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五、复杂性科学 在物理学、生物学、数学和计算机科学中出现了一系列关于自组织、复杂系统的适应性本质的观点.这些观点不仅提供了对正在形成的网络社会的理解方法,而且提供了在达成共识中走出这些佯谬的途径.复杂性科学为我们的评价框架提供了灵感,因为它提供了能够同时评价有形和无形结果的方法.复杂性科学提供了概念的工具,使我们关注达成一致过程中的反馈和学习,它帮助我们理解改革和第二、第三位的作用是如何产生的.这些观点暗示达成共识在漫长的过程中的最大贡献将是:在如此频繁变幻的世界上,帮助社区和组织在实施和创造方面提高到新的水准.  相似文献   
达成一致和复杂自适应系统--一种评价协作性规划的框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达成一致过程不仅与产生协议和计划有关,而且与实验、学习改变和达成共享的意义相关.本文以我们在大范围的关于达成一致案例中的实验性研究和实践为基础,提出达到一致过程应该被放在复杂科学原则和联络性理论的背景下进行评价.作为结果和标准,文内提出了一些评价原则和一系列方法.  相似文献   
Judith Yates asserts that “… tests do not necessarily enable us to infer anything about what students have learned or the manner in which they have learned it.” She then concentrates on the tailoring of instruction to the individual, discussing the evidence for the existence of many different learning styles, and the possible influence of these styles on learning. She explains the concepts of “field independence” and “field dependence,” and presents their possible implications for economic education.  相似文献   
The concept of National Innovation System (NIS) has gained a great deal of intellectual and practical attention over the past three decades. We present an endogenous growth model where the NIS of a country determines its accumulation of technological knowledge and the arrival rate of innovations depends on the distance from the technological frontier to the current technological development level (TDL) of the country. We show how, even within an ideal common market environment and despite the compensatory mechanism provided by migration and the advantage of backwardness enjoyed by the laggard countries, differences in TDLs among countries foster the economic stagnation of technological laggards. That is, the structural consequences derived from technological underdevelopment are persistent and not simply due to the depreciation of human capital, but to the absence of innovation incentives that follows. Numerical simulations and an empirical analysis are performed to illustrate the main results and relate them to the current European common market setting and the innovation policies of its members.  相似文献   
This Forum aims to systematically describe and analyse the evolution of national financial systems within the EU over the past three decades. It analyses the processes of financialisation that have dominated this period as well as the causes and consequences of the financial crisis from the perspectives of five individual member states — Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Spain. Furthermore, policy proposals which could change the role of the financial system to better serve economic and social objectives are also put forward.  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors attempt to better classify and characterize hybrid organizational forms. They proceed by briefly discussing some general principles of taxonomy and then they critically evaluate extant taxonomic schemas of hybrid forms that typically use as their reference point the dichotomous ideal types of market and hierarchy. The problem of classifying hybrids in relation to these ideal types is demonstrated, and it is pointed out that these ideals have contested meanings and governance modes are treated as 'natural givens'. The paper concludes with the observation that if we sharpen our definition of what constitutes firms and markets, the task in accounting for what lies in between is made much easier. Specifically, and following Hodgson, it is concluded that by returning to a conceptualization of firms as legal entities, much analytical confusion can be averted. In addition, it is suggested that theorizing needs to be accompanied by empirical work that focuses on the actual practices that are used to control and coordinate exchange relationships.  相似文献   
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