vor den Verbraucherforen verhandelt wurden, wo die beklagten Unternehmen den Verbraucheransprüchen entgegenkamen statt in langwierige gerichtliche Verfahren zu flüchten. Für das wichtige Ziel eines sozialen Wandels in Indien bleibt nach Meinung des Autors allerdings noch mehr zu tun; auf jeden Fall ist das Problem des Konsumentenschutzes allein auf gesetzgeberischem Wege nicht zu lösen.

Presently he is on Nehru-Centenary British Commonwealth Fellowship Award (1990–93) and is doing research at the Department of Law, School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG.

The author is thankful to the Post-Graduate Tutor and his learned supervisor Dr. Werner F. Menski for his valuable comments on the earlier draft of his paper.  相似文献   
We design a new measure and find that the predictability of past returns on future returns increases as stocks respond with delay to firm-specific information. Our results suggest that momentum is caused by both investors’ underreaction and overreaction to information. However, underreaction to information seems to be the primary cause, particularly during the more recent period. Our findings are robust for recent explanations of momentum profits and alternative methods for computing our measure. We also find that stocks respond with delay to firm-specific information, partly due to certain firm characteristics, and partly because they escape investor attention due to their low visibility. Our paper extends and refines Jegadeesh and Titman’s (J Financ 56(2):699–720, 2001) finding that momentum profits are consistent with behavioral models’ predictions regarding investors’ overreaction.  相似文献   
Despite extensive monitoring, banking operations are often considered opaque, and despite explicit capital adequacy regulation, banks may have substantial discretion in their financing. Both monitoring and capital regulation have changed substantially over time, with the adoption of FDICIA being one important breakpoint. This article empirically studies seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) by banks to understand how opacity and capital regulation interact to determine the timing of bank SEOs and their market valuation. SEOs both by banks that are undercapitalized relative to regulatory standards and also well-capitalized banks are fully discretionary when it comes to SEOs, even before FDICIA. Both undercapitalized and well-capitalized banks experience similar and significantly negative stock price reactions to SEO announcements, and also have similar prior patterns of insider trading and similar economic drivers of the issuance decision. Moreover, post-SEO abnormal stock returns are similar to benchmark returns for both types of issuers in the long run, suggesting that, contrary to the well-documented evidence for industrial SEOs, investors understand the value implications of bank SEOs upon announcement. The evidence implies that undercapitalized banks' SEOs are more discretionary and that all bank SEOs are less opaque than implied by earlier studies.  相似文献   
Economic theory and recent empirical work suggest that whenformal regulation of pollution is absent or less than 100 percenteffective, affected communities are often able to negotiateabatement from plants in their vicinity through "informal regulation."Using a model of equilibrium pollution, this article confirmsthe existence of significant informal regulation for unregulatedpollutants in both Indonesia and the United States as well asfor regulated pollutants in the United States. Combining plant-leveldata with community data in both countries, regressions revealthat even after controlling for traditional economic variablessuch as output levels and input prices as well as for plantcharacteristics such as industrial sector and age, the per capitaincome of affected communities significantly affects pollutionintensities. Higher-income communities win significantly loweremissions in both countries and for both unregulated and regulatedpollutants in the United States, presumably because income affectsboth preferences for environmental quality and the ability tobring pressure on polluting factories.  相似文献   
Marketers are seen to bombard children with advertisements for unhealthy foods using sophisticated promotion techniques that have serious negative effects on health and overall well-being of children. So parents try to mediate children’s exposure to media content and call for governmental regulations in an attempt to shield them. The extent to which they mediate further determines whether they contemplate food advertisements as being ethical or unethical. Therefore, the present study tries to uncover the antecedents to ethical versus unethical perceptions of Indian parents about food advertisements directed at children. No study, to the best of the researchers’ knowledge, has been conducted so far in India in this regard. Using binary logistic regression with mothers, it is found that the mothers who view food advertisements as unethical report their children to watch fewer hours of TV during weekdays and hold negative attitudes toward advertising to children. These mothers, however, do not feel that the government needs to impose restrictions on food advertisements aired on TV since they themselves indulge in mediation of TV advertising as a general parenting responsibility. The implications of the article are finally discussed.  相似文献   
The present exploratory study investigates the differential impact of various relevant corporate brand associations on consumers' cognitive (product attitude and purchase intention) and affective responses (affective corporate commitment) in the three sectors, namely durables, services and fast moving consumer goods. The findings reveal that corporate brand associations can be categorised into two categories – universal associations, which are influential in all the sectors, and sector-specific associations, which have a differential effect on consumers in different sectors. Thus, this study reveals that corporate branding is important to consumers in all the sectors, but a single corporate brand story does not work in all the sectors. Further, corporate associations do not always have a positive effect on the consumers; under certain circumstances, these might either have no effect or have a negative effect on the consumers. Finally, there are two routes by which corporate brand associations can influence consumers – by affecting their cognitive responses or by influencing their affective responses towards the company. The recognition of the important corporate brand associations in the three sectors, and the routes (cognitive or affective) through which these associations influence consumer choices would enable marketers to develop more sophisticated corporate communication strategies.  相似文献   
Internet retailers often compete fiercely for consumers through expensive marketing efforts like search engine advertising, online coupons and a variety of special deals. Against this background, it is somewhat puzzling that many online retailers have recently begun referring their website visitors to their direct competitors. In this paper, using an analytical model, we examine this counterintuitive practice and posit that an entry deterrence motive can potentially explain this marketplace puzzle. Specifically, we develop a model where two incumbents compete for consumers” business while facing a potential entrant who is deciding whether to enter the market. In addition to setting the price, each incumbent firm could potentially display a referral link to its direct competitor. Our analysis reveals that when confronted with a potential entry, an incumbent may refer consumers to its competitor, intensifying the market competition that could result in shutting off the entrant. Furthermore, we show that when referral efficiency is exogenous, it is possible that in equilibrium only one incumbent refers its customers to competitor (i.e., one-way referral) or both incumbents refer their customers to each other (i.e, two-way referral). When referral efficiency is endogenous, the ex-ante symmetric incumbents may choose asymmetric referral efficiencies ex-post. We extend the model in a number of directions including making the entrant share endogenous and allowing incumbents to be asymmetric. Overall, our results indicate that firms may be motivated by entry deterrence to voluntarily refer consumers to their direct competitors even when they are paid nothing for the referral.  相似文献   
We explore whether the introduction of mandatory third party certification in 2005 under the Responsible Care program has reduced the probability and severity of accidents in participating facilities in the U.S. chemical industry. Using a sample of 10,315 observations from 1136 facilities owned by 566 RC and non-RC firms between 1996 and 2010, we estimate the average treatment effect of third party certification. We find that the difference-in-difference estimate of the average treatment effect is statistically insignificant. This result is robust to various model specifications including the potential endogeniety of third party certification due to a firm’s self-selection into RC.  相似文献   
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