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现实市场存在严重的不确定性,供给成本、消费效用以及质量信号等都是价格的函数,从而也就无法基于供求曲线交叉来获得均衡价格.因此,在不确定的现实市场中,人们往往需要借助一定的锚定值来预测产品和劳务的价格并促成契约和交易.同时,不同产品的价格锚定值往往依赖于基于一定规则所形成的等级序列,进而形成锦标赛制的市场定价体系,即不同产品的价格水平和不同劳务的工资水平往往依赖于其所属等级.进而,锦标赛制定价所遵循的不是生产成本原则或劳动投入原则,也不是客观功用原则或产出贡献原则,从而往往既不公平也无效率.锦标赛制定价体系之所以流行,根本原因在于市场经济中的权力结构是不对称的;尤其是,权力碎片化发展使得极少数强势者拥有了市场定价的权力,而定价原则是基于特定主权者的利益最大化和少数富人的效用最大化.正是基于锚定效应和权力分析框架的结合,我们才可以揭示出不确定市场中统一的锦标赛制定价体系及其嵌入的利益导向.显然,这将有助于我们深入审视新古典经济学价格理论,识别现实市场中的厂商定价策略,更好地解释各种市场行为和竞争形态,同时有助于我们更深刻地洞识市场机制的内在缺陷,进而为市场监管和收入分配等公共政策提供依据和方向.  相似文献   
在三螺旋理论中,政府、产业和大学三者合作推动区域创新发展.全球化进一步拓展了创新主体参与合作的广度和深度,尤其是产业国际化水平对区域创新能力提高的影响越来越大.但大学国际化对区域创新能力的影响却没有被重视.文章以三螺旋算子为门槛值研究大学国际化水平、能力和不同类型对区域创新能力的影响.研究发现,我国区域创新合作环境整体上指向区域化,官、产、学三者合作水平较低,区域科研体系开放性和市场化程度不高,区域创新合作环境整体较差.官、产、学三者合作相对紧密的地区具有良性的创新合作环境,大学国际化水平对区域创新能力的影响较大;官、产、学三者合作不密切地区的创新能力则受大学国际化能力的影响较大.无论是"走出去"、"引进来"还是"面对面"形式的大学国际化,在创新合作环境好的地区,对创新能力都有着显著的正向影响.受代理变量选择的影响,"编码"形式大学国际化对区域创新的影响不明显;在创新合作环境差的地区,大学研发投入是影响区域创新能力的主要因素,同时需要"引进来"和"面对面"形式的大学国际化参与国际学习、交流和培训,以增加创新个体之间的直接交流,促进当地区域创新能力的提升.  相似文献   
Aims: To analyze the association between provider, healthcare costs, and glycemic control for patients with diabetes mellitus (DM).

Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study identified adults with type 1 or 2?DM (T1D, T2D) in the Optum database. The main independent variable was provider (endocrinologist or primary care). Regression analysis compared total medical and pharmacy costs, adjusting for health status and other patient differences, by provider.

Results: For all patients, HbA1C improvement was greater, and medical costs significantly lower with an endocrinologist rather than a primary care provider. The largest HbA1C improvement (4%) occurred for insulin-dependent patients seen by endocrinologists. Significant medical savings with endocrinologist management occurred within the Medicare Advantage population in every sub-group of patients, with 14% lower costs ($4,767) for patients with T1D, 11% lower costs ($3,160) for patients with macro- and microvascular complications, and 10% lower costs ($2,237) for insulin-dependent patients. Within the commercial insurance population, medical costs were reduced by ≥9% in every sub-group of patients, with a 20% reduction ($8,450) for patients with micro- and macrovascular complications. Overall total costs (medical and pharmacy) were 8% ($1,541) higher for patients receiving endocrinologist rather than primary care, although endocrinologist care resulted in a 9% reduction (–$3,710) in costs for Medicare Advantage patients with T1D. Total medical costs (excluding pharmacy costs) may be a more accurate indicator of costs associated with patients in various stages of DM.

Limitations: There was insufficient data to develop risk-adjustment payments for pharmacy costs based on disease severity. The cross-sectional design identifies associations and not cause–effect relationships.

Conclusion: DM management by an endocrinologist was associated with greater HbA1C improvement and significantly lower medical costs. Total costs were higher with an endocrinologist, but for patients with T1D lower costs were seen, ranging from 2–9% regardless of insurance type.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the concept of upgrading, and seeks to move away from a firm-centred approach of industrial upgrading towards a framework that recognises not only a firm’s integration into global value chains, but also its embeddedness within local networks and the context of wider institutional arrangements. Based on one firm-level database, this article measures upgrading in China’s apparel industry at the firm level, which allows us not only to evaluate the extent of upgrading in the industry as a whole and to compare its extent among individual firms and selected groups of firms, but also to differentiate and measure different types of upgrading. Empirical results confirm that the heterogeneity of firms, global and local linkages and the wider historical, political, institutional and economic context have all played a critical role in the process of upgrading, suggesting that a focus on dynamics of firm upgrading alone is insufficient.  相似文献   
基于2004—2015年中国省际面板数据,采用动态系统GMM估计方法,考察了环境规制对中国对外直接投资(OFDI)的影响。基于全国样本的回归结果表明:正式环境规制对OFDI具有显著的负向作用,但非正式环境规制对OFDI具有显著的正向作用。分区域回归结果显示:环境规制对OFDI的影响存在区域差异。具体而言:正式环境规制对东、西部地区的OFDI具有显著的负向影响,对中部地区的OFDI具有促进作用;非正式环境规制对中、西部地区的OFDI具有显著的正向影响,而对东部地区OFDI的影响不显著。指出:政府需要根据区域经济差异对不同动机的OFDI提供相应的配套服务。  相似文献   
张瑶  朱为群 《南方经济》2017,36(6):44-52
近两年来我国企业税负"痛感"的凸显再次引发了社会各界对我国企业税负水平轻重的热议。基于各种数据、方法以及视角得出的多种结论纷至沓来、莫衷一是。文章从辨析企业税负的概念入手,说明由于受多种可比因素的限制,对企业税负水平进行国际间的横向比较得到的结论仅仅是一个事实判断而非价值判断。我国企业税负在近两年"痛感"凸显,是企业税负增加以及伴随着经济形势下行而来的产能过剩、职工工资总额上升以及税负转嫁困难等多种因素共同交织的结果。  相似文献   
朱富强 《南方经济》2017,36(7):37-50
共享经济减少了物品的闲置而最大限度地发挥了物品的功效,不仅可以增进生产者剩余和消费者剩余,而且也有利于打造新型的低碳环保的经济形态。但同时,共享经济的无序发展也带来了两大严重问题:(1)准公共品性质滋生出大量的搭便车行为,进而使得运营商受损;(2)准公共品性质还滋生出强烈的负外部性,进而使得运营商获利。进而,第一个问题的解决有赖于有效的治理机制,其中最佳机制是"强互惠"机制,而这依赖于社会网络的建设和文化伦理的培育;第二个问题的解决有赖于明确的责任界定,其中可行的措施是设立"维安基金",而这有赖于新的制度安排和立法思考。一般地,只有解决上述两大问题,才能全面衡量新兴共享经济的真实经济价值,进而才能更好地引导共享经济的有序发展。很大程度上,共享泡沫的产生和破灭都体现出市场创新的盲目性,从而就需要政府的积极规划和引导。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect of trade openness and other variables on the demographic transition in China using the instrumental variables regression method based on provincial panel data for the period between 1981 and 2013. The results indicate that trade openness is one of the determinants of China's demographic transition and has two distinct effects: (i) an income effect that accelerated the demographic transition by increasing per capita income; and (ii) a human capital effect that suppressed the demographic transition by reducing human capital accumulation. The effects of trade on demographic transition vary across different regions. This study identifies the important determinants of demographic transition in China's regions, and has rich policy implications for demographic transition and the upgrading of trade structure.  相似文献   
提升我国高新技术产业自主创新能力的关税政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主创新能力正逐渐成为衡量国家科技发展水平的核心问题。从我国的实际情况出发,必须把自主研究和引进、消化吸收国外先进技术相结合。这就需要财政政策、贸易政策、关税政策等方面的积极推动。我国已经出台了支持自主创新的新关税政策,但由于政策比较宏观,有些政策没有给出细则,致使在税收监管和执行过程中出现一些问题,已在一定程度上影响了企业自主创新能力的提升。从我国现行的关税政策出发,以天津市特别是滨海新区的高新技术产业发展为实证,提出了有利于提升我国企业自主创新能力的关税政策调整措施。  相似文献   
知识创新与企业创新系统发展的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创新能力是企业生存与发展的关键,也是决定一个国家国际竞争力的关键。知识创新作为企业创新系统中的一个核心子系统,与企业创新系统的发展存在着复杂的需求关系、直接和间接的带动关系以及相互之间的互动关系。在总结前人研究成果的基础上,分析了企业知识创新的内涵、过程及特征,探析了企业创新系统的结构,进而梳理了企业知识创新与企业创新系统发展的需求关系、带动关系与互动关系,可为企业创新活动的开展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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