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农村税费改革相关问题的深入思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对进一步扩大农村税费改革试点的要求,章从农村税费改革成功与否的衡量标准入手,对农村税费改革中难点问题的根本症结进行了深入分析.指出问题的根本源自不同利益主体间利益的重新分配,并在此基础上提出了解决问题的基本思路。 相似文献
城市轨道交通的外部性导致项目盈利困难,解决这种困难的方案之一是将轨道交通溢价返还给建设企业。然而,作为传统计算溢价大小的方法,地价函数模型缺乏时间序列分析。本文在传统土地溢价计算模型的基础上,引入时间维度,建立城市轨道交通开通运营阶段溢价的面板数据计量模型,使得溢价计算的精度得以提高。 相似文献
因子分析法在县域经济发展水平评价中的应用 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
县域经济是国民经济的重要组成部分。为了全面、客观、系统、科学地评价和分析县域经济发展水平,一般要采用多指标综合评价法,这种传统方法具有主观随意性与工作复杂性的缺点。采用因子分析法对县域经济发展水平进行评价,可以有效地克服传统多指标综合评价方法中的不足与缺陷。 相似文献
学习型供应链对供应链应急管理的作用分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从专注于失败、反对简单化解释、敏锐关注运作过程、注重回应力、遵从专家意见这五个高可靠性组织特征的角度出发,分析了学习型供应链能够有效应对突发事件,从而保证供应链运作的高可靠性。 相似文献
优质制造是将中国产品从"良"提升到"优"的制造模式的转变,是反映中国制造业质量水平的显著标志,也是建设质量强国的重要抓手.现有文献多从定性的角度分析优质制造与国民经济之间的内在关联.文章通过构建优质制造影响经济增长的分析框架,基于2004-2017年跨国面板数据实证研究了优质制造对国别经济增长的影响,结果发现:优质制造确实能够促进一国经济增长,而且对发达国家经济增长的影响曼大,并随着时间的推移而逐渐增强. 相似文献
医药卫生体制改革推动公立医院精益化管理,业财融合是重要落脚点。本文首先建立以资源基础理论和价值链理论为基础的业财融合理论框架,指导公立医院业财融合实践;由理论指引,建立适应医药卫生体制改革的全领域、多层次、全过程环节闭合管理的公立医院业财融合实施模式。 相似文献
关于次债危机的深层次思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
除了次级住房抵押贷款大量违约外,次级债危机还起因于证券化本身所带来的一些深层次原因。文章从次级住房抵押贷款证券化的初始放贷机构、资信评级机构、最终证券投资者三个环节,着重分析了次级住房抵押贷款证券化在信用风险管理上潜在的问题,从新的视角诠释了信用风险全面爆发的深层次原因。 相似文献
对财政支出结构的研究是当前我国的一个热门课题,它既可以帮助财政支出目标的实现,又可以考察财政支出结构是否促进经济增长。文章首先对财政支出的相关指标测算内蒙古财政支出的规模,其次根据财政支出职能划分内蒙古财政支出结构进行分析,然后应用回归模型分析内蒙古财政支出结构对经济增长的影响,最后根据以上分析的结论,提出优化内蒙古财政支出结构的相关建议。 相似文献
Building upon the market, institutional, and cultural perspectives, this paper identifies the major impetuses and impediments
that affect the professionalization of Chinese family business at the environment, firm, and owner levels. Our integrative
framework projects that whether a family business owner will adopt professional managers is largely determined by the relative
strength of impetus factors and impediment factors. We then discuss the possible governance choices under different configuration
of impetuses and impediments. This theoretical framework is expected to help set the momentum for further conceptual exploration
and empirical study in this area.
Jianjun Zhang (PhD, University of California at Berkeley) is an assistant professor at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. His interests include entrepreneurship, firm governance, and political strategy of Chinese private firms. He is the author of Marketization and democracy in China and a number of articles. Hao Ma (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) is a professor of management at University of Illinois at Springfield, and professor of management and director of Academic Committee at Beijing International MBA Program, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University. His research interests include the nature and cause of competitive advantage, competitive analysis, strategic decision making, leadership style, and the entrepreneurial process, especially the exploration of the above topics in international setting. He has published in Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Management, and Organization Dynamics, among others. 相似文献
Hao MaEmail: |
Jianjun Zhang (PhD, University of California at Berkeley) is an assistant professor at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. His interests include entrepreneurship, firm governance, and political strategy of Chinese private firms. He is the author of Marketization and democracy in China and a number of articles. Hao Ma (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) is a professor of management at University of Illinois at Springfield, and professor of management and director of Academic Committee at Beijing International MBA Program, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University. His research interests include the nature and cause of competitive advantage, competitive analysis, strategic decision making, leadership style, and the entrepreneurial process, especially the exploration of the above topics in international setting. He has published in Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Management, and Organization Dynamics, among others. 相似文献