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结合目前燃气出租车推广的实际情况,讨论政府政策和出租车的燃气行为。在初步分析了双方行为特征后,通过建立多人参与的不完全信息博弈模型,得到了各种条件下选择燃气的出租车的均衡数量。  相似文献   
Sustainability is a wide concept including environmental, economic, social/culture, and political dimensions. Currently, sustainability research is a rich scientific discipline producing a significant number of research papers. However, sustainability in the context of insolvency proceedings has attracted little research compared with, for example, how much attention corporate social responsibility has received in company law research. This article studies sustainability in the context of liquidation and restructuring proceedings and the preservation of different kinds of resources (natural, manufactured, human, and social capital) in insolvency procedures. The purpose of insolvency proceedings may prevent the full implementation of sustainability. In bankruptcy, the administrator must maximise the selling price for creditor satisfaction, and there are few possibilities to promote sustainability. When facing an acute environmental hazard, in the name of public interest, a bankruptcy estate with assets usually has to act unless the law stipulates that society is responsible for taking care of the problem. In restructuring proceedings, the main purpose is to continue the debtor's business. It depends on the markets how sustainable the debtor company must be to achieve profitability. If becoming a profitable company in a “green” or otherwise sustainable market requires costly efforts, creditors' interests may require the sale of the assets. The author views through sustainability lenses EU Restructuring and insolvency Directive (2019) and finds there is not much of a sustainability approach included.  相似文献   
提高项目能效,从而降低对环境影响是目前大型炼化一体化项目追求的目标之一.文章对炼化一体化项目动力站通常采用的整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)多联产方案和循环流化床锅炉(CFB)方案进行了技术经济比较.结果表明:具有较低环境影响、较高能效的IGCC多联产方案不仅能实现清洁化生产,而且还能获得一定的经济效益,其发展前景值得期待.  相似文献   
At present, 18 European Union member states have some form of legislation on adjustment of the debts of a private individual. Only half of these debt adjustment proceedings are mentioned in Annex A of the European Insolvency Regulation (EIR) and therefore fall within the scope of it. As most of the debt adjustment proceedings are not included in the scope of the Brussels I Regulation, there is a regulatory gap in the European insolvency proceedings with unpleasant impacts on the free movement of labour. Fortunately, changes are coming, in the form of the EIR reform. In order to bring debt adjustment within the scope of the EIR, the Commission proposes to loosen the prerequisite concerning the legal effects, which the opening of the proceedings has on the debtor. Regarding the jurisdiction to open main proceedings, the Commission proposes that COMI (the debtor's centre of main interests) would be the place of habitual residence. The open question is, whether residency requires a certain continuity or stability. This issue is discussed in the paper taking into account recent Court of Justice of the European Union case law. The challenge of the EIR reform is that only provisions on scope and jurisdiction have been modified as to debt adjustment. One may ask, e.g. when the prerequisites concerning the opening of secondary proceedings are fulfilled if the debtor is a private individual. Copyright © 2013 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   
我国农田土壤污染状况及防治对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国农田土壤污染日趋严重,农田受污染率从20世纪80年代末期的不足5%,上升至目前的19.4%;污染物主要来自工矿业三废(废水、废气、废渣),并通过大气沉降、洪水冲积和不合理的农业生产过程3个路径进入农田,其中不合理的农业生产过程,尤其是污水灌溉是污染物进入农田的首要路径;不仅化肥会污染农田,有机肥同样也会污染农田。通过调节Cd超标农田土壤的PH值可以降低Cd的活性,减轻对农作物的危害;不同作物对Cd的敏感性不同,通过调整农作物品种结构,可以降低危害;治理农田土壤污染,首要工作是强化农田土壤污染防控,并因情而宜,走综合治理之路。该文首次量化了我国农田土壤污染变化态势,明确提出了化肥在农田土壤污染中的3方面体现,概括出污染物进入农田土壤的3个路径,首次将污水灌溉从过去的严重缺水区域有意识地利用污水灌溉扩展到有意识地利用污水灌溉和无意识地利用了受到污染的水源进行灌溉两个方面,明确提出了有机肥同样会污染农田的结论,并提出了防治土地污染的3项对策。  相似文献   
浅议项目评价中基准贴现率的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了两种确定基准贴现率的方法-最低期望收益率和目标收益率法,并结合实例进行了说明:前者是一种偏低的标准;后者比较符合实际标准,但需要较好的基础工作。  相似文献   
几个月前,我国还忙于西南抗旱,但转瞬之间,我国的主画面变成了南方数省的抗洪抢险。太平洋西岸的季风数千年来就这样折腾着我国,世界上恐怕很难找到一个与我们一样的国家,旱涝变化如此之快,水资源分布如此悬殊。大概也没有哪个国家,像我国这样急需一个强大而高效的全国治水系统。  相似文献   
分析知识网络风险的特征和类型,根据知识网络风险形成的内在机理,对知识网络的风险防范机制进行了探索性研究。认为知识网络风险防范机制由3部分构成,并制定了风险防范的4个步骤,力求知识网络能够成功实现知识共享、知识创造。  相似文献   
太中银铁路东起山西榆次,西至宁夏银川和中卫,途经3省7市,是连接我国西北至华北的一条快速便捷的交通运输通道.铁路的建成通车将通过改善沿线交通条件极大地推动沿线地区的城市化发展.本文在分析太中银铁路沿线城市化发展的意义,沿线区域概况以及城市化发展中存在问题的基础上,构建了未来沿线区域城市化发展的演化机制,并提出了相关的对策建议.  相似文献   
城市边缘区土地利用变化剧烈,权属变化明显。大兴区作为北京市城市边缘区的重要组成部分,其土地权属变化具有一定的代表性。该文以其为例,分析城市边缘区土地权属变化情况:在强度变化上,国有未利用地变化最为强烈,集体农用地变化最为微弱;在空间变化上,国有建设用地对北京市相同地类空间变化的影响最大,而集体农用地影响最小。最后运用主成分分析法得出经济发展、城市化、人民生活水平提高三大影响因素。  相似文献   
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