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The impact of changes in the status of women on the demographic characteristics and development of the family in the USSR is examined. Three stages of family development are distinguished: formation, growth as a result of the birth of children, and dissolution with the departure of grown children. The relationship between changes in women's social status and age at marriage, family size, and divorce is analyzed. The effects of factors such as educational level, type of employment, exposure to mass media, urban residence, and declining infant mortality rates on women's attitudes toward family size are discussed.  相似文献   
The proliferation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) has resulted in an unstable political, legal, and regulatory environment for this form of foreign direct investment (FDI). This article explains SWF growth over the last half‐century; discusses issues surrounding SWF “transparency” and host‐country national security risk; reviews the legal and regulatory structures governing FDI in major national economies; examines proposed regulatory approaches to structure the FDI environment; and concludes with a discussion of SWF regulatory policy recommendations addressing corporate governance principles, national security restrictions on equity investment, and investment reciprocity, and suggests recommendations for executives considering engaging an SWF investment partner. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The author dissects, with great acuteness, the issues of convergence in financial performance dynamics in the African continent through the lenses of stock market capitalization, value traded, turnover, and number of listed companies. The empirical evidence is premised on 11 homogeneous panels based on regions (Sub-Saharan and North Africa), income levels (low, middle, lower-middle, and upper-middle), legal origins (English common law and French civil law), and religious dominations (Christianity and Islam). Findings provide partial support for the existence of absolute convergence in some dynamics. Only Sub-Saharan Africa reveals conditional convergence in relation to per capita number of listed companies. The speed of convergence for the most part is between 12% and 28% per annum. As a policy implication, countries should work toward adopting common institutional and structural characteristics that favor stock market development.  相似文献   
Firms are increasingly recognizing the importance of understanding regional dynamics and their effects on competitiveness. One such area that is gaining increased importance due to intra‐regional trade is the factors contributing to the successful rollouts of new products within a region. New product rollouts are complicated by nature but are further compounded by intricacies in the type of innovation (i.e., technological or design) being introduced into a region. Unfortunately, limited research has investigated this area. This study works to address this limitation by examining the per country performance effects of regional new product rollouts of technological and design innovations. The study examines the introduction of 14 technological innovations and 12 design innovations across 17 unique firms operating in eight European countries from 2000 to 2007. Specifically, this study attempts to show (1) an important role of the type of innovation on a firm's regional new product rollout strategy; (2) a relationship between national culture and the effectiveness of regional rollout strategies; and (3) an influence of economic openness on the type of innovation for regional new product rollout strategies. The results indicate that a longer regional new product rollout strategy is a more effective strategy for technological innovations, while a shorter regional new product rollout strategy is a more effective strategy for design innovations. The study also presents significant interaction effects in relation to the cultural dimensions of uncertainty avoidance and power distance as well as a significant effect of economic openness. Implications for practitioners and academics are presented.  相似文献   
A method of combining survey data and Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) records to achieve low cost farm trials is presented. Farm trials and surveys of current practices and production responses are useful to identify yield gaps between expectations predicted from experimental findings and actual field results. Different management schemes can be ranked using subjective probabilities and stochastic dominance to enhance successful implementation of research findings and to increase the feedback between researchers, extension workers, and producers. A survey of current masitis control practices and expected milk yield response is the example. Combining survey results with DHIA records allowed estimating the relationship between somatic cell counts (SCC) and milk yield. Eliciting beliefs about the relationship between SCC and milk yield showed that producers agreed with predictions from the statistical model. Subjective probabilities about SCC and mastitis control practices showed that our sample of experts and producers consistently ranked the different practices but extension agents had no consensus about the the most or least effective ones.  相似文献   
The Amazon is the largest tropical forest area on Earth, and has been undergoing rapid deforestation for the last four decades. In the Brazilian Amazon, large‐scale pasture for cattle ranching and soybean production are the main land uses, leading to a yearly deforestation rate of 0.5%. These conversions are mostly located in frontier areas distributed along the so‐called “arc of deforestation”. Within this large zone, various land use change processes are interacting through several modes of land valuation and organisation. From several case studies in the State of Pará (Brazil), the current project aims at analysing how landscape dynamics are related to infrastructure development, ecological conditions, zoning policies and to the evolution and the organisation of the production, consumption and marketing chains of livestock products. This paper presents the results for one test site, the region of São Félix do Xingú, South of Pará This region is the focus of land speculation, cattle expansion, and deforestation. Road construction, investments in electrical energy, financial credit for cattle, and the land reform policies have all fuelled this process. All these factors make this region one of the most dynamic agricultural frontiers in the Brazilian Amazon. The main objective of the paper is to improve our understanding of deforestation processes by crossing spatial analyses and 1ivestock economics.studies, and to characterise the role and impact of various natural and anthropic factors in the location and development of the main types of farmers, and their policy implications.  相似文献   
The present study supplements Canadian consumer expenditure survey data with unique time use data to analyze family life cycle decisions regarding allocation of full income to market purchased consumption goods, home production, and leisure time. Results confirm that young children's presence causes families to increase their shares of full income allocated to home production and to decrease the shares of full income allocated to leisure. As a share of full income, expenditures for market goods steadily increase while expenditures for women's home production diminish as children age.  相似文献   
The use of segments of polynomials to approximate production surfaces and time-series trends is described and illustrated. These segmented curves are restricted to be continuous and have a continuous derivative(s) at the join points.  相似文献   
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