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A clear understanding of residents’ attitudes towards tourism development and its determinants is a crucial pillar for designing tourism development strategies to promote sustainable development. The literature on the influence of host–tourist interactions and place attachment on residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in developing countries is still scarce. To extend knowledge in this field, this study aims at developing and testing a structural model to examine direct and indirect causal effects of place attachment, host–tourist interaction, and perceived positive and negative tourism impacts on the residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in an island tourism destination – Boa Vista Island in Cape Verde. Results suggest that the residents’ attitudes are positively affected by place attachment, host–tourist interaction, and perceived positive impacts; and negatively affected by perceived negative impacts. Host–tourist interaction emerges as the strongest (direct and indirect) determinant of the residents’ attitudes towards tourism development. Moreover, although both positive and negative perceptions of tourism impacts have significant impacts on the residents’ attitudes, the influence of the former is stronger than that of the latter. The paper ends with relevant theoretical and practical implications to promote positive residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in Boa Vista. 相似文献
This study uses an intervention model to look at the impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on air transport passenger demand in the US. The result showed that both domestic and international air traffic was significantly impacted for 1 and 2 months, respectively. The impact pattern was thus abrupt and temporary, instead of gradual and permanent. The approach also provides better forecasts than the seasonal ARIMA benchmark. 相似文献
黑龙江省已具备了发展现代物流产业的基础,在开放经济的条件下,加快黑龙江省现代物流产业发展,对于优化资源配置,调整产业结构,振兴东北老工业基地,实现可持续发展,具有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
高技术虚拟产业集群是虚拟产业集群在高技术领域的一种管理模式,它是高技术产业持续发展和区域创新资源整合的有效途径。在界定高技术虚拟产业集群知识溢出内涵的基础上,分析其知识溢出主体、知识溢出途径及其影响因素,通过对不同高技术虚拟产业集群组织模式下知识溢出的研究,为高技术产业集群的虚拟化运作提供知识管理方法和思路。 相似文献
This study empirically examines the implementation of environmental policies and how government engagement impacts on a firm's environmental performance based on a sample of Chinese listed firms in the eight most polluting industries over a 10‐year period. The findings of the study demonstrate that government engagement, measured as ownership structure, is positively correlated with environmental performance, measured by environmental capital expenditure, for state‐owned firms, but no significant relation is found for non‐state‐owned firms. In addition, non‐state‐owned firms are more likely to perform better in terms of environmental investment after the 2006 enactment of a new policy explicitly linking environmental issues with political incentives to regional governments. This study also reports that corporate environmental performance impairs firm value for state‐owned firms but has no impact on firm value for non‐state‐owned firms, suggesting that investors negatively respond to environmental investments made by state‐owned firms as a result of government engagement/political pressure. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. 相似文献
Using a public finance approach, this study investigates welfare costs between seignorage and consumption taxes in a standard growth model. One of these two taxes is used to finance exogenous public spending to balance the government budget. The steady-state welfare cost of consumption taxes is lower if the consumption effect dominates the leisure effect. This paper compares equilibrium along transitional dynamic and steady-state paths and finds that because of lower consumption and leisure and thus higher welfare costs of consumption taxes during early periods, the welfare cost of consumption taxes is larger than the welfare cost of seignorage taxes. 相似文献
Cherie Lu 《Journal of Air Transport Management》2009,15(4):158-165
Various environmental measures, including both regulations and fiscal instruments, have been used at airports globally to reduce the impacts of aircraft noise as well as aircraft engine emissions. Internationally, it is recognized that the costs of environmental and social externalities of air transport must be internalized and paid for by the aviation industry and its users. The use of noise related charges or taxes, which theoretically should be based on their respective social costs, has been proved to be effective at some European airports. This research aims to investigate the impacts of environmental costs, through environmental charges, on air passenger demand for different airline business models. The paper presents the mathematical models measuring the social costs of aircraft noise and engine emissions as a basis for setting up environmental charges. Six intra-European short-haul routes in two city pairs, namely London–Amsterdam and London–Paris, are selected for the empirical analysis. The environmental charges are then hypothetically applied to airlines with two different business models, full service carriers (British Airways and Air France-KLM) and low cost airlines (EasyJet). The results show that the potential percentages of demand reduction for both leisure and business passengers would be higher for Easyjet's markets, although with less environmental cost per passenger. 相似文献
本文从贸易结构变动出发为研究我国劳动收入份额变动的原因提供一种新的视角。近年来我国商品贸易结构发生了重要变动。理论分析表明,对外贸易不仅通过国际分工和专业化对劳动收入份额产生直接影响,还通过要素密集度变化和技术进步偏向等机制产生间接影响;实证研究发现,出口发展对我国劳动收入份额具有显著的负向作用,进口发展则具有正向作用。进出口贸易对不同要素密集度行业的影响程度与方向存在差异。 相似文献