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This paper presents the first value of statistical life (VSL) meta-analysis that empirically estimates correction factors for ‘out of context’ benefits transfer (BT) purposes. In the field of mortality risk reductions elicited willingness to pay values in one risk context, say road safety, are frequently applied in other risk contexts like air pollution. However, differences in risk perception and the population at risk across contexts are likely to result in diverging VSL estimates. In a meta-analysis of 26 international stated preference studies, a Bayesian model is estimated regressing contingent values for mortality risk reductions, originating from three different risk contexts, on the characteristics of the risk reduction itself and additional variables characterizing the underlying studies. A willingness to pay (WTP) premium for mortality risk reductions in the air pollution and general mortality risk context relative to improving road safety is observed. Evaluated at the mean, road safety VSL estimates should be multiplied by a factor 1.8 before being applicable in the air pollution context. Moreover, in an illustrative BT exercise we find limited overlap in the set of context specific predictive VSL distributions. Consequently, ‘out of context’ BT results in a substantial over- or underestimation of the VSL.  相似文献   
This cross-country study adopts a competing theories approach in which both a value perspective and a social capital perspective are used to understand the relation between religion and a country’s business ownership rate. We distinguish among four dimensions of religion: belonging to a religious denomination, believing certain religious propositions, bonding to religious practices, and behaving in a religious manner. An empirical analysis of data from 30 OECD countries with multiple data points per country covering the period 1984–2010 suggests a positive relationship between religion and business ownership based on those dimensions that reflect the internal aspects of religiosity (i.e., believing and behaving). We do not observe a significant association for those dimensions that reflect more external aspects of religion (i.e., belonging and bonding). These results suggest that the social capital perspective prevails the value perspective, at least when internal aspects of religiosity are concerned. More generally, our study demonstrates the importance of distinguishing between different dimensions of religion when investigating the link between religion and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   
刘青云 《价值工程》2010,29(9):119-119
混凝土表面的裂缝是混凝土结构中的一种极为普遍的现象。本文着重论述了混凝土表面裂缝产生的原因,以及裂缝对混凝土的结构性能的影响,提出了混凝土表面裂缝处理的控制和修复方法,为保证建筑物施工的安全运行以及建筑物的正常使用打下良好的基础。  相似文献   
本文选取了2002-2004年深沪两市派发股利的公司作为研究样本,通过T检验和一元线性田归模型发现,投资者偏好混合股利和股票股利主要是由于这两种股利形式带来较之现金股利更高的回报率.同时,在回报率较高时往往伴随有显著的交易量增加,调整后的判定系数在1%的水平上显著,但是也表现出一定的滞后性.  相似文献   
本文利用江苏省13市379个农村人口的调查数据,建立实证模型分析影响农村小额保险购买意愿的主要因素。研究结果表明,年龄、受教育程度、保险认知水平、近三年的风险情况以及来源地等因素对农村人口购买小额保险的意愿具有显著影响,而就业状况、家庭年收入、储蓄情况、人均拥有土地情况以及保单持有状况等因素的影响不太显著。  相似文献   
刘保成 《价值工程》2010,29(23):41-42
人力资源是企业最重要的资源,人才是其发展的核心。企业怎样能留住人才,如何扭转人才流失局面是企业急需解决的重要问题。鉴于此,本文首先简单介绍了人才的重要性,然后指出了人才流失的原因并造成的不利影响。最后提出了相应防止人才流失的措施。  相似文献   
A prominent philosophical/legal case for requiring 100% bank reserves employs a flawed style of argument. It involves essentialism (criticized by Karl Popper and Joseph Schumpeter), persuasive definitions (identified by Charles L. Stevenson), faulty classification, and the piling up of irrelevant facts and considerations.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a generalized spatial panel-data probit model with spatial autocorrelation of the dependent variable, the time-invariant individual shocks, and the remainder disturbances. It proposes its estimation with a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure. Simulation results show that the proposed estimation method performs well in small- to medium-sized samples. This method is then applied to the analysis of export-market participation of 1451 Chinese firms between 2002 and 2006 in the prefecture-level city of Wenzhou in the province of Zhejiang. Empirical results show that two of the three forms of the hypothesized spatial autocorrelation are significant, namely the spatial lag for the dependent variable and the time-invariant firm-specific shocks, but not the time-variant shocks. Ignoring any of these significant spatial effects would lead to misspecification.  相似文献   
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