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作弊是对教育考试的蓄意挑战,严重地威胁着教育考试公正。然而在对教育考试作弊的看法上存在着偏差。要有效地惩治作弊,首先必须认定作弊即作恶,进而弄清当前作弊日趋严重的主要原因,并在此基础上采取相应的对策和措施。本文主要针对人们对教育考试作弊的同情态度讨论作弊的邪恶本质及其对教育考试公正的破坏性、教育考试作弊的基本形式及新趋势和对其进行综合惩治的基本思路。  相似文献   
Labor-management relations have received increasing attention and are believed as important by academics and practitioners. This article examines the key antecedents and outcomes of Korean unionized workers’ perceived labor-management relations. Given the impact on employee performance and corporate productivity, it has not yet been known the extent of dynamics regarding the workers’ perceptions of the labor-management relations. The study employs the structural equation modeling using partial least squares(PLS) technique. The empirical results from 2,632 workers confirm that all hypothesized relationships are significant except the corporate training satisfaction in relation to labor relations. All outcomes of labor relations are significant. This research offers new insights into the important concept of labor-management relations specifically in Korea. Implications and future research are provided.  相似文献   
在行政性壁垒保护和政府管制下的企业一定程度上是以政府作为第三方力量与消费者之间通过"转移"进行非市场化交易.保护性壁垒和管制强化了企业内部人高报成本的道德风险.企业会将实际的和伪装的低效率归于政府施加的非利润目标.成本加成定价管制激励了高效率企业采取伪装成低效率企业的策略.  相似文献   

In this study the Taiwan Insurance Guaranty Fund (TIGF) is introduced to investigate the ex ante assessment insurance guaranty scheme. We study the bankruptcy cost when a financially troubled life insurer is taken over by TIGF. The pricing formula of the fair premium of TIGF incorporating the regulatory forbearance is derived. The embedded Parisian option due to regulatory forbearance on fair premiums is investigated. The numerical results show that leverage ratio, asset volatility, grace period, and intervention criterion influence the default costs. Asset volatility has a significant effect on the default option, while leverage ratio is shown to aggravate the negative influence from the volatility of risky asset. Furthermore, the numerical analysis concludes that the premium for the insurance guaranty fund is risk sensitive and that a risk-based premium scheme could be implemented, hence, to ease the moral hazard.  相似文献   
为了快速准确地设计并制作恒带宽窄带集总跳频滤波器,提出了一种随频率变化而 变化的负载结构。通过对这种结构模型的分析,得到了其关于频率和相对带宽的精确变换公 式,利用麦夸特优化法对其进行优化计算,快速得到该负载结构各部件的最优值。最后利用 该方法设计并制作了一个二阶集总带通滤波器。实验结果表明,该方法实现滤波器比传统 手调快几倍,该滤波器在跳频范围30~90 MHz内保持相对恒带宽598%~689%,回波 损耗小于-19 dB,插损大于-2.2 dB。  相似文献   
社会保障支出对经济发展与社会公平的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于城乡二元化的历史遗留问题,我国社会保障支出现状并不乐观,如政府社会保障支出不足、农村社会保障支出过少、地方社会保障支出负担过大等.针对这些问题,应进一步提高财政社会保障支出比重,推进社会保障体制改革,明确政府财政在农村社会保障支出中的责任,更好地发挥社会保障促进经济发展与社会公平的重要作用.  相似文献   
我国加入WTO后的过渡期已经结束,关于银行业全面开放的承诺也已经兑现,我国金融开放的程度不断加大,目前在华外资银行已经与中资银行展开了激烈的竞争。相信今后的竞争会进一步升级,本文从地域、客户和业务三个方面深入分析、研究过渡期后外资银行在华的发展方向和竞争策略。  相似文献   
对企业中不相容职务的表现及控制策略进行研究,目的在于不相容职务问题是内部控制的一个基本问题,制定内部控制制度需要对不相容职务进行界定.通过对在企业中不相容职务的表现及对内部控制制度的分析,按照其分类的标准,从不同角度对不相容职务加以控制,进而规范了企业的工作秩序,使企业在经济发展中处于有利的地位.  相似文献   
We test the implications of a multi-asset equilibrium model in which a finite number of risk-averse liquidity providers accommodate non-informational trading imbalances. These imbalances generate predictable reversals in stock returns. An imbalance in one stock also affects the prices of other stocks. The magnitude of the cross-stock price pressure depends on the correlations of the stocks’ underlying cash flows. The model implies that non-informational trading increases the volatility of stock returns. We confirm the model's implications using data from the Taiwan Stock Exchange.  相似文献   
美国社区学院带给中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过分析美国社区学院的特点,提出对我国高等职业技术教育的五条启示,一是立法促进高等职业技术教育的发展;二是成立我国高等职业教育系统,把高职院校的建设纳入城乡建设规划;三是建立良性的高职教育投融资机制,搞好高职基地建设;四是通过税收政策,促进校企合作;五是坚持以就业为导向,走学历教育与职业培训并重、产学结合的新路子。  相似文献   
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