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In this and a companion paper (Lane 1993), I describe a class of models, called artificial worlds (AWs), that are designed to give insight into a process called emergent hierarchical organization (EHO). This paper introduces the ideas of EHO and AWs and discusses some of the interferential problems involved in trying to learn about EHO by constructing and studying the properties of AWs. It concludes by introducing two abstract AWs that address important general problems in EHO: the relation between structure and function, and the dynamics of evolutionary processes. The companion paper will discuss several AWs expressly designed to model particular economic phenomena.  相似文献   
There are a number of theoretical reasons why foreign direct investment (FDI) into a host country may depend on the FDI in proximate countries. Such spatial interdependence has been largely ignored by the empirical FDI literature, with only a couple recent papers accounting for such issues in their estimation. This paper conducts a general examination of spatial interactions in empirical FDI models using data on US outbound FDI activity. We find that estimated relationships of traditional determinants of FDI are surprisingly robust to inclusion of terms to capture spatial interdependence, even though such interdependence is estimated to be significant. However, we find that both the traditional determinants of FDI and the estimated spatial interdependence are quite sensitive to the sample of countries one examines.  相似文献   
Experimental and empirical evidence highlights the role of networks on social outcomes. This paper tests the properties of exogenously fixed networks in team production. Subjects make the same decisions in a team work environment under four different organizational networks: the line, the circle, the star, and the complete network. In all the networks, links make information available to neighbors. This design allows us to analyze decisions across networks and a variety of subject types in a standard linear team production game. Contribution levels differ significantly across networks and the star is the most efficient incomplete network. Moreover, our results suggest that subjects act as conditional cooperators with respect to the information received from the network.  相似文献   
An almost ideal demand system for alcoholic beverages in British Columbia is estimated based on five beverage categories. Estimates of the model unrestricted and restricted to satisfy homogeneity and symmetry are presented. The restrictions are tested: as is common in applied demand analysis a number of rejections are encountered, although within-equation tests tend to support homogeneity. The rejections which are encountered are not mitigated by the inclusion of dynamic elements. The Slutsky matrix is used to examine the concavity of the expenditure function, which is found to be mildly violated. Marshallian and Hicksian own-, cross-price, and income elasticities are calculated and are found to be largely consistent with previous findings, although some noteworthy results are obtained.  相似文献   
Necessary conditions for optimal taxation are derived (i) when taxes are constrained to be linear, (ii) when the form of taxation is unconstrained, (iii) when some commodities are subject to nonlinear taxation, the remainder to proportional taxation. Among the results obtained are several that help to determine upon which commodities the tax system ought to bear most heavily. In particular, a criterion for the effect of commodity taxes in the presence of an optimal income tax is found. The paper concludes with a general principle of simple form for optimal economic policies of all kinds.  相似文献   
The recent papers by Guesnerie and Diewert on tax reforms are interpreted as contributions to the characterization of second-best optima. This paper demonstrates that when it is possible to achieve any feasible direction of change in supplies by a differential change in producer prices, there are unique producer support prices. Under these circumstances, the apparent differences between Guesnerie and Diewert are reconciled. Optimality conditions with nonunique support prices are also considered.  相似文献   
This paper studies the implications for business cycle dynamics of heterogeneous expectations in a stochastic growth model. The assumption of homogeneous, rational expectations is replaced with a heterogeneous expectations model where a fraction of agents hold rational expectations and the remaining fraction adopt parsimonious forecasting models that are, in equilibrium, optimal within a restricted class. Our approach nests the literature on rational expectations in business cycle models with a recent approach based on adaptive learning. We demonstrate that (i.) heterogeneous expectations can lead to substantial improvement in the internal propagation of equilibrium business cycle models and (ii.) the internal propagation depends on the degree of heterogeneity. A calibrated model with heterogeneity provides a closer fit to business cycle data than its representative agent, rational expectations counterpart.  相似文献   
Daskin's MEXCLP model [Daskin M. A maximum expected covering location model: formulation, properties, and heuristic solution. Transportation Science 1983;17:48-70] was one of the first efforts to capture the stochastic nature of emergency medical services (EMS) location problems within a mixed-integer formulation. With their subsequent introduction of MALP, ReVelle and Hogan [The maximum availability location problem. Transportation Science 1989;23:192-200] offered two key advances, local vehicle busyness estimates and the α-reliability objective. While these constructs have influenced many subsequent EMS location models, they have been subjected to relatively little empirical analysis. To address this, we introduce the LR-MEXCLP, a hybrid model combining the local busyness estimates of MALP with the maximum coverage objective of MEXCLP. We then solve a series of problems with all three models and employ simulation to estimate aggregate service levels. We find that LR-MEXCLP leads to modest but consistent service gains over both MALP and MEXCLP. These results support the merits of local busyness estimates, but they also suggest that the α-reliability objective may be inappropriate when seeking to maximize aggregate system response capabilities. More generally, our research underscores the utility of (a) linking modeling assumptions and goals with real-world application contexts, and (b) employing simulation or other techniques to validate theoretical results.  相似文献   
Can businesses be viable, effective, and generally democratic organisations? Several literatures bearing on the democratic firm are reviewed, examining democratic governance, participative management, new forms of ownership and how these affect firm performance. A small, espousedly democratic grocery store in upstate New York illustrates characteristic behaviours, structures and processes consistent with financial viability and economic effectiveness.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effects of a low-price guarantee (price-beating guarantee) on the patterns of price setting of three supermarkets using micro-level price data. Following recent theoretical developments, the paper analyzes the ability of low-price guarantees to sustain anticompetitive prices. My empirical analysis suggests instead that this low-price guarantee may serve as an advertising device to signal low prices. The supermarket offering the low-price guarantee, aware of its price advantage in a subset of products, uses it to signal low prices to induce consumers to switch supermarkets.  相似文献   
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