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品牌咨询公司Interbrand发布的“2009年度全球最佳品牌排行榜”显示,随着经济危机的加深,?肖费者对品牌的信任也在降低,不过像可口可乐和IBM这种长期上榜的品牌,其价值依然获得增长。 相似文献
School principals' leadership styles play a major role in teachers' performance. This paper examines the relationship between school principals' leadership styles, whether transformational or transactional, and teachers' achievement motivation. Using the quantitative methodology, a total of 320 heads of instructional departments were randomly selected from randomly selected schools. The results revealed that a transformational leadership style was prevalent among principals, and teachers' achievement motivation was positive. There was a positive correlation between the principals' transformational leadership style and the teachers' achievement motivation. Relevant recommendations are included. 相似文献
Hanane Saidi Sief 《中国经济评论(英文版)》2014,(6):356-366
Accounting, being an integrated information system, is not merely influenced by its environment, but also affects environment as well, due to its crucial role in generating the necessary information to decision-makers. It has two main pillars: measuring and declaring the costs that result from the activities of companies, especially industrial companies because they affect the environment. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate how well industrial companies are committed to measuring their environmental duties and declaring them in their balance sheets. This topic will be developed over two parts: scientific basis of environmental costs and accounting; environmental measuring and disclosure. 相似文献
《商业周刊》2009年度全球最具创新力的25家公司排行榜主要是以波士顿咨询顾问集团的问卷调查为基础评选出来的。2008年12月,波士顿咨询顾问集团把一份由20个问题组成的调查问卷发给了世界各地的公司高管。 相似文献
美国国家公园体系管理体制研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
近来,关于风景名胜和历史性旅游资源经营权转让问题的讨论,主要围绕保护资金和私人企业对旅游资源保护与管理的可行性而展开,笔者认为深层次的问题在于管理体制。为此,笔者对美国国家公园体系管理体制进行了研究,并在研究的基础上分别从组织管理、法治和资金来源三个角度对我国国家重要自然与历史性资源的保护和管理提出了政策建议。 相似文献
我国社会主义新农村建设有关问题综述 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
广西社会科学院农村发展研究所 《经济与社会发展》2006,4(3):63-66
重视“三农”问题是我们党一贯的战略思想。但是,目前制约农业和农村发展的深层次矛盾尚未消除,农村经济社会发展滞后的局面也还没有根本改变,统筹城乡发展的体制机制没有完全建立起来。因此,加快社会主义新农村的建设,对开创我国经济社会发展的新局面具有重大的意义。文章据掌握的资料,对我国社会主义新农村建设研究的相关问题作了综述。 相似文献
This paper investigated the growth and policy implications of Global System for Mobile Communication in Nigeria. Stochastic economic modeling was used to analyze Nigeria's time series data. The models were adjudged reliable before they were used. The components of the model were defined and a prior expectation of the relationship among the variables explained for the purpose of giving the reviewers and users a deep insight into the phenomenon under study. The secondary data used for the study were processed using the E-View for windows electronic packages. The outcome of the empirical and stochastic investigations shows that Global System for Mobile Communication has a positive relationship with output growth in Nigeria. The impact is of a higher magnitude. The usage of Global System for Mobile Telecommunication led to 17 percent rise in the output growth. The findings suggest the need for the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) and the federal government of Nigeria to expand tele-density and directly make telephone communications cheap and accessible. To achieve this goal, more licenses should be given to GSM operators in order to allow for healthy competition among them. This will lead to improved quality of services, quality of product and consequently sustain the growth and development of the country. 相似文献
现代金融危机破坏性之所以越来越强烈,一个重要的原因是金融市场的复杂性和紧耦合度越来越高,由此导致各类风险的相互作用、相互加强,并最终导致系统风险的形成。该文基于工程学视角描述了这一机制的演变过程及其在此次国际金融危机中的表现,并提出松弛金融系统紧耦合性的相应建议。 相似文献
从产业集群角度看北京现代制造业的发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
邓丽姝 《首都经济贸易大学学报》2004,6(6):69-72
产业集群是产业发展的有效机制,培育产业集群是北京振兴现代制造业的有效途径。北京现代制造业集群以园区为主要载体,并呈现出基于价值链区域分工的趋势,产业集聚效应初步显现。同时,北京现代制造业集群发展中存在许多不足和问题。为了进一步提升产业集群的发展水平从而增强北京现代制造业的竞争力,提出相应对策。 相似文献