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Since the outbreak of the financial and economic crisis, confidence in politicians as well as the economists in their advisory expert panels seems to be at an all-time low. Why do politicians reject science-based advice unless it fits into their political agenda? Are economists misunderstood by politicians and vice versa? The tension between the ideal of evidence-based policy-making and the reality of policy-based evidence-making is hardly a new phenomenon. Therefore, the expectation that Donald Trump, the Brexiteers and European populists will necessarily disappoint their voters because they simply cannot deliver what they have promised is misleading. Experts would be well advised to use the debate on the post-factual era as an impetus to reflect critically on their profession. One opinion expressed in this Zeitgespräch is that the contested societal and political impact of modern economics is due to its restricted scientific self-concept. A more open, pluralistic and transdisciplinary self-definition of economics would strengthen its societal influence. Another contributor ponders the proper incentives to persuade academic economists to provide economic policy advice. Key is the independence of advisory institutions like the German Council of Economic Experts. The selection of people with the best scientific qualifications will ensure the reputation of such institutions.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zum “trade-off” zwischen Lohnindexierung und Intervention auf dem Devisenmarkt. - In diesem Aufsatz analysieren die Verfasser die Beziehung zwischen dem optimalen MaΒ für Lohnindexierung und dem für Wechselkursinterventionen. Die optimalen Gr?Βen für diese beiden wirtschaftspolitischen Instrumente werden mit Hilfe einer gemeinsamen Optimierung unter Berücksichtigung ihrer wechselseitigen Interdependenz ermittelt. Das bei der Untersuchung verwendete Modell wird gepr?gt durch die Charakteristika der stochastischen Schocks, die die Volkswirtschaft beeinflussen, und durch das Informations-bündel, das die Wirtschaftssubjekte annahmegem?Β besitzen. In der Analyse wird sowohl geprüft, wie der optimale Lohnindexierungsgrad mit dem gesamten Spektrum m?glicher Wechselkurssysteme zusammenh?ngt, als auch untersucht, wie das optimale AusmaΒ der Wechselkursinterventionen von dem gesamten Spektrum m?glicher Lohnindexierungsgrade abh?ngt. Eines der Hauptergebnisse ist, daΒ es keine monotone Beziehung zwischen den optimalen Werten der beiden wirtschaftspolitischen Instrumente gibt. Worin der “trade-off” zwischen ihnen genau besteht, wird in der Untersuchung im einzelnen dargelegt.
Résumé Le ?trade-off? entre l’indexation salariale et l’intervention en taux de change. — Dans cet article les auteurs analysent la relation entre les degrés optimum de l’indexation salariale et l’intervention en taux de change. Les valeurs optimum des deux instruments de politique sont obtenues par une ?optimisation? jointe considérant leur interdépendance mutuelle. Le modéle utilisé est déterminé par les caractéristiques des chocs stochastiques qui affectent l’économie et par les informations des individus. L’ analyse examine la dépendance du degré optimum de l’indexation salariale du spectre total des régimes possibles de taux de change et, vice-versa, la dépendance du degré optimum de l’intervention du spectre total des degrés possibles de l’indexation salariale. Un des résultats principaux est l’absence d’une relation monotone entre les valeurs optimum des deux instruments de politique. De plus, l’analyse détermine la nature précise du ?trade-off? entre eux.

Resumen Sobre el ?trade-off? entre la indexaci?n de salarios y la intervenci?n en el mercado de cambios. - En este trabajo los autores estudian la relaci?n entre grados óptimos de indexaci?n de salarios y de intervenci?n en el mercado de cambios. Mediante una optimizaci?n simultánea, que toma en cuenta la interdependencia de estas medidas, se obtienen valores óptimos para ambos instrumentos de politica económica. El modelo utilizado incorpora las caracterfsticas de los shocks estocásticos que afectan a la economfa y el conjunto de informaciones a disposici?n de los individuos. El análisis examina la dependencia del nivel ?ptimo de indexaci?n de salarios de todo el espectro de polfticas cambiarias posibles, como también la dependencia del nivel ?ptimo de intervenci?n en el mercado de cambios de todo el espectro de grados de indexaci?n de salarios posibles. Uno de los resultados centrales es la ausencia de una relaci?n monot?nica entre los valores óptimos de ambos instrumentos; en el análisis se détermina la naturaleza exacta del ?trade-off? que existe entre ellos.
We compare the consistency of choices in two methods used to elicit risk preferences on an aggregate as well as on an individual level. We ask subjects to choose twice from a list of nine decisions between two lotteries, as introduced by Holt and Laury 2002, 2005 ) alternating with nine decisions using the budget approach introduced by Andreoni and Harbaugh ( 2009 ). We find that, while on an aggregate (subject pool) level the results are consistent, on an individual (within‐subject) level, behaviour is far from consistent. Within each method as well as across methods we observe low (simple and rank) correlations.  相似文献   
Markets for cash‐crops in developing countries are typically characterized by a concentration of buyer power at different levels of the supply chain. For instance, small‐scale coffee farmers sell their produce to a middleman, who in turn sells the coffee onward to an exporter, often a foreign multinational, with monopsony power in the hands of the purchasers at both levels. We analyze pricing behavior and welfare with different assumptions regarding market power. In particular, we show that a more powerful exporter is likely to benefit the producers and may even lead to higher welfare for the producer country as a whole.  相似文献   
Most studies of input subsidy programmes confine their analyses to measuring programme effects over a one‐year period. This article estimates the potential longer‐run or enduring effects of fertiliser subsidy programmes on smallholder farm households' demand for commercial fertiliser and maize production over time. We use four waves of panel data on 462 farm households in Malawi for whom fertiliser use can be tracked for eight consecutive seasons between 2003/2004 and 2010/2011. Panel estimation methods are used to control for potential endogeneity of subsidised fertiliser acquisition. Results indicate that farmers acquiring subsidised fertiliser in three consecutive prior years are found to purchase slightly more commercial fertiliser in the next year. This suggests a small amount of crowding in of commercial fertiliser from the receipt of subsidised fertiliser in prior years. In addition, acquiring subsidised fertiliser in a given year has a modest positive impact on increasing maize output in that same year. However, acquiring subsidised fertiliser in multiple prior years generates no statistically significant effect on maize output in the current year. These findings indicate that potential enduring effects of the Malawi fertiliser subsidy programme on maize production are limited. Additional interventions that increase soil fertility can make using inorganic fertiliser more profitable and sustainable for smallholders in sub‐Saharan Africa and thereby increase the cost‐effectiveness of input subsidy programmes.  相似文献   
To solve the problem of illegal landings this article proposes a new tax mechanism based on the regulator's own aggregate catch estimates and ex ante self-reports of planned catch by fishermen. We show that the mechanism avoids illegal landings while ensuring (nearly) optimal exploitation and generating (nearly) correct entry and exit incentives. Finally we simulate the mechanism for the Danish cod fishery in Kattegat to obtain a rough indicator of the size of the tax. It turns out that the average tax payment as a percentage of profit is surprisingly low.  相似文献   
Der Matchpoint entscheidet über Sieg oder Niederlage. Match Point Management zeigt, wie man Krisen meistert, indem man gleichzeitig Gewinn und Kosten verbessert — ohne in die Falle eines zyklischen Auf und Ab zu tappen.  相似文献   
Solidarity and Probabilistic Target Rules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We consider a probabilistic approach to collective choice problems where a group of agents with single-peaked preferences have to decide on the level or location of a public good. We show that every probabilistic rule that satisfies Pareto efficiency and "solidarity" (population-monotonicity or replacement-domination) must equal a so-called target rule.  相似文献   
We investigate the dynamics of export channel arrangements by modelling foreign operation method decisions as the interplay between factors that motivate switches and factors that deter them. Our model extends previous analyses by looking simultaneously at (1) no change of channel arrangement, (2) replacements of foreign intermediaries (within‐mode shifts), and (3) integration of the sales function abroad (between‐mode shifts). We use a multinomial logit model on longitudinal data from a sample of Danish exporters that had entered foreign markets through intermediaries. The results suggest that the decision to carry out within‐mode shifts (i.e. to replace an existing intermediary) is driven by a different set of factors than the decision to switch to another foreign operation mode (i.e. to in‐house operations). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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