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The issue of Area Tourist Board (ATB) funding in Scotland has been of growing importance since 1996, when the Government empowered a reduction in the number of such Boards from 32 to 14. While much of the controversy surrounding this reduction in the number of Boards has centred on issues of the discharge of responsibilities, questions of ATB funding have recently been brought to the fore because of financial difficulties faced by several ATBs. This paper explores questions of ATB funding, beginning with an overview of Scotland's tourism administrative structure before proceeding to examine perceived difficulties with the role, structure and funding arrangements for the ATBs in the context of current debates to resolve these. With the ultimate objective of evaluating the most commonly propounded resolutions to the ATB funding problem, the paper describes and analyses opportunities for, and obstacles to long-term change, conluding that a possible palliative is a centralized funding mechanism tempered by safeguards to local accountability and the delivery of tourism services.  相似文献   
The effects of land sales restrictions: evidence from south India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of land sales restrictions on credit use, land investment and cultivation decisions are investigated using data from two villages in south India. Sales restrictions are found to have little ellect on credit supply and demand or demand tor land improvements. Some household characteristics are found to affect investment demand on plots subject to sales restrictions in one village, suggesting that the ‘transactions effect’ of such restrictions may be inhibiting allocative efficiency. However, we also find that household characteristics influence investment on titled plots, and that the magnitude of impact of such characteristics is greater on titled plots. These results imply that sales restrictions are not a major source of inelficiency in the villages studied, and suggest that the nature of village credit and land markets and enforcement ot sales restrictions are critical determinants of the impacts of such restrictions.  相似文献   
Despite a decade of transition, the agri-food sectors of the former command economies consistently underperform relative to their potential. Underproduction and underinvestment are generally observed. This paper develops a model of bilateral monopoly linkages between firms along an agri-food supply chain. In the absence of competitive market forces and an efficient system of commercial law, deficient production and investment should be expected. If the agri-food sectors of the former command economies are to realize their potential, more resources will have to be devoted to reducing the transaction costs associated with broadening markets and enforcing contracts.
Bien que dix années aient passé, le secteur agroalimentaire des anciennes économies dirigées ne cesse d'enregistrer un rendement inférieur à celui auquel on pourrait s'attendre. La sous-production et le sous-investissement sont monnaie courante. Les auteurs proposent un modèle reproduisant le monopole bilatéral qui existe entre les entreprises du circuit d'approvisionnement agroalimentaire. En l'absence de concurrence sur le marché et d'un régime efficace de droit commercial, une production et des investissements insuffisants sont inévitables. Pour que le secteur agroalimentaire des anciennes économies centralisées réalise son potentiel, on devra investir plus de ressources afin de réduire les frais de transaction associés à l'élargissement des marchés et de garantir le respect des contrats.  相似文献   
This study assessed consumers' initial reactions to in‐feed native ads appearing as news content. In particular, it focuses on consumers' recognition of advertising when they realize that content they had thought were news stories had in fact been advertising. Recognition of advertising made consumers infer that advertisers had deliberately manipulated them. Consequently, consumers engaged less with the message, had less positive attitudes toward the brand, and were less likely to purchase and share. The results demonstrated the mechanisms through which the two mediators, manipulative intent and message engagement, lowered brand attitude, purchase intention, and sharing intention. In addition, ad disclosure made more people recognize the ad when they were exposed to it than when it was not disclosed as an ad.  相似文献   
Although a considerable body of research in information systems has established that computer-mediated communication (CMC) is beneficial for brainstorming (idea generation) tasks, less is known about its effectiveness for more complex decision-making tasks. This paper reports the results of two experiments comparing the performance of face-to-face and CMC teams in decision-making tasks that move beyond brainstorming. In the first experiment, the performance of face-to-face and computer-mediated teams was compared in two tasks: one requiring participants to engage in convergent thinking and a second brainstorming task requiring divergent thinking. Consistent with predictions derived from McGrath's task circumplex model, the results of experiment one reveal that participants using computer-mediated communication perform significantly better than those interacting face-to-face on the divergent (brainstorming) task. On the convergent task, computer-mediated and face-to-face teams performed equally well; i.e., there was not a significant difference in their performance. In the second experiment, the performance of face-to-face and computer-mediated teams was again compared in two tasks: an integrative negotiation task and an idea-generation task. The results of the second experiment were similar to those of experiment one, in that computer-mediated teams significantly outperformed face-to-face teams in the idea-generation task, while computer-mediated and face-to-face teams performed equally well on the integrative negotiation task. These experiments contribute to the literature by shedding additional light on the conditions under which computer-mediated communication is as effective as, and in some cases more effective than, face-to-face interaction.  相似文献   
High transaction costs and an absence of institutional infrastructure in developing countries prevent comprehensive enforcement of intellectual property rights and generate obstacles to the adoption of genetically modified (GM) crop technology. Governments of developing countries that are members of the World Trade Organization are faced with two options when licensing GM crop technology: (1) attempt to regulate GM crops to the standards of the Agreement on Trade‐Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) or (2) allow a black market in GM seeds and risk trade retaliation from the GM innovator's host country through a TRIPS trade complaint. This paper develops a conceptual model that frames the adopting country's range of licensing options, including a new levy system, and derives welfare measures for each option. The model illustrates how a levy on GM technology can be a welfare‐increasing policy for developing countries, and the operation of a levy is discussed. The conceptual model is applied to Brazil's soybean market and quantitative economic surplus measures are estimated within a calibrated welfare model for a range of licensing scenarios. The model's results suggest that a levy may interfere with the long‐term prospects for innovators to collect monopoly rents in adopting countries.  相似文献   
The west coast of the United States has been suggested as a large potential market for Alberta beef products. The paper presents a formal investigation of this market for primal beef cuts. Three aspects are covered; the compatability of Canadian and United States grading and cutting specifications, the profitability of such exports using historical data, and the availability of market information to Canadian producers. The results suggest that the Alberta industry could increase profits considerably by entering the United States market but that the process will require considerable flexibility and a commitment to improved market information.  相似文献   
For a number of reasons, the pricing of fluid milk in Canada is not subject to the rigors of the market. Given this, questions arise as to the appropriate form of regulated pricing. An increasingly common method is the use of formulas. A large number of possible formulas exist and the main types are outlined in this paper. In addition, each is evaluated in terms of a set of objectives and operational criteria, and a format for establishing a preferred pricing system is suggested.
Pour plusieurs raisons la fixation du prix du lait fluide au Canada n'est pas sujette aux rigueurs du marché. Étant donné cette situation, des questions se présentent quant à la methode fixer le prix du lait fluide. line méthode de plus en plus courante d'utiliser une formule. Un grand nombre deformulespossibles existe, et les differentes sortes sont exposées dans cet article. Cet article suggère la sorte de formule qui établira des prix qui satisfont l'intérél public comme les agences régulatrices le définissent. Ensuite, des formules canadiennes courantes sont comparées à une telle formule.  相似文献   
At the time, the negotiation of the SPS agreement was seen as a major accomplishment of the Uruguay Round. One of the first major tests of both the SPS and the WTO’s new dispute settlement system was the long standing and acrimonious dispute between the EU and the US and Canada over trade in beef produced using hormones. Both the SPS and the disputes system performed as expected but the EU, the loser in the case, has chosen to ignore the WTO Panel’s ruling and accept retaliation. As a result, the credibility of the WTO is threatened and the outcome suggests that new negotiations may be required. The issues in the case are outlined and implications for trade in biological products drawn.  相似文献   
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