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作为关系到老百姓生活质量的重要产业部门,医院担负着重要的社会责任,近几年随着经济政治体制改革的不断深化,我国各级医院的产权关系发生了很大的改变,逐步变为自负盈亏、自我发展的独立法人.面对愈加开放的市场,医院面临诸多新问题,本文笔者从全面预算管理的角度分析新时期医院财务管理工作的问题,并提出相应的完善措施.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the potential impacts of the agreements of Special Products and Sensitive Products (SPs) in Doha negotiations on world and China's Agriculture. By linking a global trade model to a national policy model which itself is connected to a set of disaggregated household data, we are able to assess the effects of the inclusion of SPs into a Doha agreement on agriculture in China and the rest of the world and different farmers across China. Our results show that since the inclusion of SPs in a Doha agreement adds more protection in agriculture, the total quantity of resources used in world agriculture increases. Although increasing, it is important to note that the total rise is only a fraction of a percent of agricultural value added and the gains to rural income per capita are likewise small. Moreover, an important difference between the apparent benefits of SPs is highlighted when they are considered for one country alone and when they are made available to all WTO members. The benefits to agriculture in China (and other countries) from increases in protection resulting from SPs are typically offset when these flexibilities are made available to all countries. While there are some positive benefits for certain vulnerable groups in society (in China), we show that there are adverse effects on equity and the impacts differ largely among regions.  相似文献   
在永久高边坡处理中,通过多方案比较及实际运行,验证了在边坡中部设置平台将1个高边坡分成2个较低边坡的处理方式能够达到降低实施难度(包括设计、施工及征地拆迁的难度)、更经济合理的目的,较好地解决了用地指标限制与边坡稳定的矛盾。  相似文献   
以阳朔县人民医院为例,介绍了信息化系统综合布线的特点、设计原则、组成结构、设计标准及其优势等。根据医院的具体情况提出了设计与实施方案。  相似文献   
Can China continue its relatively rapid economic growth and rise to the high-income status in the coming decade? In this article we address this question by examining three issues. One, is the current slowdown mainly a cyclical or a structural phenomenon? Two, can China successfully transform its growth model? And, three, what does China need to do to foster its capability of technological innovation and industrial upgrading? We conclude that, with necessary reforms, such as improvement in the education and research capability, liberalization of the financial system and introduction of a more transparent and accountable political system, China will most likely be able to escape the middle-income trap in the next 10 years.  相似文献   
文化产业是一个新兴的朝阳产业,自20世纪90年代以来,已成为全球发展最快的产业之一。虽然我国文化产业发展已经初具规模,但是,与欧美发达国家以及日本、韩国的差距还比较大。本文探讨分析了我国文化产业发展存在的一些问题。  相似文献   
Investment surged up continuously From Jan. to Nov. 2009, total statistics-worthy fixed-assets investment (over CNY 5 million) in the textile industry was up 9.53% to  相似文献   
On Jan.1,China's Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN (CAFTA)came into effect,an important step for China's strategy that could spur multidestination textile export.  相似文献   
This paper examines international capital mobility by estimating intertemporal current account models for nine major industrialized countries. To account for the large fluctuations of oil prices (the terms-of-trade) and their effects on the current account, an intertemporal current account model incorporating such effects is devised. The model estimation reveals significant terms-of-trade effects on the current account and, moreover, does not exhibit any “excess capital mobility” found in the previous literature. These results indicate that to achieve a more accurate measure of international capital mobility, a proper account of the terms-of-trade effect is essential.  相似文献   
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