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Foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries has increased since the 1990s, but there is mixed evidence of vertical FDI associated with factor-seeking motives. This paper estimates the vertical motive of offshore production by multinational enterprises (MNEs) by exploiting past schooling characteristics as instruments for skilled-labor abundance in a host country. Using panel data on Japanese and U.S. MNEs in the 1990s, I find that skilled-labor abundance has a significantly negative impact on sales of manufacturing foreign affiliate only for Japanese MNEs. The results suggest that vertical FDI activity was more prevalent in Japanese MNEs than U.S. MNEs. A plausible explanation is that Japanese MNEs might be more vertically integrated with their offshore production than U.S. MNEs. A difference in foreign outsourcing activities could generate the observed deviation between Japanese and U.S. MNEs.  相似文献   
Evaluation of the impacts of government policies during an economic crisis is often delayed until the outcomes are realized. Policies can be better guided if they can be evaluated amid a crisis, before the realization of outcomes. This study examines whether survey data on the expectations of small business managers can help evaluate two high-stake subsidies for firms amid the COVID-19 crisis in Japan, namely, Subsidy Program for Sustaining Businesses (SPSB) and Employment Adjustment Subsidy (EAS). We evaluate the accuracy of managers' expectations, estimate the impact of subsidies on the expected firm survival, and compare it with the estimated impact on realized survival. We find that the managers' expectations on their future sales, survival rate, and the possibility of receiving these subsidies predict the realized outcomes, although they were highly pessimistic about their survival rates. We find that the estimated impacts of the SPSB on the expected survival rates have the same sign as the estimated impact on the realized survival rates, but the size is more than twice because of the pessimism on survival. The estimated impacts of the EAS are both insignificant. Therefore, although its impact may be overestimated, managers' expectations are useful for selecting an effective policy.  相似文献   
Fanti (2014, Metroeconomica, 65, 619–645) showed that raising the mandatory retirement age always reduces capital accumulation and may lower per young income and pension benefit, under the assumption that old labor and young labor are perfect substitutes (or equivalently, the elasticity of substitution is infinite). We reexamine his analysis by assuming that the two labors are imperfect substitutes (the elasticity of substitution is finite), and prove that his results no longer hold when the elasticity of substitution is not sufficiently high.  相似文献   
This article introduces a novel technological distance measure between companies based on their patent portfolios. We describe the technological position or characteristics of companies by applying the framework of language modelling technique in information retrieval on their patent portfolios. The proposed novel approach is an asymmetric measure and better captures the technological characteristic of a company and hence is a more accurate distance measure.  相似文献   
The quantification of the recovery rate for the debt of the defaulted small company is one of the most important problems for banks and their supervisors. However, the data of the real recovery rates is seldom available for academic study. Therefore, there have been a few studies for the recovery rate for the debt. The recovery process model for a single company is introduced by Itoh (Asia Pac Financ Mark 2008). In this paper, we extend the model of Itoh (Asia Pac Financ Mark 2008) to two defaulted companies, and we model the recovery processes using an inhomogeneous bivariate compound Poisson process with the delays. In other word, we assume that the recoveries are occurred by the shocks, and that there are individual shocks that affect only one company and common shocks that affect two companies. Moreover, we assume that there are delays between the shock points and the recovery points. Therefore, the recovery points of two companies are correlated, but the recoveries do not occur synchronously almost surely. We derive the correlation of the recovery rates of the debts of two defaulted companies, and the expected value and the standard deviation of the recovery rate for the defaulted debt portfolio. Furthermore, we present two methods based on the Vernic recursion formula and the Monte Calro simulation for calculating the probability distribution function of the recovery process, and illustrate several numerical results.  相似文献   
This paper examines whether better information about foreign shocks leads to welfare-improving monetary policy using a stylised two-country New Keynesian general equilibrium model. We demonstrate that when terms of trade externality exist and national central banks have the incentives to shift terms of trade in their own favour, the equilibrium under imperfect information may be welfare superior relative to an equilibrium with perfect information. In addition, the welfare gains or losses from information sharing between central banks are found to be small for empirically plausible range of parameters for risk aversion and elasticity of labour supply.  相似文献   
The growth in conservation programs has created a need for modeling frameworks capable of measuring microlevel behavioral responses and macrolevel landscape changes. This paper presents an empirical model that predicts farmers' production practices and the resulting levels of agricultural runoffs at more than 42,000 agricultural sites in the upper-Mississippi river basin under alternative conservation policies. Results suggest that payments for conservation tillage and crop rotations increase the use of these conservation practices. However, the acreage response is inelastic and the programs are not likely to be cost effective on their own for addressing hypoxia problem in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
This study evaluates quantitatively the effect of three policies (payments for cropland retirement, fertilizer use taxes and payments for crop rotations) on agricultural land use in the upper Mississippi River basin. This is done by estimating two logit models of land use decisions using data from the 1982, 1987,1992 and 1997 Natural Resource Inventories. The models predict farmers' crop choice, crop rotation and participation in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) at more than 48,000 Natural Resource Inventories sites under each of the three policies. Results suggest that an increase in the CRP rental rates would significantly increase the CRP acreage, but most of the acreage increase would come initially from less fertilizer‐intensive crops. In contrast, a fertilizer use tax would significantly reduce acreage planted to more fertilizer‐intensive crops, and thus would likely be cost effective for reducing agricultural chemical use and pollution. Although an incentive payment for a corn‐soybean rotation would raise acreage of this rotation and reduce the acreage of continuous corn, the acreage response is in general quite inelastic. Cette étude évalue quantitativement les effets rovoqués par les trois politiques (paiements pour le retrait des terres cultivables, taxes sur l'utilisation d'engrais et paiements pour l'alternance des cultures) sur les terres agricoles du bassin supérieur du Mississipi. Ceci est obtenu en évaluant deux modéles logit des décisions sur l'utilisation des terres provenant des données des «Natural Resource Inventories» de 1982, 1987, 1992 et 1997. Les modéles prédisent le choix des cultures des agriculteurs, l'alternance des cultures et la participation du «Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)» dans plus de 48 000 Natural Resource Inventories dans le cadre de chacune des trois politiques. Les résultats suggérent qu'une augmentation des taux de location du CRP accroisse de maniére significative la surface de CRP, mais la majeure partie de cet accroissement de surface provenaient initialement de cultures moins intensives sans engrais. Cependant, l'utilisation d'une taxe sur l'utilisation d'engrais pouvait réduire de maniére significative la surface plantée avec des récoltes intensives utilisant plus d'engrais, et ainsi ce serait sans doute plus économique pour réduire la pollution et l'utilisation de produits chimiques en agriculture. Bien que des paiements incitatifs à l'alternance maïs‐soja réduisent la surface d'une culture continue de maïs et augmentaient la surface de l'alternance maïs‐soja, les résultats aux transformations des surfaces des terres seraient tout à fait rigides.  相似文献   
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