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From a knowledge-based perspective, this paper highlights the need for a framework linking perceived competition of the industry and firms’ strategic location choices of external knowledge search and examines whether the perceived competition increases the propensity of cluster firms to search more widely from extra-cluster knowledge sources than intra-cluster knowledge sources. Furthermore, we emphasise that cluster firms with varying degrees of tacitness in their knowledge base might respond to such competition differently when conducting external knowledge search activities. Using a sample of 310 cluster firms in the Zhejiang Province of China, we find that the cluster firm would increase the propensity for more geographic boundary-spanning search relative to local search while under the pressure of competition. Moreover, the positive relationship between perceived competition and the propensity towards geographic knowledge search is weaker when the tacitness of the cluster firm’s knowledge base is higher. The findings contribute to the understanding of the relationship between competition and the choice of location strategies in external knowledge search.  相似文献   
在学术界一直存在一个争论:家族涉入是促进了企业创新还是阻碍了企业创新?厘清上述争论的产生原因和影响因素,有助于解释家族企业创新研究的争论和拓展家族企业创新研究的视野。本文对近年来相关文献进行了系统地梳理,归纳出家族企业创新三个领域的研究成果:家族企业创新投入、家族企业创新产出、家族企业创新的影响因素(内部家族因素和外部环境因素),分析家族企业创新争论产生的原因,并针对现有研究存在的不足,对未来的研究提出展望。本文提出通过构建权变理论整合家族企业创新争论的研究方向,有助于丰富家族企业创新的理论研究。  相似文献   
东方船 《广告大观》2006,(4S):134-135
从前有个人叫张三,经营小本生意,卖剪刀。张三的剪刀质量不错,而且十里八村只有张三一个人卖剪刀。张三只要推着小车,每到一个村子,吆喝一声:“剪刀的卖——”。父老乡亲便蜂拥而来,争相选购。  相似文献   
旅游地生态安全是承载旅游区可持续健康发展的关键,在对某个景区规划开发过程中就应该考虑到景区的合理承载力,避免过度开发,导致生态安全破坏.滇东南喀斯特地貌广布,形成了独特的喀斯特风景,普者黑景区就是典型的代表;但是又由于喀斯特地区生态十分脆弱,极易遭到破坏,因此在对普者黑景区开发之前就对它的生态安全状况进行分析,才能在日后开发过程中收获环境与经济双效益.  相似文献   
美国的利率变动趋势与市场间的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李敏 《世界经济研究》2006,(4):36-40,22
美国利率变动趋势是全球利率变动趋势的领先指标,它反映了商品市场通货膨胀的程度与债券市场、股票市场趋势的转折。尽管各国存在着经济发展的差异与市场开放程度的不同,扣除这些因素全球利率几乎一致。为了克服各自的障碍,发挥各自的优势,各国需要了解所处的地位,利用不同方法来调节市场经济,适应趋势的变动。  相似文献   
This introduction provides an overview of the special issue and identifies the need for continued work in the area of social innovation, which seeks to create social value and progress and engages multiple stakeholders. Our special issue highlights various levels and stakeholders involved in the process and outcomes of social innovation. While mainstream innovation, which has been traditionally driven by profit maximization motivations, tends to create winners and losers, social innovation that focuses on redistribution of knowledge, discovery, and cocreation changes the key assumptions and logics of the conventional innovation theory. This introduction first briefly outlines current social innovation literature, presents the contributions created in this special issue, and concludes with the identification of three priorities (or needs) for social innovation researchers.  相似文献   
Despite being generally well studied, emotional stability (ES) has not yet been widely accepted as a satisfactory and solidly valid theoretical construct. Without a clearly defined and validated construct, it is difficult to infer what ES means for the behavior and decisions of individuals as well as the performance of groups and organizations. Based on self-organization theory, this study infers a two dimensional construct for ES (threshold and recovery) under the framework of dynamic change and complexity. Two studies were conducted in China to develop and examine the construct of ES in an organizational context. The psychometric examination indicated that the newly developed construct of ES has discriminant and convergent validity with respect to different though related constructs such as the Big Five personality model and emotional intelligence (EI). It also demonstrates incremental validity in predicting group leadership, job satisfaction, job self-efficacy, and commitment. The findings also demonstrate that ES moderates the relationship between individual commitment and group relationship conflict. The results indicate that self-ratings effectively reflect the theoretical construct, whereas peer ratings and supervisor ratings create different biases. Additional theory, empirical, and methodological contributions are also discussed.  相似文献   
国家碳排放核算是准确掌握我国碳排放变化趋势、有效开展各项碳减排工作、促进经济绿色转型的基本前提,是积极参与应对气候变化国际谈判的重要支撑。我国虽已初步建立了碳排放核算方法,并开展了5个年份的清单核算工作,但仍存在工作机制不完善、方法体系相对落后、能源消费及部分化石能源碳排放因子统计基础偏差大、碳排放核算结果缺乏年度连续性等现实问题,影响了国家发布的温室气体排放清单核算数据的权威性。随着应对气候变化在全球治理体系中的重要性不断提升,我国在国际气候谈判和国内碳减排工作上都将面临越来越大的压力,同时碳排放核算的国际规则还在不断更新完善,我国现有核算体系已经越来越难以适应新的形势、支撑相关科学决策,亟需加快调整完善。  相似文献   
本文以湖北省兴山县烟叶保险为例,采用CVM方法获取调查数据,并利用PCE模型分析得出了影响农户对烟叶保险支付意愿的主要因素包括:对烟叶保险重要性的认知程度、自然灾害造成的烟叶生产的平均损失金额、农户年龄和年家庭纯收入。同时,本文还测算出了保额为每亩100元时,农户对烟叶保险的支付意愿平均值为6.43元/亩。这些结论为解决农业保险保费筹集问题提供了思路。  相似文献   
The IPO process is a way for companies to improve their corporate governance and for investors to assess company quality.This paper posits that investor choices...  相似文献   
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