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龚振  尹蒙 《特区经济》2006,(12):346-347
跨国并购是企业国际化经营的模式之一,本文以TCL集团为例,探讨了跨国并购对企业国际化的利与弊。  相似文献   
Ashgate Publishing Limited, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hants GU11 3HR, England (www.ashgate.com). 498 p. £ 100.00. ISBN 0-7546-2237-1 (hardback).Being one volume in the series of the International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy (T. Tietenberg and W. Morrison, gen. eds.), this book is a collection of some of the most significant journal essays in forest economics and forest policy. In compiling this volume, Roger Sedjo did a great service to the forest economics profession.This volume includes twenty-five essays originally published between 1849 and 1996 in a dozen journals, and one chapter from the Third Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001) which addresses the biological sequestration of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. These are organized into four parts: the harvest rotation issue, timber supply, multiple-use and non-timber outputs, and global issues. An introduction essay to this volume, written by the editor, provides an overview of the major issues in forest resource management and discusses some the most important contributions to the forest economics literature.The eleven essays in the first part of the book provide a rather complete coverage of the most important contributions to the literature on optimal rotation age, which is a fundamental issue in forest management and forestry investment. Four of the essays (Faustmann 1849, Ohlin 1921, Bentley and Teeguarden 1965, and Samuelson 1976) address the basic formulation and interpretation of the optimal rotation model. Four essays (Löfgren 1985, Newman, Gilbert and Hyde 1985, Reed 1984, and Brazee and Mendelsohn 1988) extend the basic rotation model to examine the rotation age decision in the presence of deterministic trends and uncertainty in timber yield and price, respectively. Based on the Faustamnn rotation model, Klemperer (1976) and Chang (1982) examine the impacts of taxation on forest value and on the optimal rotation age. Koskela (1989) provides a detailed analysis of the impacts of taxation on timber harvest decisions under price uncertainty. What I feel missing in this part is a comparative statics analysis examining the impacts of changing economic parameters on the optimal rotation age.Part II includes five essays on economic analysis of long-run timber supply. Clawson (1979) reviews the historical development of forest resource and forest utilization in the United States. Vaux (1973) examines the long-run potential supply of timber from forest plantations in California. Berck (1979) investigates the difference in harvesting behavior between private forest owners and public managers. Lyon (1981) and Lyon and Sedjo (1983) examine the optimal exploitation of old-growth natural forests and the transition to steady state. While these essays all focus on the long-run timber supply in the United States, the methods developed and used in these papers could be applied for any other region. The exploitation of old-growth natural forests and the long-term availability of timber have been without doubt two major concerns in the United States. In many parts of the world, however, concerns about timber supply in the short-run have also had great influences on the development of forest policy. It would have been appreciated if a couple of essays addressing the short-run supply of timber had been included.Part III contains three essays dealing with the problem of multiple-use forest management. Gregory (1955) develops an economic framework for multiple-use management based joint production theory. Hartman (1976) examines the multiple-use rotation age decision. Swallow, Parks and Wear (1990) investigate the problem of non-convexities involved in multiple-use rotation age decisions. The merits of these essays lie in that they use rather simple models to demonstrate the importance of incorporating non-timber benefits in forestry decisions and the complexities of the multiple-use problem. In his 1976 essay, Hartman points out that in many situations management practices applied to one stand affect the value of non-timber outputs derived from the adjacent stands; such interdependence needs to be incorporated into multiple-use decision analysis. I certainly would like to find in this volume one or two essays examining the impacts of stand interdependence on the optimal decision. Another important issue in multiple-use management, which is not covered in this volume either, is the valuation of non-market priced outputs and services. Yet I believe that this omission is well motivated, for there are two separate volumes in this series devoted to non-market valuation methods (R. T. Carson, ed. Direct Environmental Valuation Methods, Volumes I and II).The seven essays in Part IV deal with a set of forest economic and policy issues related to global warming and biodiversity conservation. Parks and Hardie (1995) examine the cost-effective subsidies to convert marginal agricultural land to forests for the purpose of carbon sequestration. Hoen and Solberg (1993) analyze the potential and cost-effectiveness of increasing carbon sequestration in existing forests by changing forestry practices. van Kooten, Binkley and Delcourt (1995) examine the effect of carbon taxes and subsidies on the optimal rotation age. The chapter from the Third Assessment Report of IPCC (2001) provides a comprehensive review of the literature on the ecological, environmental, social and economic aspects of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. While forests and forest management could play an important role in mitigating climate change, increasing level of atmospheric dioxide and climate change would inevitably affect the productivity of forest ecosystems, thereby could have significant impacts on future timber growth, harvest and inventory as well as carbon storage in forest ecosystems. Joyce et al. (1995) present a framework for analyzing the potential effects of climate change on the forest sector. The remaining two essays in this part examine the costs and benefits of biodiversity preservation, respectively. Montgomery, Brown and Adams (1994) estimate the marginal cost of preserving the northern spotted owl. Simpson, Sedjo and Reid (1996) examine the expected value of the marginal species as an input to pharmaceuticals.The editor points out in the introduction chapter that there are many other important contributions that are not included in this volume, some of these are mentioned, others not. In addition to the few omissions noted earlier, several important economic and policy issues such as uneven-aged stand management, deforestation, international trade, sustainable forestry, forest recreation, wildlife management and so on are not discussed. Moreover, none of the journal essays published since 1997 is selected. That there are many other important contributions does not mean the essays included in this volume are less important, however. While each forest economist may present a different list of the most important papers, most (if not all) of the essays in this volume would appear on anyone's list. I strongly recommend this book for research scientists and graduate students of forest economics as an essential addition to their reference library.  相似文献   
提高直接融资比重,大力发展债券市场是十二五资本市场发展的一大重点。本文首先对企业在银行贷款和公开发行债券之间的取舍做了理论文献回顾,然后以2005年初至2010年底公开发行债券的上市公司及未发行债券的匹配公司为样本,从企业融资决策的角度,实证检验我国企业债务融资方式的主要影响因素。发现与国外债券市场情况相似,企业发展前景、财务状况和企业规模是影响企业债务融资决策的重要因素。  相似文献   
在经济全球化、虚拟化的背景下对泰勒规则进行了扩展研究,分析了利率与汇率、利率与资产价格的相关影响机制;并采用静态模型和基于预期的动态模型对名义利率与通货膨胀水平、产出缺口、汇率、股票价格缺口以及房地产价格缺口之间的关系进行了检验。结果显示,考虑预期因素的动态模型能够达到稳定通货膨胀的作用,短期名义利率对于汇率和资产价格起到了符合经济意义的稳定作用。  相似文献   
本文根据积分上限函数的性质利用微分中值定理证明了积分第一中值定理,用改进的介值定理证明了ξ∈(a,b),并推广了积分第一中值定理。  相似文献   
推进产业结构的高级化,是实现新疆产业升级、经济发展方式转变的必然选择。新疆的产业结构经过调整,表现出明显的向高级化演变的趋势,与产业结构演变的一般趋势基本一致。但是,新疆在产业结构高级化过程中还存在很多问题,与转变经济发展方式的要求不相符。针对这些问题,提出了推进产业结构高级化,促进经济发展方式转变的路径。  相似文献   
安功  李永亮 《物流技术》2011,(9):217-220
以军地一体化应急物流体系的概念和内涵为逻辑起点,研究了构建和完善军地一体化应急物流体系的必要性、可行性以及构建和完善军地一体化应急物流体系面临的问题,并对加强我国应急物流保障机制和保障体制的发展提出了相应的对策措施。  相似文献   
黄丹  龚炎长  任丹 《价值工程》2011,30(20):227-228
农科类全日制专业学位教育是培养高层次农业技术专门人才的一种新学制和新途径。教育部自2009年起,扩大招收以应届本科毕业生为主的全日制硕士专业学位范围,以提高专业学位研究生在研究生教育中的比例。本文从农科类全日制专业学位研究生产生的背景、面临的挑战以及应对办法等方面探索农科类全日制专业学位研究生培养模式。  相似文献   
"十四五"时期将加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局.扩大内需是构建新发展格局的战略基点,而促进消费是扩大内需的关键,但我国居民消费不足的问题一直存在.在此背景下,本文以中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据为基础,从微观视角实证考察了收入不平等对家庭消费的影响,并探讨了公共转移收入在二者关系中的调节效应,研究发现:收入不平等对家庭消费存在一定程度的负向影响,这一负向影响主要存在于中低收入家庭中;公共转移收入缓解了上述负向影响,公共转移占家庭可支配收入的比重越高则正向调节效应越强,但并不是在各个收入组中均显著;而获得公共转移对不同收入水平的家庭均能发挥显著的正向调节作用.  相似文献   
许多企业在采购时,常常将整笔业务拆分为两个合同:较大的第一合同和较小的第二合同,通过分批二级价格封闭式招标来选择不同的供应商供货。本文通过建立分批招标模型分析了供应商的投标策略和买方的采购策略,得出了当参加第一合同竞标的供应商数目和第二合同新引入的供应商数目满足一个不等式时,拆分招标的采购成本小于整体招标的采购成本,并且指出了拆分比例对拆分招标的采购成本的影响。  相似文献   
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