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耿静如 《河南财政税务高等专科学校学报》2006,20(4):52-54
人类交际由语言交际和非语言交际组成,非语言交际在人类交际和外语课堂教学中发挥着重要作用.但是,在我国外语教学中非语言交际还没有得到足够的重视.为适应社会的发展和教改的要求,教师应加强非语言交际的研究和应用,在外语教学中增强学生非语言交际能力的培养. 相似文献
本研究从网上销售的影响因素出发,采用搜索程序获取了淘宝网的4059个货架1周的销售数据,通过分位数回归方法对不同热门程度产品的价格、信誉、保障标记以及口碑的需求弹性进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,随着产品热门程度的提高,信誉的需求弹性不断增强,而价格、保障标记以及口碑的需求弹性却不断减弱。由此表明,产品的价格降低,保障标记级别和口碑的提升都能使销售趋于分散,而提高商家的信誉却能加速销售向热门产品集中,使得热门更热。 相似文献
交通运输对区域经济影响效应的研究进展及展望 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
交通运输是国民经济发展的命脉,也是区域经济持续快速发展重要的支撑、服务和保障体系的组成部分。本文从区位条件、区域产业结构、区域空间结构、区域市场、区域发展战略、区域合作等方面分析了目前我国交通运输对区域经济影响效应研究的进展,指出交通运输对区域经济影响效应研究中存在的问题,并在此基础上,探讨了我国该领域未来的研究趋向和发展态势。 相似文献
Understanding the nature of structural change and the sources of economic growth of an economy, especially the relative importance of different industries, is essential for policy‐making. This paper estimates industry contribution to economic growth in both Canada and the United States. It argues that industry contribution should be evaluated on the basis of the performance of an industry in terms of creating economic value relative to other industries. In particular, it calls for the quantity and the price effects, which is consistent with real GDP in the chained‐Fisher index that values the industry more when its price rises and less when its price declines. This is an important departure from the traditional methodologies that consider only quantity effect. This paper shows that the contribution from demand‐driven industries is significantly more than the finding based on traditional thinking. 相似文献
基于高阶理论与调节焦点理论,通过中国373家企业问卷调查数据,探讨CEO环境不确定性感知对企业创新模式选择的影响机制。结果表明:CEO环境不确定性感知对企业渐进性创新与突破性创新均具有显著正向影响;高管团队行为整合在CEO环境不确定性感知与企业创新间发挥部分中介作用;CEO特质调节焦点正向调节CEO环境不确定性感知与高管团队行为整合之间的关系,同时正向调节上述中介机制。 相似文献
Enhanced Special Drawing Rights: How China Could Contribute to a Reformed International Monetary Architecture 下载免费PDF全文
Since the end of the Bretton Woods era, the world has operated on a de facto system of free‐floating exchange rates, with the US dollar as the dominant international currency. The system, characterized by large pro‐cyclical capital flows and chronic imbalances, is inherently unstable, and has contributed to repeated crises, recessions and geopolitical tensions. One potentially “least‐difficult” line of reform would be to allow the evolution of a multi‐currency system, underpinned by an expanded role for Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). Attempts to promote wider use of the SDR have foundered on the liquidity premium. However, for Chinese corporations and institutions, at present restricted in their capital account activities, the SDR liquidity premium would appear less daunting. The Chinese authorities could provide policy encouragement for the use of SDRs by their institutions. This initiative, supported by China's Special Administrative Region Hong Kong, would kick‐start an international SDR ecosystem, and encourage even broader use of SDRs, to the benefit of international monetary stability. 相似文献
文章基于中国上市企业2008-2015年对外直接投资数据,分析东道国金融发展在扩展边际和集约边际上对企业对外直接投资决策以及投资所需生产率水平的影响。研究发现,在不同生产率的企业中东道国金融发展的影响是异质性的。较高的金融发展水平会系统性地降低投资所需的生产率水平,进而促进中国企业对外直接投资的概率、次数和规模。进一步的研究还发现,在经济发展水平比中国高的东道国金融发展的生产率效应更显著,投资所需生产率下降得更多。尽管如此,高经济发展水平东道国的最低生产率门槛仍然高于低经济发展水平的东道国。控制了金融发展指标和企业全要素生产率的内生性后,结果依然稳健。 相似文献
产业融合是京津冀协同发展的基础条件和重要任务。目前,河北产业结构不合理的问题仍然突出,影响了京津冀产业对接与融合的步伐。应抓住京津冀协同发展的重大机遇,结合自身产业基础及比较优势,充分利用京津优势资源和市场空间,加快农业发展方式转变和工业结构转型升级,提高服务业发展层次和水平,实现产业竞争力的整体提升。 相似文献