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Birkhoff-von-Neumann(BvN)交换机具有较低的执行复杂度和较高的吞吐量,但无法在业务突发的环境下提供性能保证。为此,提出一种带偏射的BvN(D-BvN)交换机制来增强交换机性能。D-BvN交换机通过平均业务矩阵的BvN分解,为每个虚电路(VC)提供均值带宽保证,同时通过偏射来处理业务突发。其主要思想是利用处于空闲状态的VC的闲置容量处理处于溢出状态的VC的溢出业务。具体地,偏射机制利用空闲VC的闲置容量完成两件事情:一是把溢出业务偏射到其他VC,二是给偏射业务提供到达目的端口的带宽。分析和仿真结果表明,所提方法不仅可以获得接近100%的输入负载吞吐量,而且具有较低的包乱序概率和较小的业务包延时。  相似文献   
Kenneth Lee 《Futures》1979,11(6):482-490
In theory, health planning is a detailed and rational corporate attempt to handle broad social problems. But in practice it tends to be incremental—an institutionalised bargaining system which too often neglects the larger issues in favour of marginal adjustments. Mixed scanning, the detailed examination of selected, feasible proposals, combines the best features from theory and practice. Implementation still depends on the recognition of powerful interest groups (eg doctors, managers) and the inclusion of incentives to redirect their activities. Better planning does not guarantee better health—the influence of lifestyle and environment must not be neglected.  相似文献   
Consistent with the predictions of rare disaster models, we find that a proxy for the time‐varying probability of rare disasters helps to explain fluctuations in expectations of the equity risk premium. Our proxy for disaster risk is a recently developed measure of global political instability, and the expected market risk premium is from Value Line analysts' expected stock returns. Consistent with long‐run risk models, uncertainty about expected GDP growth and expected consumption growth is also significantly positively related to the expected market risk premium. We obtain similar results when we use the earnings–price ratio and the dividend–price ratio as proxies for the expected market risk premium.  相似文献   
The agricultural system in Saskatchewan has undergone an adaptive change in the past fifty years. This change is in large part due to the technology adopted by the farmers in Saskatchewan. This paper examines some of the changes that have occurred in Saskatchewan agriculture and employs the indirect innovation model of technical change to explain these changes. The relative price change in fuel, machinery, labour and land explained most of the change in the land/labour ratio in Saskatchewan. Implications were then drawn from the analysis regarding farm size in agricultural research.
Le systéme agricole en Saskatchewan a subi un changement approprié au cours des cinquante derniéres années. Ce changement est dû, en grande partie, à la technologie adoptée par les fermiers de la Saskatchewan. Cette étude examine certaines des modifications apparues dans l'agriculture de la Saskatchewan et, afin de les expliquer, elle utilise comme modéle les innovations indirectes intervenues dans le changement technologique. La relative fluctuation des prix de l'essence, des machines, de la main-d'oeuvre et des terres a entrainé en grande partie le changement du rapport terre/main-d'oeuvre en Saskatchewan. Des implications ont ensuite été tirées de l'analyse se rapportant à la grandeur des fermes dans la recherche agricole.  相似文献   
In this research note, volatility clustering modeling framework is used to examine the determinants of hotel room rates in Singapore. Using monthly data from January 1985 to June 2009, GARCH-M(1, 1) is identified as the appropriate model used to capture volatility clustering. The results suggest that total inbound tourists and economic performance have positive effects on hotel room rates. The main findings are (a) the occurrences of terrorist activities in the neighboring countries have negative impacts and (b) the volatility of hotel room rates has a positive effect, on hotel room rates.  相似文献   
In this study, we draw from the organizational experience and market entry literature and investigate if a firm's pre-entry experiences predict which subfield to enter first. We employ a unique data set from the biotechnology industry where two distinct subfields emerged around the same time due to a revolutionary discovery. Among the firms that entered one of the two emerging subfields, we examine the relationship between pre-entry experiences and which subfield a firm enters. Our key finding is that general experience rather than specialized experience increases the likelihood of a firm entering first the subfield with higher level of uncertainty as opposed to the subfield with lower level of uncertainty.  相似文献   
This study examined the emergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a public issue over 25 years using a content analysis of two national news-papers and seven regional, geographically-dispersed newspapers in the U.S. The present study adopted a comprehensive definition encompassing all four CSR dimensions: economic, ethical, legal, and philanthropic. This study examined newspaper editorials, letters to the editor, op-ed columns, news analyses, and guest columns for three aspects: media attention, media prominence, and media valence. Results showed an increase in the number of opinion pieces covering CSR issues over the 25-year period. The prominence of each of the four CSR dimensions varied over time. Each of the four CSR dimensions had its moment of media prominence when it was more important than the other dimensions. The most prevalent valence of the opinion pieces was negative; the volume of negative pieces increased over the 25 years, whereas the number of opinions with positive, neutral, and mixed tones showed little change over time. The study concludes by tracing the implications of the role of the news media for business ethics research.  相似文献   
This study examines the antecedents and consequences of both timing and content of idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) for attracting and retaining valuable employees. A resource exchange frame theorizes the influence pattern of personal individualism value, social skill, and perceived insider status on i-deals timing. Individualism and social skill are expected to relate to both ex ante and ex post i-deals; perceived insider status is anticipated to relate only to ex post i-deals. The frame also suggests that i-deals’ content and personal development relate primarily to relational and balanced psychological contracts; the other ex post i-deals, flexibility and workload reduction relate to transactional psychological contracts. The frame was tested with data collected from 289 Chinese employees in the telecommunication industry.  相似文献   
This research tested a conceptual model for proximity of clothing to self (PCS) in relation to age identity, self‐actualization, psychological well‐being, self‐assessed health, sex and chronological age among older adults, aged 65 and over, within the human ecological perspective. A mail survey was sent to a national random sample of 1700 older adults in the US resulting in 195 usable respondents in the final sample. The respondents returned two completed questionnaires, which were (1) Clothing: A Resource for Successful Aging? (to measure PCS, age identity and demographic variables) and (2) Personal Orientation Inventory (to measure self‐actualization). The results indicated that older adults' psychological well‐being, one component of successful ageing, was directly affected by their self‐assessed health, age identity and self‐actualization. PCS indirectly influenced individuals' psychological well‐being in a slightly negative way in later life. In sum, clothing may be used as a needs satisfier for different levels of needs or related more closely with needs in addition to self‐actualization needs for older adults. Further research should be conducted to explore relationships among PCS, different levels of human needs, clothing‐related variables and psychological well‐being for this age group. In practice, the effort should be given to teach the use of clothing (or other human‐built objects) as a tool or need satisfier to contribute to success in a person's later life by offering some educational or training programmes through local senior community centres or universities.  相似文献   
This study investigates the efficacy of three corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives—sponsorship, cause-related marketing (CRM), and philanthropy—on consumer–company identification (C–C identification) and brand attitude and, in turn, consumer citizenship behaviors. CSR reputation is proposed as the moderating variable that affects the relationship between CSR initiatives, C–C identification, and brand attitude. A conceptual model that integrates the hypothesized relationships and the moderating effect of CSR reputation is used to frame the study. Using a between-subjects factorial designed experiment, the results showed that all three CSR initiatives have a significant effect on C–C identification and brand attitude. The level of that influence, however, varied according to a firm’s CSR reputation. Managerial implications of these findings are also discussed.  相似文献   
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