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知识型企业知识扩散与知识创新的协调困境及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析知识型企业知识创新与扩散的影响因素的前提下,认为知识型企业的知识活动存在着认知困难、"囚徒困境"、协调问题等困境。并挖掘这些问题背后的原因,针对这些问题提出了若干可实施的建议。  相似文献   
The management of future financial risk on the part of managers and changes in firm finances are two of the fundamental reasons for upward and downward rigidity of wages. The proxy variable for firm financial risk is volatility, the past performance of which is among the principal indicators of wage rigidity. In firms whose current performance is on the upswing, the greater the volatility in past performance, the smaller the elasticity ratio and the more acute the upward rigidity; the more stable past performance, the larger the elasticity ratio and the more acute the upward elasticity. In firms in which current performance is declining, greater past performance volatility leads to a larger elasticity ratio and more acute downward rigidity, whereas more stable such performance leads to a smaller elasticity ratio and more acute downward rigidity.  相似文献   
陈福录 《新金融》2009,(5):56-58
我国银行卡立法相对滞后,致使实务中的一些问题无法解决,将影响银行卡产业的健康发展。本文分析了影响银行卡追透的七个法律问题,并提出了五个对策建议,以期对促进银行卡产业健康发展能有所裨益。  相似文献   
中国利用FDI地区差异因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于各地区利用外资的政策和环境条件的不同,造成了中国利用外商直接投资(FDI)主要集中在东部地区,而中西部地区相对较少的严重不均衡现象。通过地区差异的理论研究结果以及在中国外商直接投资的实际情况,来探讨影响外商直接投资在中国区位差异的主要因素。中国可以通过调整吸引外资政策,加强对中西部地区引资的政策支持力度,促进其完善基础设施建设和优化产业结构等政策措施,来改善中西部地区的投资环境,以促使FDI在东、中和西部地区协调发展。  相似文献   
This article investigates the duration-dependent feature of five Pacific Rim economies. The duration-dependent Markov Switching model is employed to achieve this objective. The Savage–Dickey density ratio is also computed in support of the duration-dependent Markov switching model. The possible bull and bear market dates for each stock market are also identified by the posterior probability from the empirical model. It is unambiguous that Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong are all characterized by duration-dependence in a bear market but no duration-dependence in a bull market. In the case of Taiwan and Singapore, the duration-dependence feature holds for both the bear and bull markets.  相似文献   
We examine the impact of financial reforms on efficient reallocation of capital within and between sectors in South Africa using firm-level panel data for the period 1991–2008. The measure of efficient allocation of capital is based on the Tobin’s Q. We find that financial reforms are associated with improvements in within-sector, but not between-sector allocation of capital. These results imply that for South Africa to unleash the potential for take-off that is often associated with reallocation of resources from the primitive to modern sectors, reforms that focus beyond the financial sector are necessary. While more research is necessary to determine what would fully constitute such additional reforms, our analysis shows that reforms that improve the quality of economic institutions may be a step in the right the direction.  相似文献   
创新政策组合是当前政策研究领域的热点问题,已经得到越来越多学者的关注。通过梳理国内外创新政策组合相关研究文献,阐述政策组合概念起源和内涵,对政策组合文献的发文数量、重要文献等进行统计和分析。在此基础上,进一步厘清创新政策组合的发展脉络及理论框架,并从政策组合的维度、要素、过程和特征4个方面分析创新政策组合研究现状。最后,针对现有研究不足,提出未来研究方向,为进一步拓展该领域研究提供理论基础和知识储备。  相似文献   
In the extant literature of business cycle predictions, the signals for business cycle turning points are generally issued with a lag of at least 5 months. In this paper, we make use of a novel and timely indicator—the Google search volume data—to help to improve the timeliness of business cycle turning point identification. We identify multiple query terms to capture the real‐time public concern on the aggregate economy, the credit market, and the labor market condition. We incorporate the query indices in a Markov‐switching framework and successfully “nowcast” the peak date within a month that the turning occurred. (JEL E37, G17)  相似文献   
This paper uses the Malmquist index to examine the sources of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) in Chinese agriculture. The overall goal of this study is to create a framework for assessing the trend of China’s agricultural infrastructure and to measure its impact on Total Factor Productivity. The main methodological contribution is to provide more contributive measure of crop-specific technologies. Based on the province-level panel data set during 1988–2002, the primary finding is that infrastructure has positively and statistically significant association with the estimated coefficient on Total Factor Productivity for rice, wheat, maize, and bean. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
湖南水污染税的税制设计及征收效应的一般均衡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省"两型社会"的深化建设、首批环境税的开征试点、湘江污染的重点治理等事件将湖南省水污染税改革推向了历史的舞台。借鉴国外水污染税开征经验,文章系统地设计了湖南省水污染税征收的基本框架,运用可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型模拟征收水污染税对宏观经济、产业结构、污染物减排等产生的影响。结果表明:开征水污染税宏观经济受损的长期影响要大于短期;对绝大部分行业都带来了不同程度的负面影响,其中短期合成材料制造业产出下降最大,而长期毛纺织和染整精加工业受损最大;然而征收水污染税减少重金属等污染物排放,氨氮、化学需氧量下降尤为显著。  相似文献   
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