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Om Prakash, The Dutch East India Company and the Economy of Bengal, 1630–1720, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985 pp. xii + 291, map, tables. graphs, glossary, index. Cloth $38.50.
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David Jenkins, Suharto and His Generals: Indonesian Military Politics, 1975–1983, Ithaca: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Monograph Series No. 64, 1984, pp. xiii + 280. US$12.50. David Bourchier, Dynamics of Dissent in Indonesia Sawito and the Phantom Coup, Ithaca: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Interim Reports Series, 1984, pp. 128. US$9.00.
Linda G. Martin (ed), The ASEAN Success Story: Social, Economic, and Political Dimensions, East-West Center, distributed by the University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1987, pp. xviii + 253. $15.00.
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Ron Hatley, et al., Other Javas Away from the Kraton, Melbourne: Monash University, 1984, pp. 60.
K.S. Nathan and M. Pathmanathan (eds), Trilateralism in Asia: Problems and Prospects in US-Japan-ASEAN Relations, Antara Book Company, Kuala Lumpur, 1986, pp. xviii + 205. $18.00 (cloth): $12.00 (paper). 相似文献
Technological innovations represent significant indicators of scientific and economic vigour in any society. They are however, extremely difficult to both identify, and to evaluate in terms of their importance.
This paper addresses itself to the problems of identification and measurement. As such it forms a necessary prerequisite to a survey of technological innovations in South Africa, and, in the process, seeks to contribute to the general field of technological enquiry. 相似文献
The authors examine the role of organizational factors affecting interdepartmental interactions and their subsequent effects
on product quality. Results from a national study suggest that product quality is affected by interdepartmental conflict and
connectedness. Importantly, the linkage between interdepartmental conflict and product quality appears to be robust across
varying levels of market turbulence and technological turbulence. In contrast, interdepartmental connectedness appears to
be more important for product quality under conditions of high market and technological turbulence. The results also indicate
that interdepartmental interactions are influenced by leadership characteristics (risk aversion of top managers), reward system
orientation, and organization structure (centralization, departmentalization, and hierarchical levels). Managerial implications
and directions for future work are proposed.
His research interests focus on marketing strategy, marketing management, and new product management. His work has appeared
in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and other journals.
His research focuses on implementing and controlling marketing, market/environmental orientation, and customer responses to
advertising. His work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Review of Marketing, and other journals.
His research interests include market orientation, marketing strategy, sales management, and industrial marketing. His work
has appeared in a number of journals including theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, andStrategic Management Journal. 相似文献
Researchers’ attentions have recently focused on how salespeople cope with role stress. This study focuses on salespersons’
use of six upward influence tactics (UITs) with the immediate sales manager, and how salespeople use UITs to lessen the impact
of two role stressors (perceived role conflict and role ambiguity) associated with the sales job. The study also evaluates
the potential moderating role of UITs on relationships between role stress and manager satisfaction and propensity to leave.
Analysis of data gathered from a heterogeneous sample revealed differences in use of UITs between salespeople classified as
either high or low in role stress. Salespeople who perceive high role conflict employ assertiveness and upward appeal UITs
more frequently. Salespeople who perceive high role ambiguity use exchange and coalition-building UITs more frequently. Results
also suggest that salespersons’ use of assertiveness and ingratiation UITs exacerbate relationships between perceived role
ambiguity and two outcomes: satisfaction with supervisor and propensity to leave. Implications of the study findings for sales
managers are reviewed, as are implications for further research.
His research interests are in the areas of personal selling and sales management. His work has appeared inJournal of Education for Business, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, and various national and international conference proceedings.
Jeffrey K. Sager, Ph. D., conducts research in the areas of salesperson turnover and job stress. His work has appeared in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, andJournal of Business Research.
His research interests are in the fields of strategic management and organizational behavior. His research has been published
in theAcademy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and several other journals. 相似文献
Summary In 1961 Arrow, Chenery, Minhas and Solow presented their C.E.S. production function, which was based on the relation between the real wage rate and the average labour productivity. They argued that, if the aggregate production function is continuous, lineair and homogeneous, then, with perfect competition and profit maximalization prevailing, the relation between the real wage rate and the average labour productivity is reflection of the production structure. This relation can, therefore, be used for specifying the production structure.In the present paper, the same line of thought is applied to the Dutch economy. Several hypotheses on the relation between wage rate and average labour productivity are tested. Statistically, it turns out that in the Dutch economy the elasticity of substitution between capital and labour is not a constant: it declines with increasing capital-labour ratio. Two statistically acceptable production equations that have this feature are presented.The efficiency parameter appearing as an integration constant in both production equations shows a decline: with labour productivity constant, the capital-labour ratio is falling over time. This means that the relation between labour productivity and capital-labour ratio shifts over time. Another outcome of this study is that technical progress is capitalaugmenting and that it brings about 50 percent of the growth in the labour productivity.De schrijvers zijn dank verschuldigd aan Prof. Dr. F. J. de Jong voor zijn stimulerende kritiek en aan de heren J. G. Althuis, F. J. van Bolhuis, J. D. Flikweert, H. Jager en B. S. Wilpstra, assistenten bij de afdeling Algemene Economie van de Economische Faculteit der Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, voor hun bereidwillige medewerking aan dit onderzoek. 相似文献
Summary Two behavioural models of economic growth are developed: a neo-classical and a neo-keynesian (Kaldorian) one.In the neo-classical model consumers aspire to a certain level of consumption. Savings and supply of labour (man-hours) are the means for reaching this level.In the neo-keynesian model firms and households have a certain aspiration level with respect to profits and consumption, respectively. To reach these levels firms decide to invest and households to supply man-hours.In both models growth is entirely dependent on the parameters of the behaviour equations. In this respect they differ from the traditional neo-classical and neo-keynesian (Kaldorian) models, in which growth is eventually determined by autonomous technical progress and growth of the labour force. 相似文献
A model of the determinants of child quality and of the value of a woman's time is developed and tested using data from the Malaysian Family Life Survey of 1976-1977. Child quality is measured by educational attainment; factors influencing the value of the mother's time include size and age composition of household, family income, education, and hours worked. The results indicate that size and age composition of household affect a woman's asking wage. However, more data are needed before the effects of family structure on schooling can be measured with confidence. 相似文献