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Kingwise 《中国西部》2009,(2X):158-159
<正>温和的秋风,柔暖的光线,银杏的秋天犹如远方神秘贵妇的华丽裙摆随着秋风轻歌曼舞,毫无遮掩地向我们展示着那份古老的神秘和绚丽。处在城市喧嚣中的我们有太多的纷繁绕杂,所以一有时间,都希望去寻找一片宁静  相似文献   
Penny 《致富之友》2010,(5):38-41
去年的5月28日欧洲足球冠军联赛进行决赛,西班牙的巴塞罗那队以2:0击败英格兰的曼彻斯特联队夺得冠军,今年5月28日的香港,作为国际知名拍卖行的佳士得,选在此时展开春拍,与4月份刚结束的香港苏富比春拍一别苗头。不同与苏富比强调奢华、皇权拍品的策略,除去在红酒、手腕表、珠宝这些满足新富阶级的专场,佳士得香港在书画、佛像、私人藏家征集的拍品上下足了功夫,充分满足了中国藏家的收藏品味。  相似文献   
Doron Levin 《经营者》2014,(24):56-56
为了保住全球头号豪华汽车制造商的宝座,宝马正重新设计其经销商的运作方式,将增设更多“天才”产品专家,同时减少销售人员. 这是一种更柔和、更轻松的服务理念,因苹果而普及开来.在苹果门店中,有专门的产品专家向顾客解释苹果公司的笔记本电脑及其他产品.顾客可向训练有素的产品专家提问,而无需有议价的压力.一旦他们决定购买,将由销售人员接手.  相似文献   
日本时装设计师Ken Okada的精品店坐落在别致和优雅的巴黎第七区.虽然店面低调谨慎,只有紧凑的50平方米空间,但其采用新颖的茧状的内饰,足以抓住路人的目光,它对于进店的客人来说绝对是一个惊喜. Okada的服装只限女式衬衫,拥有复杂和细致的剪裁,非常柔软而女性化.这家商店的内部由建筑师Fran(c)ois Roche设计,也充分体现了Okada自己的创作风格.Roche用层层叠叠的棉布填满了空间,剪裁成洞穴一般,不予缝合,形同半成品.透明薄纱的景观传达出Okada本人的精妙气质,同时也区分了精品店内不同的功能区域.  相似文献   
江南 《江南论坛》2010,(4):38-38
本刊讯日前,浙江省已得到有关部门的批复,成为全国首个"转变经济发展方式综合试验区"的试点省份。全国众多省份中,为何惟独浙江能脱颖而出,被挑中试点?华东师范大学长江流域发展研究院院长徐长乐表示,"可能基于两个理由:浙江的经济发展特色鲜明以及其转变经济发展方式的任务比较艰巨。"  相似文献   
The Hungarian economy was based on central planning for several decades and in comparison with the dominance of the great organizations that consisted of many smaller units, the role of small-sized enterprises was marginal. The change in the political climate involved recognition of and belief in entrepreneurship and the new legal system increased the opportunity for setting up new enterprises established on private and joint capital. Nevertheless, the changes in the organizational system of companies within the national economy appear to concentrate in time and territory in Northern Hungary. Increasing unemployment inspires the start of numerous enterprises even when the experience of entrepreneurship is missing and, in addition, the inclination towards it. This may result in difficulties and danger and a study of North Hungarian small businesses is therefore useful.

The aim of this research is to examine the position of SMEs in the North Hungarian industrial area, concentrating on questions that can not be answered by means of traditional statistics. Data were collected by surveying questionnaires. The questions referred to the development of SMEs in North Hungary.

Finally, the elements in the economic environment that may hinder or help successful operation of the enterprises were analysed. With the experience gained by our investigation we would like to help in the reinforcement of SMEs working in Northern Hungary.  相似文献   
随着2013上半年中瑞“零关锐”新闻的曝出,表迷们在网上掀起了讨论热潮,一些敏感消费者的第一反应是:瑞士表会因“免税”而大幅降价吗?  相似文献   
关于酒店忠诚计划的吸引力有多高,你总能得到截然相反的答案。支持者着迷于这些汁划所带来的客房升级与免费住宿,以及背后所代表的商务与社会层级地位;冷漠者则批评这些卡片令曾经精明的旅人对价格变得愚钝,对酒店的过失亦过分宽容。  相似文献   
In the tourism industry, the perceptions of a tourist destination are critical to its image. Image can be either a mental image of a product created by a marketing department or an associative image of a product that is developed by the consumer. Tourism destinations must be careful about their image so the perception that they have is not different from the way that they are perceived by potential travelers. This study examines the perceptions of international visitors and Thai residents on the image of Thailand as a tourist destination. International visitors and Thai residents were both surveyed to determine their perceptions of the image of Thailand. Some results of the study found that Thai residents and international visitors felt cultural sightseeing, friendly people and food were significantly important when thinking of Thailand as a tourist destination, while international visitors felt that nightlife and entertainment were significantly more important than that of Thai residents.  相似文献   
当前,在世界范围内特别是在发展中国家,掀起了一股民营银行并购国有银行的浪潮。这种并购容易产生现金流风险、信息不对称风险、政策诱导性风险、管理效率风险、并购失败风险。民营银行应通过以下措施和方法将风险消除,从而实现并购成功:结合银行实际,选用适合自身发展的并购方式;努力消除信息不对称;优化决策程序;妥善处理好与政府的关系。  相似文献   
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