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Zusammenfassung Warenhandel und Faktormobilit?t als unvollkommene Substitute. — Das allgemeine Thema dieses Aufsatzes ist das Problem, wie gegebene Eingriffe in den Warenverkehr und die Faktorbewegungen zwischen Staaten am besten ausgeglichen werden k?nnen. Die erste Frage, die ausführlich untersucht wird, ist die, ob eine gegebene Beschr?nkung des Warenverkehrs durch Beeinflussung der internen Allokation von Kapital oder Arbeit kompensiert werden kann. Zweitens wird gefragt, ob die Verluste, die durch Beschr?nkungen der internationalen Faktorbewegungen verursacht werden, ganz oder teilweise durch Interventionen auf den heimischen Warenm?rkten ausgeglichen werden k?nnen. Dabei wird von einem globalen Standpunkt ausgegangen in dem Sinne, daΒ das Wohlfahrtsniveau eines Landes konstant gehalten wird, w?hrend das des anderen maximiert wird. Die beweglichen Faktoren, die einzeln untersucht werden, sind Kapital und Arbeit. Abschnitt I behandelt in einem Zwei-L?nder-Modell den Fall, daΒ nur das Kapital international freizügig ist. Dabei zeigt sich, daΒ die internationale Freizügigkeit des Kapitals ein unvollkommenes Substitut für Handel ist, wenn dieser behindert wird. Es zeigt sich ferner, daβ die Allokation verbessert werden kann, wenn eine Steuer auf die Verwendung von Kapital in dem mit Importen konkurrierenden Sektor des zollerhebenden Landes eingeführt wird. Abschnitt II untersucht den Fall, in dem auch die Arbeitskr?fte freizügig sind und entwickelt eine Regel für optimale Eingriffe in die Allokation des Faktors Arbeit. Abschnitt III behandelt die umgekehrte Situation, in der Eingriffe in die internationale Freizügigkeit von Kapital und Arbeit als gegeben angenommen werden und zeigt, daβ nun die heimische Beeinflussung des Warenmarktes eine effiziente Remedur ist. Aus diesen F?llen ergibt sich eine Art Symmetrie: Wird an der Grenze der Warenverkehr behindert, dann ist das angemessene Mittel die Beeinflussung der heimischen Faktorallokation. Richtet sich die Behinderung gegen die internationalen Faktorbewegungen, dann sind geeignete Gegenmaβnahmen auf den heimischen Güterm?rkten anzusetzen.
Résumé Le commerce de biens et la mobilité de facteurs comme des substituts imparfaits. — Le problème général de cet article consiste à trouver comment le monde peut compenser parfaitement des interférences données concernant le flux de biens ou de services de facteurs entre des pays. La première question considerée en détail est si une restriction donnée sur le commerce peut être améliorée par une interférence dans l’allocation interne ou de capital ou de main d’oeuvre. La deuxième question est si on peut compenser, partiellement ou totalement, la perte subie par les mouvements de facteurs internationaux restreints en intervenant dans des marchés de biens locaux. Le point de vue pris est celui du monde au sens que nous tenons le niveau de welfare d’un pays constant pendant que maximiser le niveau de welfare de l’autre pays. Les facteurs mobiles qui doivent être considérés individuellement sont le capital et la main d’oeuvre. La section I considère le cas dans lequel seulement le capital se meut internationalement dans un monde de deux-pays. Elle montre que le mouvement libre du capital est un substitut imparfait pour de commerce s’il y a quelques interférences dans le dernier. En outre on peut montrer que l’allocation peut être améliorée par une taxe imposée sur l’emploi de capital dans le secteur du pays imposant le tarif, qui se trouve en concurrence avec les importations. La section II examine le cas où aussi la main d’oeuvre est mobile et elle développe une règle pour une optimale interférence locale dans l’allocation de main d’oeuvre. La section III retourne la situation en prenant des interférences données dans le mouvement international du capital et de la main d’oeuvre, et elle montre que maintenant l’interférence locale dans le marché pour des biens est le remède efficace. Sortant de ces cas on peut conclure une sorte de symétrie: Si l’interférence donnée à la frontière se rapporte au mouvement de biens puis le remède approprié est l’intervention dans l’allocation locale de facteurs. Si la barrière s’élève contre le flux international de facteurs, puis le remède approprié est l’intervention dans le marché interne de biens.

Resumen Comercio de bienes y movilidad de factores como sustitutos imperfectos. — El problema general de este ensayo es cómo el mundo puede compensar en mejor forma las interferencias en el flujo de bienes o de servicios de factores entre países. La primera pregunta que se considera en detalle se refiere a si una restrictión dada sobre el comercio se puede mejorar por medio de interferencias en la alocación interna de capital o de trabajo. La segunda pregunta se refiere a si uno puede compensar, en parte o completamente, la pérdida incurrida debido a restricciones al movimiento internacional de factores por medio de la interventión en el mercado doméstico de bienes. El punto de vista que se toma es el del mundo, en el sentido que el nivel de bienestar de un paiŚ se mantiene constante mientras el del otro se maximiza. Los factores móviles que se consideran individualmente son capital y trabajo. La sección I considera el caso en que solamente el capital se mueve internacionalmente en un mundo de dos países. Se muestra que el movimiento libre de capital es un sustituto imperfecto para el comercio cuando hay interferencias en el último. Se muestra adicionalmente, que la alocación se puede mejorar por medio de un impuesto a la utilizatión de capital en el sector competitivo con importaciones en el país que impone las tarifas aduaneras. La sección II examina el caso en que también el factor trabajo es móvil y se desarrolla una regla para la interferencia óptima en la alocación del factor trabajo. La sectión III invierte la situatión considerando interferencias dadas en el movimiento internacional de capital y trabajo y muestra que la interferencia doméstica en el mercado de bienes es ahora el remedio eficiente. De estos casos emerge una especie de simetría: cuando la interferencia dada en el límite ocurre en el mercado de bienes, entonces el remedio apropriado es la interferencia en la alocación doméstica de factores. Cuando la barrera es en contra del flujo internacional de factores, entonces la contramedida aporpiada se refiere al mercado interno de bienes.
This article researches how a corporate code of ethics (CCE) implemented in local government X has influenced the behavior of its employees, middle managers, and managers. Metaphors from the existing and desired CCE elicited by these three groups provided information on how to improve the effectiveness of the CCE. This method proved to be very fruitful. It appeared that continuous systematic attention needed to be paid to the CCE after the CCE had been implemented, particularly by management. Initiatives from management to start discussions about relevant questions of integrity appeared to be also necessary to make the topic a “normal” topic which employees were no longer afraid to discuss. In this way, the possibility could be created to develop collectively a “practical” frame of reference concerning relevant questions of integrity that would help employees to make decisions in difficult situations during their work in the future.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate the long run relationship between the development of banks and stock markets and economic growth. We make use of a Johansen-based panel cointegration methodology allowing for cross-country dependence to test the number of cointegrating vectors among these three variables for 5 developing countries. In addition, we test the direction of potential causality between financial and economic development. Our results conclude to the existence of a single cointegrating vector between financial development and growth and of causality going from financial development to economic growth. We find little evidence of reverse causation as well as bi-directional causality. We interpret this as evidence supporting the significance of financial development for economic development although banks and stock markets may have different effects depending on the level of economic development.  相似文献   
We compare the family of rational expectation equilibria with the ex-post Aubin core allocations in the framework of an economy with uncertainty and asymmetric information. We do it in a very general setting: an arbitrary space of agents and an infinite dimensional commodity space. We also present a characterization of the ex–post Aubin core by allocations belonging to the core of the associated complete information economies, and we use a suitable definition of Edgeworth equilibria to characterize the family of rational expectation equilibria. Moreover, we study some generalizations of the ex-post Aubin core obtained by making some restriction on the families of blocking coalitions.  相似文献   
Measuring labor and capital services accurately is essential to obtaining reliable estimates of production functions and total factor productivity (TFP) growth. Using data on the operating time of capital, a series that exists for the French business sector, greatly improves the measurement of effective capital services in production. The ensuing estimation results are consistent with Cobb–Douglas technology under constant returns to scale, with the factor elasticities not statistically different from their income shares. In the same framework, TFP growth is estimated as a latent variable and found to be less volatile than accounting residuals, negatively correlated with employment, and free of cyclicality. It is statistically best estimated as a first-order autoregressive process, with an autoregressive coefficient of 0.95. Total factor productivity growth was estimated to have declined steadily between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s, but the rate of decline has diminished since then.  相似文献   
This paper uses data envelopment analysis to assess the operational performance of 28 Italian airports during the period of 2000 through 2006. Recent developments in bootstrapping techniques are used to correct total factor productivity estimates for bias and to assess the uncertainty surrounding such estimates. This study found that the Italian airport industry experienced a significant technological regress, with few airports achieving an increase in productivity led by improvements in efficiency. Moreover, the paper shows that the form of ownership (public majority vs. private majority) of an airport management company does not significantly affect performance. In contrast, this type of the concession agreement has positive and significant effects on airport productivity. Finally, the paper highlights the existence of a productivity gap between airports located in the North-Central part of the country and those located in the south.  相似文献   
Reverse innovation commonly refers to an innovation initially launched in a developing country and later introduced to an advanced country. Adopting a linear innovation model with the four sequential phases of concept ideation, product development, primary target market introduction, and subsequent secondary market introduction, this study expands the espoused definition of reverse innovation beyond its market‐introduction focus with reversals in the flow of innovation in the ideation and product development phases. Recognizing that each phase can take place in different geographical locations, the paper then introduces a typology of global innovation with 16 different types of innovation flows between advanced and emerging countries, 10 of which are reverse innovation flows. The latter are further differentiated into weak and strong reverse innovation, depending on the number of innovation phases taking place in an emerging country. This analytical framework allows recasting of current research at the intersection between innovation and international business. Of the 10 reverse innovation flows, six are new and have not been covered in the literature to date. The study addresses questions of ethnocentrism and the continuity of the flow of innovation, and discusses possible extensions of the model with respect to the number of geographical categories and phases of innovation. Four research propositions highlight areas for future investigation, especially in the context of optimizing a firm's portfolio of global innovation competence and capability. The implications for management are concerned with internal and external resistance to reverse innovation. Most significantly, while greater recognition and power of innovation in formerly subordinate organizational units is inconvenient to some, the ability to leverage the potential of reverse innovation makes a firm more likely to succeed in global innovation overall.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a modified version of the Delphi method, starting from the assumption that in many situations the convergence of opinions can be considered in a spatial context. The Spatial Delphi we suggest is based, like the classical Delphi, on the judgments of experts, and it is useful in the consultations for decision and/or forecast purposes, provided that they concern matters of spatial location. The basis for the questionnaire is a map, on which each expert provides, as answer(s), one or more opinion-points, i.e., locations that, according to their opinion, are best for a specific purpose. We propose a method for narrowing the area of convergence along a multi-step procedure so that the final result of the consultation is a small portion of the initial territory with respect to the initial area considered. Besides a simulation study, we report also a prototype application with a panel of twelve experts.  相似文献   
Scenarios are claimed to support strategic decision makers. They are especially effective in dealing with uncertainties. This paper addresses some drawbacks of the conventional scenario method, which is especially directed at handling these uncertainties, and indicates possible avenues for methodological adaptations. We take the approach, which rests in the Shell tradition, as exemplary for our discussion on the mainstream scenario methodology. This approach has some limitations when it comes to dealing with simultaneous trends and countertrends, and trends or clusters of trends that are not thought of beforehand, especially the methodological requirements of causality and consistency, which might be limiting factors in this respect. This paper indicates alternative ways for scenario construction. It discusses the use of either recombinant scenarios, context scenarios, or inconsistent scenarios and/or combinations of these scenarios. These options explicitly incorporate the notion of ‘paradoxical trend’ as the codriver of future developments into the methodology.  相似文献   
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