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This paper aims to identify Taiwan HRD practitioners’ perceived competency levels, and to evaluate the importance of 52 workplace learning and performance (WLP) competencies. The conceptual framework is adapted from the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) models for WLP conducted by Rothwell, Sanders and Soper (1999). The survey data were obtained from 254 practitioners, results are analysed and findings reported. Conclusions and recommendations are provided.  相似文献   
Angela 《中国广告》2008,(2):154-155
1月7日,中国2010年上海世博会2008年在全国各省区市宣传周的第一站——云南宣传周暨"走进世博会"展览在昆明金碧广场正式拉开序幕。上海世博会执委会常务副主任、中共上海市委常委、副市长杨雄,中共云南省委常  相似文献   
This study explores the impact of corporate image and service quality on customer satisfaction in the professional service industries. Data were collected on audit firms, sending a questionnaire to financial executives of leading Italian companies. The results show that the most important variable explaining customer satisfaction was the apparent effectiveness of the audit firm. In relation to service quality, managers' satisfaction was primarily driven by their perception of audit firm's work as a useful value-adding service. The length of audit firm–auditee relation, the location of the auditor's office, and the financial executive's personal characteristics were also significant drivers of customer satisfaction.  相似文献   
Organizations employ various risk-mitigation strategies to cope with the uncertainty in marketing new products. In the motion picture industry, an important strategy is to cast star actors and actresses in movies. The ultimate box-office success, however, depends on multiple stakeholders involved with financing, making, distributing, and watching the movie. In pursuing different goals and interests, the stakeholders may look for different aspects of star power to mitigate their own risk. This paper examines how the influence of stars varies across key stakeholders in the movie market. The results show that, in general, stars have a greater impact on the stakeholders involved in the earlier stages of movie development and exhibition (where the risks are greater) than on those in later stages. Movie project financiers and exhibitors are strongly and directly influenced by star power, but news media and movie audiences are influenced less and only indirectly. Situated at the early stage of the movie “value chain,” the financiers are most concerned with stars’ past box-office performance. Exhibitors, however, are influenced by the “match” between a star’s genre participation history and the genre of a specific movie. By contrast, news media and movie audiences are influenced indirectly through the stars’ impact on earlier stakeholders and their decisions. The findings shed light on the value of employing star elements in new products, the marketing of stars, and movie promotion strategies.  相似文献   
  • This paper explores some common weaknesses that occur when charities undertake major donor initiatives. It also explodes some common ‘myths’ that can stifle an organisation's major donor work. The basis for identifying these weaknesses and myths comprises of two sources: some original management centre (=mc) research among a number of leading major donor fundraising organisations, and our practical consulting experience over the last 3 years with not-for-profit fundraisers running major campaigns in UK, USA and Australia. In the paper, we also explore how by confronting these weaknesses and dispelling the myths within your organisation, you too can develop a successful major donor income stream. These lessons are now being applied in our consulting work in the UK, USA and South America, with some significant success. We believe they hold important general lessons for anyone running major donor-led capital campaigns.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Viral marketing uses electronic communications to trigger brand messages throughout a widespread network of buyers. The process is often portrayed as a random ground-up phenomenon over which marketers have little control. But an examination of successful viral marketing cases identifies a number of strategies underpinning this chaotic phenomenon, providing insight into how marketers can use it to position their brands, change their image, and increase adoption rates. Successful viral marketing campaigns are comprised of an engaging message that involves imagination, fun and intrigue, encourages ease of use and visibility, targets credible sources, and leverages combinations of technology.  相似文献   
Angela 《中国广告》2008,(7):122-122
为积极做好世博会宣传工作,演绎城市,让生活更美好的世博会主题,为世博会增光添彩,上海世博局与卢湾区政府双方友好协商,定于卢湾区上海创意之窗内设立中国2010年上海世博会展示中心。展示中心处于申城繁华地段的淮海中路香港新世界大厦三楼,  相似文献   

A phenomenological framework guided data collection and analysis of the prevalent influences on attitudes and behaviors of elementary, junior, and secondary school students towards their physically active leisure. Twenty-two students participated in individual in-depth interviews. Parental influence and outdoor play effected choice and level of physically active leisure for elementary students. Opportunities for organized and non-structured physically active leisure and friends were significant for junior students. Academic responsibilities and organized physically active leisure were influential for secondary students. Common threads were parental influence and the belief that the students were too old to start new activities. These findings highlight the importance of providing opportunities in safe environments for children and youth to participate in a variety of structured and non-structured forms of physically active leisure.  相似文献   
Book reviews     

This article examines the cultural field of fitness as a network of producers, consumers, products and practices that has developed around the care of the body through physical exercise. Drawing on a thematic text analysis of US exercise manuals, the paper focuses on how the commercial fitness field naturalizes associations between physical exercise and leisure, and between leisure and self‐work. In particular, the analysis examines three themes and their relevance to our broader understanding of leisure in contemporary consumer society: the management of leisure time; the use of leisure for self‐investment strategies; and the promotion of consumption as the framework for leisure and an accompanying notion of pleasure. The fitness field casts light on how leisure more generally is constructed as a sphere of obligations to make productive use of one’s time, to improve one’s body and self, and to do so through the wares of the consumer marketplace. The cultural imaginary of leisure as a time of freedom from work and responsibility is thus recast, in an age of individualization, as a time of freedom to accomplish the work of self‐production.  相似文献   
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