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地区间主义研究的核心问题是地区间制度设计在促进合作上的适用性。制度化与论坛化是当前地区间合作中的两种主要形式,这两种制度选择的区别体现在结构平衡、施动方向、互动结果以及由此所决定的制度适用性上。作者提出:在制度化的地区间合作中,强势的一方因为缺乏足够的回应或制衡,将导致其倡议和政策制定主要从自身角度出发,这在很大程度上削弱了政策和举措的适用性。而在论坛化的地区间合作中,平衡和双向的互动以及合作的意愿能够增加最后的政策和举措的适用性。欧盟推动的对非制度化地区间合作与中非合作论坛推动的论坛化地区间合作是当今地区间主义比较有代表性的案例。通过对欧盟与中国的对非地区间合作的比较研究发现,适用性的制度设计应该建立在地区间结构平衡、双向互动和强烈的政治意愿基础之上。  相似文献   
This article seeks to develop a conceptual and policy framework for understanding China’s role in the global economic imbalances.China’s contribution to these imbalances via recurrent trade and financial surpluses corresponds with a phase of deepening structural risks to China s economic growth and development.These structural challenges include:the composition of growth resulting from China’s dynamic internal transformation,China’s trade orientation,the trajectory of resource use and Commissions,welfare problems relating to distribution and international constraints.This article develops a conceptual framework for examining the relationship between the processes of long-run structural transformation in China,its economic imbalances,and the role of institutional reform in dealing with these structural challenges.As such,economic policy should extend beyond short-term macro management to pursue an institutional reform agenda to facilitate broader structural change to mitigate constraints to future growth and to improve economic welfare.  相似文献   
China's economic development since 1978 is one of the most significant events in recent history. Many aspects of this development have been extensively analyzed in the published literature. However, the implications of China's growth for other countries have been relatively neglected. The present paper attempts to fill this gap in the literature. The paper first presents some facts on China's role in the world economy, and then measures the impact of China's growth on growth in the rest of the world in both the short term and the long term. Short‐run estimates based on vector autoregression and error correction models suggest that spillover effects of China's growth have increased in recent decades. Long‐term spillover effects, estimated through growth regressions based on panel data, are also significant and have extended in recent decades beyond Asia. The estimates are robust to the effects of global and regional shocks, changes in model specification, and sample period.  相似文献   
过去几年中。社交网站(例如,FACEBOOK,人人网)和其他用户生成内容网站(例如,土豆,YOUTUBE,FLICKER)纷纷建立。并且它们被运用成为一种广告媒介,这引起了大家广泛的关注。一开始由于人们知识的匮乏,不知道怎样有效地利用因特网使其成为广告媒介,在美国因特网用了好几年的时间才成为了主流广告媒体,现在很值得我们来查看一下人们在提高广告在数字媒介运用的过程中学习到了哪些东西。我通过数字广告的6点核心原则来探讨我们在数字广告中学到了什么。  相似文献   
在进入信息时代和市场需求呈现多样化的今天,工业生产和生产研究依然是创造物质财富和市场需求最重要的基础。信息时代和需求多样化给生产研究领域带来了诸多全新研究课题。下一个世纪生产研究的大趋势将是管理和技术并驾齐驱,二者紧密结合。制约因素管理能够充分利用管理人员的智慧,靠抓住关键因素进行系统整体管理,不断在新的层次上加强管理和技术的密切结合,事半功倍地提高企业经济效益  相似文献   
2007年,国内物价上涨较快而人民币对美元保持升值态势,这种人民币对外购买力上升和对内购买力下降的现象引起社会各方面的普遍关注。该文首先从理论和实践方面分析了货币对外升值对内贬值的现象;其次指出人民币对内贬值的重要原因是流动性过剩;并认为人民币对美元升值的主要原因是美元走软。  相似文献   
I. NPL Asset Settlement in China’s State-Owned Banks Non-performing loans(NPLs)represent the most serious problem hindering China’sbankingsystem, especially the fourstate-owned banks (SOBs).According to statisticsfrom China’sBanking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), the banking system has accumulated NPLs tothevalueof3,158 billion RMB,whilethefourSOBsaccountedfor51 percentofthattotalbytheend of 2003 (seeTable 1). While the banking sector disposeslessthan 300 billion NPLevery year…  相似文献   
单士厘是中国最早走出国门并留下著述的知识女性。她撰写了中国最早的女子国外游记《癸卯旅行记》、《归潜记》,其诗集《受兹室诗稿》亦有记叙国外旅游的诗篇。单士厘的国外旅游开中国近代妇女旅游之先河,不愧为中国近代妇女旅游第一人。  相似文献   
前不久,湖南、海南、河南等省审计厅向省人大作的"关于2004年度省级预算执行和其他财政收支的审计工作报告"公开后,引起社会各界的热评. 在不久前结束的全国审计工作座谈会上,李金华审计长对此给予了充分肯定.他认为审计工作透明度的增强在一定意义上推动了政府行为的公开透明.这样的论述无疑为地方审计工作打了一剂"强心针".  相似文献   
本文依地质统计学的基本原理,在研究某铁矿矿体数学特征和估计其储量误差的基础上,定量地确定了该铁矿不同勘探网度所探求的储量级别。  相似文献   
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