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Ireland has undergone a substantial afforestation programme in the last 20 years, resulting in the forest cover increasing from 4.8% of the land area in 1983 to a current level of 10%. This paper presents the results of a study undertaken to assess stakeholders’ perceptions of forestry in two case study areas in Ireland. The two areas, Shillelagh and Newmarket, were chosen because their demographic characteristics varied as did their history of forestry development. However, the current forest cover is similar in the two areas both in terms of species composition and extent. Qualitative techniques, involving interviews with stakeholders, were used. There were striking differences in the perceptions of forestry in the cases study areas. In Shillelagh, which had a longer history of forest cover and a more urbanized population than Newmarket, forestry was considered part both of the local history and traditional landscape. Forests were valued for their amenity and recreation functions rather than their economic function. In contrast, perceptions of forestry in Newmarket were negative. Forestry was considered to be an isolating agent which was not part of the landscape of the area. The forests were also considered to have negligible amenity value. These negative perceptions in Newmarket seem to be linked to the dominance of Sitka spruce, an exotic conifer, in the forests. Stakeholders expressed the desire that if forestry was to expand further in the area that it would be through the planting of broadleaf species rather than conifers. The fact that these negative perceptions did not emerge in Shillelagh despite it having a similar species composition is attributed to the more gradual rate of afforestation and thus landscape change in the area. The lack of consultation and approach to planning regarding afforestation proposals was identified as a key issue in Newmarket with stakeholders expressing the wish that they should be consulted more when afforestation was planned. Greater community involvement in the planning of afforestation proposals is recommended as a means of improving consultation and to help dispel negative perceptions. The paper concludes by highlighting that perceptions of forestry within an area are dynamic and are influenced by the history of forestry development in that area.  相似文献   
This Forum aims to systematically describe and analyse the evolution of national financial systems within the EU over the past three decades. It analyses the processes of financialisation that have dominated this period as well as the causes and consequences of the financial crisis from the perspectives of five individual member states — Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Spain. Furthermore, policy proposals which could change the role of the financial system to better serve economic and social objectives are also put forward.  相似文献   
Recent marketing literature pays particular attention to customer value because of the potential impact on customer behavior and, ultimately, firm performance. Whereas some studies conceptualize customer value in a unidimensional manner, more recent approaches take a multidimensional approach, generally conceptualizing value as composed of various benefits and sacrifices. However, nearly all of these studies consider value components in a reflective manner, which is not only problematic but in many cases conceptually incorrect. In addition, recent customer value research includes service components to define and operationalize the construct. This study suggests that customer value in service contexts, or service value, represents a higher-order, formative construct with benefit and sacrifice components. Specifically, the authors propose a formative model of service value with four components: service quality, service equity, confidence benefits, and perceived sacrifice. A multiple-industry study substantiates the contention that this higher-order, formative approach best models value. The results theoretically and empirically support the conceptualization of service value with formative components, and the measure is robust and works well across multiple service contexts.  相似文献   
The Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics was studied to determine the number and language of the articles, the number of citations per article, author collaboration, and the geographical location and institutional affiliation of the authors. A citation analysis study was done to identify the main bibliographical formats and languages of the cited material as well as the geographical distribution, subject dispersion, and titles of the journals most frequently cited. Other journals citing the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics were identified.
On a examiné la Revue canadienne d'économic rurale afin de déterminer le nombre d'articles et leurs langues dans chaque tome, le nombre de citations correspondantes à chaque article, le nombre d'articles présentés par deux ou plusieurs auteurs, et le pays de chaque auteur et l'institution a laquelle il s'affilie. Aussi on a déterminé dans ce journal les formules diverses des bibliographies, les langues en lesquelles les ouvrages de référence cités avaient été écrits. et les titres, les sujets, et les pays d'origine des journaux les plus fréquemment cités. On a identifyé quelques journaux où est cité la Revue canadienne d'économie rurale.  相似文献   
The concept of National Innovation System (NIS) has gained a great deal of intellectual and practical attention over the past three decades. We present an endogenous growth model where the NIS of a country determines its accumulation of technological knowledge and the arrival rate of innovations depends on the distance from the technological frontier to the current technological development level (TDL) of the country. We show how, even within an ideal common market environment and despite the compensatory mechanism provided by migration and the advantage of backwardness enjoyed by the laggard countries, differences in TDLs among countries foster the economic stagnation of technological laggards. That is, the structural consequences derived from technological underdevelopment are persistent and not simply due to the depreciation of human capital, but to the absence of innovation incentives that follows. Numerical simulations and an empirical analysis are performed to illustrate the main results and relate them to the current European common market setting and the innovation policies of its members.  相似文献   
Researchers have conducted surveys of firms in an attempt to test various theories of wage rigidity. The survey of Australian firms reported in this paper found strong support for the view that hiring and training costs are important reasons why employers do not reduce wages, consistent with the surveys of Blinder and Choi (1990), Bewley (1995, 1999) and Kaufman (1984). All the surveys find pervasive support for the notion of fairness as an explanation for wage rigidity. Qualified support was found for the idea that fear of unemployment motivates worker effort.  相似文献   
We examine the effect of sample design on estimation and inference for disparate treatment in binary logistic models used to assess for fair lending. Our Monte Carlo experiments provide information on how sample design affects efficiency (in terms of mean squared error) of estimation of the disparate treatment parameter and power of a test for statistical insignificance of this parameter. The sample design requires two decision levels: first, the degree of stratification of the loan applicants (Level I Decision) and secondly, given a Level I Decision, how to allocate the sample across strata (Level II Decision). We examine four Level I stratification strategies: no stratification (simple random sampling), exogenously stratifying loan cases by race, endogenously stratifying cases by loan outcome (denied or approved), and stratifying exogenously by race and endogenously by outcome. Then, we consider five Level II methods: proportional, balanced, and three designs based on applied studies. Our results strongly support the use of stratifying by both race and loan outcome coupled with a balanced sample design when interest is in estimation of, or testing for statistical significance of, the disparate treatment parameter.  相似文献   
Review of Industrial Organization - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is responsible for regulation in the communications marketplace and for management of the nation’s non-federal...  相似文献   
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