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正2018年是中国—白俄罗斯旅游年,重庆是白俄罗斯今年在中国旅游推广的第一站。为促进重庆市与白俄罗斯明斯克州两个友好市州在旅游方面的合作与交流,1月8日—12日,白俄罗斯明斯克州副州长西连科、白俄罗斯驻华特命全权大使鲁德、白俄罗斯体育旅游部副部长波尔特诺伊一行率团访问重庆,举办了重庆—白俄罗斯旅游推介洽谈会、"镜头下的白俄罗斯"当代摄影展和"库帕林卡"(Kupalinka)艺术团专场演出,给山城重庆带来了浓郁的白俄罗斯文化风情。  相似文献   
<正>7月13日—27日,白俄罗斯10位国家级艺术家应邀前往重庆白帝城、夔门、龚滩、钓鱼城、大足石刻等地采风创作,并在重庆美术馆举行写生油画作品展、与重庆艺术家和观众畅谈绘画艺术,重庆美术馆与白俄罗斯文化联盟就双方进一步交流项目达成了合作共识。白俄罗斯艺术家眼中的重庆山水是什么颜色?也许是朱红,亦或是柠檬黄,还可能是湖蓝……重庆著名的夔门、白帝城、大足石刻等山水景观,通过西方绘画直观的艺术表现形式,在油画布上呈现出颠覆传统的艺术美感。而这些作品的创作过程,正是东西方文化交流的写照。  相似文献   
"森林重庆"建设,以"开发致富之山,打造宜居之城"为主题,编制了<重庆森林工程总体规划>,规划提出到2012年,全市完成新造林1100万亩,改造低效林1000万亩,新建城市绿地18万亩:森林覆盖率达到38%;  相似文献   
熊怡 《今日重庆》2009,(5):47-47
亮相于2008年北京奥运会开幕式前文艺表演的铜梁龙舞,有骨有肉、蜿蜒蠕动,昂首而立,交相辉映,让世人领略到它的磅礴、精美与细腻。目前,铜梁以龙为题材的工艺制品,多达百余种,不但用于玩舞,而且用于装饰,远销全国20多个省自治区市和美、法、意等10多个国家。2006年,重庆铜梁龙舞被国务院列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。  相似文献   
Previous studies have investigated alliance networks primarily from two alternative views, a relational view that focuses on the “strength of strong/weak ties,” or a structural view that refers to a firm’s position and structural embeddedness. We posit a firm’s network architecture, i.e., the portfolio of strong/weak ties, influences its conduct and performance. From a resource-based view, the network architecture itself could be a source of sustained competitive advantage. We argue that both network architecture and duration of a firm can enhance its performance. However, their effects and the interaction are contingent on different performance outputs. Using strategic alliance networks data from a survey of the manufacturing industry in China, we examine the performance implications of network architecture. Results suggest that benefits from networks may evolve with network duration, hence firms should search for optimal network configurations. By integrating an alliance portfolio, firms with dual network architectures can enjoy both the strengths of strong ties and weak ties and avoid the risks inherent in a pure strong/weak-tie network.  相似文献   
This paper investigates mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the context of firm ownership restructuring in China, via several theoretical lenses including organizational learning and population ecology theories. It highlights the effect of organizational learning on the choice of M&A in ownership restructuring, based on the assumption that the choice might be favored by poor-performing firms. By employing a hierarchical linear regression model, this article examines the cross-level moderating effects of the density of ownership restructuring patterns on the performance-M&A relationship. Several key findings have been revealed. At the individual firm level, performance is negatively related to its choice of M&A. The ownership restructuring pattern that firms adopted is positively associated with its choice of M&A. Moreover, at the industry level, the density of patterns in an industry positively moderates the performance-M&A relationship.  相似文献   
来到俄罗斯,当我零距离的参观、游览关于二战和列宁为主题的历史公园和纪念碑,我相信,不管是哪国人,有何信仰,当你徘徊在历史事件和人物中间,脑海里都会浮现出那些激荡的历史瞬间。凡到过俄罗斯的人应该都有一种感受,  相似文献   
熊怡li  hui 《重庆与世界》2017,(12):34-39
“当我听说意大利驻重庆首任总领事马非同即将离任,就主动申请来重庆工作。重庆很有活力,发展非常快,我也非常喜欢吃麻辣的重庆火锅!”意大利驻重庆总领事馆新任总领事倪飞首次与重庆媒体见面就表达了他对重庆的热爱。  相似文献   
45周年,45个故事 "重庆是中国内陆重要的贸易中心,有着引人注目的天际线、世界级的工业制造水平和先进的基础设施,恐怕会让我们以前来过这里的外交官刮目相看."2017年12月4日,澳大利亚驻华大使安思捷在位于鹅岭公园的澳大利亚公使馆旧址,出席"庆祝中澳建交45周年招待会"时这样感叹.当晚的活动由澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆总领事林明皓主持,重庆也是澳大利亚驻华使(领)馆在中国举办这一系列庆典活动的首个城市,市政府外事侨务办副主任王雯出席招待会.  相似文献   
淡淡的雾霭笼罩着长江两岸,湿润的空气里有腊梅的香味。这是重庆特有的冬日景致。南岸龙门浩建业岗,戴前锋不记得第几次站在这里远眺渝中。“你又来了啊。”认识戴前锋的老街坊看见他都会热情地打招呼,他总是笑着点头回应,  相似文献   
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