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Intent on recovering "overpayments" to doctors, private insurers are turning to on-site practice audits. Here's a survival guide for these quasi-legal skirmishes.  相似文献   
Characteristics of communal club members who use input packages are studied using a survey of communal clubs serviced by Africa Co‐operative Action Trust (Acat) in KwaZulu during 1989. Discriminant analysis shows that full input package adopters tend to belong to older clubs, have less formal savings and receive more visits each year from KwaZulu Department of Agriculture (KDA) extension officers. They also have a greater proportion of land under sugar‐cane, larger farm sizes and a higher rand monetary value of livestock.

Members of older clubs benefit from greater club experience in ordering inputs and liquidity for securing discounts on bulk orders. Clubs also enable scarce KDA extension manpower resources to be used more effectively by focusing extension efforts on groups rather than individual farmers. Sugar‐cane production probably indicates member willingness to innovate and the availability of funds to buy complete input packages for other crops. Increased access to land promotes input package adoption which can raise agricultural productivity. Development of institutional arrangements for a land rental market in KwaZulu should be considered. Higher monetary values of livestock reflect Increased ability to bear risk associated with technology adoption and that adopters have the means to purchase input packages  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to investigate certain aspects of the post‐adoption behaviour of dryland cotton farmers in the Ubombo and Hlabisa magisterial districts of KwaZulu. Particular attention is paid to the socio‐economic determinants of the success (returns per hectare) of the household cotton enterprise.

Multi‐stage sampling methods were used to draw a random sample of fifty cotton‐farming households from each of the two study districts. The data were collected by interview survey and analysed using principal components and regression techniques.

Results suggest that the success of the household enterprise in both areas is largely determined by the socio‐economic environment under which the producer operates. The most important success‐determining factors are those relating to the human capital endowments and economic status of the household.  相似文献   

Bernhard Böhm 《Empirica》1978,5(2):159-193
This paper presents an econometric investigation of monetary effects on private consumption expenditures in Austria. It tries to add the empirical aspect to the theoretical problem of the relationship between monetary and real sector of an economy.Patinkins theory of the real balance effect provides the link between theoretical and empirical aspects. Taking into consideration further assumptions on aggregation, dynamics and problems of definition of variables, consumption functions of different aggregation levels are specified. Including effects of interest rates and credits one arrives at a first assessment of monetary effects on private consumption expenditures as found from single equation estimates. Significant credit and wealth effects are obtained. Later, systems of equations are estimated and used to investigate real—monetary sector interaction. They allow also a dynamic analysis.In presenting the sequence of microeconomic foundations, further assumptions and macroeconomic functions and systems built upon, it is thought to clarify the connection to traditional theory of real—monetary sectors relationship. It might also give an idea about the resulting problems for meaningful empirical research in this area.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der ökonometrischen Untersuchung monetärer Effekte auf private Konsumausgaben in Österreich. Es wird damit versucht, dem theoretischen Problem der Beziehungen zwischen monetärem und realem Sektor der Wirtschaft einen empirischen Aspekt, der die österreichischen Verhältnisse betrifft, zur Seite zu stellen. Das Bindeglied zwischen Theorie und Empirie stelltPatinkins Theorie des Realkasseneffektes dar, die unter Zuhilfenahme weiterer Annahmen über Aggregation, Definitionen und Dynamik zur Spezifikation von aggregierten und disaggregierten Konsumfunktionen führt. Ergänzt durch Zins- und Krediteffekte läßt sich an Hand von Einzelgleichungen eine erste Einschätzung monetärer Wirkungen auf den privaten Konsum und seine Komponenten durchführen. Es können signifikante Kredit- und Vermögenseffekte festgestellt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Hypothese überprüft, ob die Grenzneigungen zum Konsum aus dem verfügbaren Realeinkommen und aus dem Realfinanzvermögen gleich sind, wie dies durch die Annahme eines kurzfristigen Planungshorizontes impliziert wird.Um die Interaktion von realem und monetärem Sektor zu analysieren, wird ein Gleichungs-system formuliert und geschätzt. Daraus lassen sich Unterschiede zu Einzelgleichungsergebnissen aufzeigen. Mittels alternativer Spezifikation der Konsumgleichungen und der Gleichung des monetären Sektors können Vermögens-, Kredit- und Zinseffekte auch im dynamischen Zusammenhang untersucht werden.Die Aufeinanderfolge von mikroökonomischen Grundlagen, weiterer Annahmen, makroökonomischen Funktionen und schließlich Systemen, soll den Zusammenhang zur traditionellen Theorie der Beziehungen zwischen Geld- und Realsektor verdeutlichen und auf die daraus entstehenden Probleme für eine adäquate empirische Untersuchung hinweisen.

A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society at Sindelfingen (January 9–11, 1978). It constitutes a condensed version of a project on Money and Private Consumption conducted at the Institute of Econometrics, TU—Vienna, under Prof.G. Tintner. The author is indebted to Prof. Tintner for helpful comments and to Dipl. Ing.R. Rieder for assisting in the computations and providing computer programs. The project was supported financially by the Jubiläusmfonds of the Austrian National Bank.  相似文献   
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