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I use data from the University of California to empirically examine the role of social learning in employees' choices of health plans. The basic empirical strategy starts with the observation that if social learning is important, health plan selections should appear to be correlated across employees within the same department. Estimates of discrete choice models in which individuals' perceived payoffs are influenced by coworkers' decisions reveal a significant (but not dominant) social effect. The strength of the effect depends on factors such as the department's size or the employee's demographic distance from her coworkers. The estimated effects are present even when the model allows for unobserved, department-specific heterogeneity in employee preferences, so the results cannot be explained away by unobservable characteristics that are common to employees of the same department.  相似文献   
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Prior research concludes that the implications of negative special items (NSIs) for future earnings are more fully reflected than earnings before...  相似文献   
In this article, we explore the impact of imperfectly competitive input markets on production function estimation. First‐order profit‐maximizing conditions are altered when frictions in input markets cause the elasticity of input supply to the firm to be finite. A consequence of this is that the standard econometric model used for production function estimation will be misspecified. We prove that, in all nontrivial cases, finite elasticities of supply to the firm will lead to inconsistent estimates of production function parameters. Monte Carlo simulations show that the resulting bias can be economically significant.  相似文献   
For service providers hosting social media-based brand communities, understanding the use of value-creating practices enables them to enhance their customers’ brand community experiences and facilitate value. Yet, extant social media-based brand community research neglects to examine the uses of practices in commonly occurring, direct service provider customer interactions that may be value co-creative. Thus, for a more holistic view of value creation, and informed by service logic, this study applies netnography to observe participants’ uses of practices in two social media-based cause brand communities, in both direct and indirect interactions. The findings reveal that participants predominantly employ practices in direct interactions and act as value co-creators. The findings extend empirical evidence into value-creating practices in social media-based brand communities. They also highlight how cause organisations should plan their uses of practices to facilitate the types of value-creating interactions they seek (i.e. direct and value co-creating, or indirect and independently value creating).  相似文献   
This study investigates differences in complaining behavior between American and Puerto Rican VCR owners. It is proposed that in Puerto Rico, both cultural values and institutional barriers tend to impose restrictions on complaining behavior that do not exist in the U.S. Hypotheses are developed concerning the impact of cultural differences on: (a) perceptual and attitudinal antecedents to complaining in Day's (1984) model of complaining behavior, (b) the propensity to complain, and (c) the use of public vs. private actions.Results of the data analysis indicate that Puerto Rican VCR owners are less likely to complain than American VCR owners. Also, among complainers, Puerto Ricans were found less likely to take public actions than Americans. Only weak support was obtained for the predicted differences on the antecedent variables to complaining. Implications for marketers and public policy makers are discussed.
Ein interkultureller Vergleich des Beschwerdeverhaltens von Konsumenten: Besitzer von Videokassettenrecordern in den USA und in Puerto Rico
Zusammenfassung Die Studie geht davon aus, daß in Puerto Rico sowohl kulturelle Werthaltungen als auch insitutionelle Barrieren das Beschwerdeverhalten von Konsumenten stärker einschränken als in den USA. Diskutiert werden fünf hinderliche Wertorientierungen, nämlich Passivität, internale Attribution, Abhängigkeit, Vermeidung von Unsicherheit und Fatalismus. Mit institutionellen Barrieren werden Eigenschaften der Marketinginstitutionen gemeint, die direktes Beschwerdeverhalten abwehren. Offensichtlich sind Marketingabteilungen in Puerto Rico weniger empfänglich für kritische Meinungen von Konsumenten als vergleichbare Einrichtungen in den Vereinigten Staaten.Bei der Hypothesenbildung werden die Einflußfaktoren auf das Beschwerdeverhalten nach dem Modell von Day(1984) benutzt, die mit kulturellen Unterschieden variieren dürften. Diese Einflußfaktoren sind(a) die wahrgenommenen Kosten der Beschwerde, (b) die subjektiv empfundene Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß die Beschwerde Erfolg haben wird, und (c) die Einstellung gegenüber dem Beschweren als Verhaltensweise. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen bei Puertoricanern tatsächlich eine geringere Tendenz zum Beschwerdeverhalten als bei Amerikanern, wenn auch im einzelnen nicht alle Hypothesen durch die Daten gestützt werden. Der Beitrag diskutiert Schlußfolgerungen sowohl für das Marketing wie auch für die Verbraucherpolitik. Die Anbieter sollten die Empfänglichkeit für Konsumentenbeschwerden in Puerto Rico erhöhen. Kommunikationspolitische Maßnahmen der Hersteller von Videokassettenrecordern sollten den Konsumenten in Puerto Rico deutlich machen, daß ihnen die Zufriedenheit der Kunden ein echtes Anliegen ist.Andererseits sollte die staatliche Einrichtung für Konsumentenangelegenheiten in Puerto Rico Erziehungsprogramme entwickeln mit dem Ziel, Konsumenten deutlich zu machen, daß Beschwerdeführung bei Produktmängeln ein angemessenes und wünschenswertes Verhalten ist. Ebenso sollte diese Einrichtung prüfen, ob neue gesetzgeberische Maßnahmen zum Verbraucherschutz notwendig sind.

Sigfredo A. Hernandez and William Strahle are Assistant Professors of Marketing and Robert C. Sorensen is Professor of Marketing at Rider College, Lawrenceville Rd, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648, USA. Hector L. Garcia is Assistant Professor of Social Sciences at Universidad del Turabo, P.O. Box 3030, University Station, Gurabo, PR 00658, USA.  相似文献   
Employee and employer stated reasons for leaving public accounting were studied together with the conditions surrounding departure and the best and least liked qualities of CPA firm work. Data collected after employee terminations on selected aspects of the work was shown to be a good predictor of whether employees left of their own volition or at the request of the firm and revealed several areas suitable for improving personnel relationship and reducing professional staff turnover.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the UK interest rate term structure over the period since October 1992, when the United Kingdom adopted an explicit inflation target, using an affine term structure model estimated using both government bond yields and survey data. The model imposes no-arbitrage restrictions across nominal and real yields, which enables interest rates to be decomposed into expected real policy rates, expected inflation, real term premia and inflation risk premia. The model is used to shed light on major developments over the period, including the impact of Bank of England independence and the low real bond yield ‘conundrum’.  相似文献   
Logit estimation is applied to predicting the probability that a given firm will be a merger target. Care is taken to account for variation in industry characteristics. The statistical performance of the model and its predictive power in a holdout sample support the approach used.  相似文献   
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